Biography of De Wilton Timberman, M. D.

Last Updated on August 8, 2012 by

Dr. De Wilton Timberman, a physician and surgeon of St. Louis, was born May 1, 1888. His father, William J. Timberman, was a native of Hannibal, Missouri, and a son of James R. Timberman, who became one of the early settlers of this state living at different periods in Hannibal, Kansas City, and St. Louis. He was a native of Ohio and belonged to one of the old American families of Dutch descent that has been represented in the United States since 1722. William J. Timberman was reared and educated in Missouri and for eighteen years has successfully engaged in the brokerage business in St. Louis. He married Tillie Genevieve Spore, who was born in New York city and is a representative of a Kentucky family of French origin. Her father was a Civil war veteran, serving as a commissioned officer in the Confederate army. Mrs. Timberman passed away February 1, 1920, in St. Louis, at the age of fifty-five years. She had a family of three sons and two daughters.

Dr. Timberman, the eldest son and third child, acquired his education in public and private schools of St. Louis and in the National University, from which he was graduated in the spring of 1916, the M. D. and B. S. degrees being at that time conferred upon him. He had previously taken up the work of the ministry, becoming an ordained preacher of the Christian church and he devoted his life to teaching from 1910 until 1919.

When the country called for the support of her loyal sons in connection with the World war, Dr. Timberman enlisted on the 13th of December, 1917, in the Medical Reserve Corps and became a lieutenant of the Three Hundred and Fortieth Field Hospital at Camp Custer. He saw active service in France from July, 1918, until July, 1919, being on duty with the Three Hundred and Fortieth Field Hospital, with the Twelfth Engineers, and with Evacuation Hospital No. 1, and as assistant to the chief surgeon, Colonel Thomas Reynolds and Colonel Casper. He was promoted to the rank of Captain in April, 1919, and in the following July received his honorable discharge. He is now connected with the Medical Reserve Corps.

In St. Louis, in October, 1916, was celebrated the marriage of Dr. Timberman and Miss Minnie Hawkins, who was born in Rolla, Missouri, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Hawkins, who belonged to well known old families of Rolla. Her father is now deceased. Dr. and Mrs. Timberman have two children: De Wilton, Jr., who was born in St. Louis, August 4, 1917; and Marguerite Elizabeth, born in October, 1918, at Rolla, Missouri.

Politically Dr. Timberman is a republican, having supported the party since age conferred upon him the right of franchise and he has been at all times very active in local politics. He is a member of Ferguson Lodge, No. 542, A. F. & A. M.; has also taken the degrees in Missouri Chapter, R. A. M.; in Hiram Council, R. & F. M.; and the St. Aldemar Commandery, No. 18, K. T. He is likewise a member of Alhambra Grotto, and is affiliated with Anchor Lodge, No. 322, I. O. O. F., Washington Lodge, No. 113, K. P. and the Elks Lodge. His religious faith is manifest in his connection with the Union Avenue Christian church. His life has ever been guided by high and honorable principles and his labors have been a potent force for good along many lines. He is now concentrating his efforts and attention upon medical practice and his constantly broadening knowledge is a basis of increased skill and efficiency in his profession.


St. Louis Missouri,

Stevens, Walter B. Centennial History of Missouri (The Center State) One Hundred Years In The Union 1820-1921 Vol 6. St. Louis-Chicago: The S.J. Clarke Publishing Company. 1921.

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