Biographical Sketch of Joseph Benson Cobb

Joseph B. Cobb was born in East Tennessee, February 21, 1863, the son of Joseph Benson Cobb and Evelyn Clingan, daughter of Aleck Clingan. Joseph’s parents came to this nation in 1870, and settled on Grand River. The young man was sent to school in the Coowescowee district, and afterward completed his education at the Tahlequah Male Academy in 1881. In August 1891, he was elected member of the lower house to represent Coowescowee district, which office he is holding at present. Mr. Cobb has 300 acres of good land in cultivation on the west side of Grand River, besides a herd of cattle and some horses. He is a fine-looking man, tall and well built, and has an excellent reputation in his country. Mr. Cobb is unmarried, and his parents are still living.


Biography, Cherokee,

Indian Territory,

O'Beirne, Harry F. and Edward S. The Indian Territory: Its Chiefs, Legislators, and Leading Men. St. Louis. 1898.

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