Biography of William Henry McClung

Last Updated on November 13, 2012 by Dennis

William Henry McClung, son of Charles and Mary McClung, was born in what is now Jamesport township, this county, February 20, 1842. When he was five years old his parents removed to Greenbrier county, Virginia, where young McClung was reared a farmer, and attended the schools held an the log school houses prevalent in that portion of the country. The learning he thus acquired was meager, attending only one year, but he has by observation and study, since obtained a good business education.

When he left home it was to become a soldier in the Confederate army, enlisting in the Greenbrier Cavalry in March, 1862, and served during the war in several divisions, the last being that commanded by Gen. William H. F. Lee. His regiment was among the troops surrendered at Appomattox, by Gen. Robert E. Lee. He arrived home about the first of May, 1865, and remained upon the old homestead with his mother until March 20, 1868, when he started for Missouri, arriving at Jamesport, this county, April 9, of the same year.

He worked as a farm hand in that vicinity until the first of March, 1872, when he went to Jameson, and was employed as a clerk in the dry goods store of Threlkeld & Tucker, remaining in their employ until September, 1873, when he came to Gallatin and was employed in the mercantile house of Benton Miller, holding his position until March, 1875. In the following April he entered into partnership with D. Harfield Davis, under the firm name of Davis & McClung, and engaged in the drug business, from. which he retired after one year, because of poor health, and again pursued the avocation of the farmer. In 1879 he was employed as salesman by J. H.. Stucker, of Jameson, and remained with him up to September, 1881, when he accepted his present position in Etter’s branch house, at Gallatin.

On the 24th of September, 1874, Mr. McClung married Miss Maggie J. Prichard, of Jameson. By this union they have two children, Oscar Boyd; and Maud. Mr. McClung is a member of the Presbyterian Church, and Mrs. McClung is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church South. He-is a member of Lewisburg Lodge No. 49, A. F. & A. M., of Lewisburg, Virginia; of Jameson Lodge No. 395, I. O. O. F.; and of Banner- Encampment No. 90, I. O. O. F., of Gallatin.


The History of Daviess County, Missouri. Daviess County, Missouri: Birdsall & Dean. 1882.

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