Biography of David M. Young

Last Updated on February 18, 2013 by

One of the worthy pioneers who have labored for the development and progress of the western country is named at the head of this article and it is with pleasure that we are enabled to accord to him a representation in this volume that chronicles the history of our county, since he has been instrumental in building up the same and while so doing as well as heretofore he has manifested remarkable sagacity and energy together with other ability, while his integrity and moral qualities have shown throughout.

David M. was born on October 15, 1843, in Harrison County, Missouri, being the son of John and Mary A. (Underwood) Young. He remained with his parents from that date until 1865, receiving a good education from the common schools, and gaining invigorating exercise from the farm, walking the path of the dutiful and obedient son. At the date last named his adventurous spirit led him to turn that wound its weary course across the plains and over the mountains, landing them at last in the Willamette valley, having completed the entire journey without serious accident and in seven months. The next eight months were consumed in working on a farm near Portland. In 1868 our subject left the Willamette valley and repaired to the Grande Ronde valley, where he followed farming and stock raising most of the time until 1888, then came to his present home six miles northwest from Enterprise. He selected a piece of land and entered a government right and settled down to build a home, manifesting faithfulness, industry and thrift, and he has wrought out an excellent farm, well improved with good buildings and fences and so forth. It is supplied with abundance of water and he has excellent crops as reward for his industry. He also owns a large band of cattle and horses. Mr. Young displays the interest of the intelligent and enterprising citizen in educational affairs and in the political matters of the county.

David M. Young and Julia, daughter of James and Mary Parker, were married in January, 1877, and they have become the parents of the following children: Elmer: Mary L., wife of Lem Graham, near paradise: Dora E.: Arlie: Francis: Ray, deceased: Ida: Curtis: and earl. Mrs. Young’s parents were among the earliest pioneers of the state and now reside in the Grande Ronde valley. Mr. Young is a member of the I.O.O.F. Lodge No. 153, of Enterprise. He is one of the citizens of Wallowa county who have wrought nobly here for the advancement of the interests of all, and there is none who stands better in the esteem and respect of his fellows than the subject of this sketch, whose integrity, uprightness, sound principles and sagacity have led him in the path of the typical citizen and the true and noble man.



An Illustrated history of Union and Wallowa Counties: with a brief outline of the early history of the state of Oregon. Western Historical Pub. Co., 1902.

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