Biographical Sketch of Arthur F. Adair

Arthur F. Adair was born August 28, 1858, at Mayesville, Cherokee Nation, son of John L. Adair and Mary J. Jeffreys. In early boyhood he was sent to the primary schools, and completed his education at the national male seminary, Tahlequah, about 1883. Arthur commenced life as a schoolteacher; receiving charge of the Blue Springs school, ten miles from the capital, which he taught for five months. After this he went to Webber’s Falls and taught the Prairie Grove School for ten months, which was followed up by two sessions spent likewise in the Coowescowee district institutions. The subject of our sketch then accepted a clerkship in the store of Messrs. Rasmus & French, but soon afterward was employed by Chief Bushyhead, through special act, to arrange the census rolls. In September 1885, Arthur Adair married Mollie E. Miller, daughter of Louis Miller, part Irish and Cherokee, by whom he had three children, only one of which is living, Arthur Lynch, seven months old. The eldest a little girl, two and a half years of age, unfortunately died of membranous croup. Mr. Adair after spending some time farming, taught several sessions in the Flint and Going Snake districts, and was appointed to the Tahlequah public school for ten months, and one re-appointed. For some time he has been connected with the firm of J. L. Adair & Son, being manager for his father who devotes little of his time to the business. Mr. Adair lives in the northeast end of Tahlequah, where he has a dwelling house and six acres of land. He is also owner of some very promising mineral claims, which with others are undeveloped. Mr. Adair like his father, is a gentleman of education and refinement, generous and liberal, and in consequence is popular with everybody.


Biography, Cherokee,

Indian Territory,

O'Beirne, Harry F. and Edward S. The Indian Territory: Its Chiefs, Legislators, and Leading Men. St. Louis. 1898.

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