Biographical Sketch of Hugh Montgomery Adair

Hugh M. Adair is the son of Walter Scott Adair and Nancy Harris, daughter of Captain Harris, who had charge of the emigration party from the Dahlonega region in 1839. Hugh was born January 30, 1840, in Flint district, and went to neighborhood school until 1855, and later to Tahlequah Male Seminary until that institution closed in 1857. Soon afterward he entered Cane Hill College, and there remained two years. In 1859 Mr. Adair taught school until the outbreak of the war, when he joined Stand Watie’s regiment and served until discharged by the medical faculty in 1862. He next moved to Rusk County, Texas, with his mother and brothers, and in 1866 married Miss E. J. Hurst, daughter of W. W. Hurst, by whom he has three children, E. H., James W., and Mary Luella. Returning to Flint district in 1866, Mr. Adair commenced school teaching, and pursued that avocation until 1889. His wife dying, he married Miss Martha Johnson in 1880, by which he has one child, Timothy Meigs. On the death of his second wife, Mr. Adair married Mrs. Phoebe Morris, in 1884. For some years Mr. Adair has devoted much time to farming. He is the owner of a farm containing 90 acres in cultivation and a small herd of cattle, hogs, etc. On November 16, 1891, he was appointed editor of the Cherokee Advocate, the national organ of the Cherokees, which office he will hold for two years. Mr. Adair is a quiet, unassuming gentleman, kind-hearted and benevolent, and possessed of a sound and thorough education. He will, no doubt, render the Advocate a most interesting publication and add to its circulation.


Biography, Cherokee,

Indian Territory,

O'Beirne, Harry F. and Edward S. The Indian Territory: Its Chiefs, Legislators, and Leading Men. St. Louis. 1898.

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