John Blair

Last Updated on November 14, 2012 by

Note: I copy now from “Thirty Years in the United State Senate” by Thomas H. Benton, then Senator from Missouri. John Blair was elected to Congress from the First District of Tennessee in the year 1826, as also was John Bell, David Crockett and James K. Polk. In 1828, the same gentlemen with others serves as Representatives from this said State; also in the year 1831, and voted against the renewing of the charter of the Bank of the United States; Blair, Bell, Crockett and Polk were again elected in 1833-this was Blair’s and Crockett’s last term. Blair went to Missouri, and afterwards became Representative from that State for several years, and then United States Senator. he died in Missouri and left quite a posterity there. The history of Missouri would not be complete without the history of John Blair, nor would that of Tennessee without the history of Bell and the same Blair.-F.D. Love-

Blair, Love,


Partridge, Dennis N. Love Family Genealogy. Web. © 2001.

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