Biographical Sketch of Henry Rust

HENRY RUST. – This gentleman, who has a great reputation for energy, was born in Germany in 1835. He came to America in 1860, and almost immediately entered the Union army. He fought as a private in the battle of Bull Run, and was in the subsequent campaigns before Richmond, and in the severe experiences of the peninsula. Being severely wounded in 1862, he took a long furlough, yet re-entered the service and became a captain in the commissary department. After the war he went to Virginia City, Montana, mining, and in 1867 came to Clarksville, Baker county, Oregon, and established the first brewery. After two years of this business, he took a tour for his health to South America, and upon his return took up a more stable life, marrying, and also erecting the Pacific Brewery at Baker City in 1870. This was early times for that place; and there were then but some eight hundred inhabitants, and but one substantial building in that city. Since coming there Mr. Rust has occupied a prominent position on the city council, having been president of the board in 1884. He is a Republican in politics, and a prominent member of the Grand Army of the Republic.

Among his efforts calculated to benefit the county is his artesian well sunk through gravel, clay, sand and sandstone at a cost of some five thousand dollars, being the first in Eastern Oregon. The chief resource of that place is believed by our subject to consist of its great tributary mines; and a population of ten thousand is confidently expected soon.


Biography, Civil War,

History of the Pacific Northwest Oregon and Washington. 2 v. Portland, Oregon: North Pacific History Company. 1889.

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