Biographical Sketch of Joel Lindsey Baugh

Joel Lindsey Baugh is the son of John Harvey Lindsey, of Alabama, and Charlotte Bryan, a Cherokee. He was born January 8, 1858, in Coowescowee district, and was educated at the Tahlequah Male Seminary. Quitting this institution in 1876, he began teaching, and taught at the following points: Hickory Grove, Bryan Chapel, Silver Lake and Cave Spring. He was appointed chairman of the committee on building a colored high school, in 1889, and was elected to the senate in August 1891. Mr. Bough abandoned school teaching in 1880, and in August 1888, married Dollie Markham, daughter of J. W. Markham, of Saline district. By this marriage he has one daughter, Charlotte, aged two years. Mr. Baugh has been merchandising for some time, and is owner of a stock of cattle. He is a gentleman of pleasing appearance and good address, with considerable force of character. From the hour of his entry to the senate he took such an active part in the important measures of the day that he was immediately recognized as a leader, and will, in all probability, rise to great eminence as a politician. Mr. Baugh is five feet eleven inches in height, and weighs 150 pounds. He resides at Chouteau, on the Missouri, Kansas & Texas Railroad.


Indian Territory,

O'Beirne, Harry F. and Edward S. The Indian Territory: Its Chiefs, Legislators, and Leading Men. St. Louis. 1898.

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