Biography of James Scott Cummings, M. D.

James Scott Cummings, M. D. A former president of the State Board of Health, a member of the Legislature, and otherwise prominent in local and state affairs, Doctor Cummings is a pioneer physician of Bronson in Bourbon County, and both through his profession and as a citizen he had found many ways in which to make his career count for benefit to his community. Doctor Cummings represents a pioneer family in Southeastern Kansas. He was born in Parke County, Indiana, June 8, 1851. His Cummings ancestors were emigrants from the North of Ireland to Virginia in colonial times. Doctor Cummings … Read more

Establishment of Fort Gibson in 1824

Fort Gibson in 1875

By Act of Congress of March 2, 1819, Arkansas Territory was established July 4, embracing substantially all of what are now the states of Arkansas and Oklahoma; though the civil government of Arkansas Territory was limited to that section lying east of the Osage line, divided into counties, and embracing approximately the present state of Arkansas. That west of the Osage line was the Indian country, and in later years became known as Indian Territory. James Miller of New Hampshire was appointed the first Governor of Arkansas Territory, and among the duties of his office was that of supervision of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Robert Y. Miller

Robert Y. Miller, senior member of the above firm, was born in Greenbrier county, Virginia, June 27, 1838. He is the son of Robert and Rachel Miller, natives of the State of Virginia. He came, with his parents, at the age of two years, to Daviess county, and was reared and educated here. He began life on his own account as a farmer and subsequently kept hotel in Jamesport for a period of three years. Mr. Miller was married in this county, December 31, 1863, to Miss Elizabeth E., daughter of Richard and Ann Hill, natives of Pocahontas county, Virginia. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Joseph Caraway

Joseph Caraway is a native of Greenbrier county, Virginia, and was born October 18, 1811. He was reared in the county of his birth and educated in the common schools of Virginia. In 1837 he left Virginia and traveled on horse-back to Vermillion county, Illinois, and after taking a rest there of two years, rode on to this county and entered the land where he now lives in 1839. He pitched his tent for once and all, and has never moved, except out of his first log cabin into his present dwelling, since 1839, or before he was married, and … Read more

Biography of James W. Miller

Was born near Staunton, Augusta county, Virginia, May 14, 1823, where he lived with his parents, George M. and Margaret A. Miller, until his fourteenth year. He received a common school education, having attended the early subscription schools of his native county. Leaving home in 1836, he went to Lexington, Rockbridge county, Virginia, where he was employed as a clerk in the store of Moore & McCue, remaining with them until 1840, when he was employed in the same capacity by Samuel B. Finley, of the same place. From Lexington he went to Charlottesville, Virginia, in 1842, and accepted a … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Allen Thomas Brown

Allen Thomas Brown was born in Greenbrier county, Virginia, May 22, 1850. When eight years old he came with his parents to Cass county this state, where the family settled and lived till 1863, when they again moved and settled in Daviess county. He therefore received his education partly in Cass and partly in this county. Arriving at an age to ” shift for himself” he began farming for a livelihood and continued the same till 1880, when he moved to Jamesport, where he has since been engaged in the restaurant and confectionery business. In April, 1881, he was elected … Read more

Biography of William Henry McClung

William Henry McClung, son of Charles and Mary McClung, was born in what is now Jamesport township, this county, February 20, 1842. When he was five years old his parents removed to Greenbrier county, Virginia, where young McClung was reared a farmer, and attended the schools held an the log school houses prevalent in that portion of the country. The learning he thus acquired was meager, attending only one year, but he has by observation and study, since obtained a good business education. When he left home it was to become a soldier in the Confederate army, enlisting in the … Read more