Biography of Charles G. Cobb

Charles G. Cobb, assistant farm loan officer with the Mississippi Valley Trust Company of St. Louis, was born June 24, 1885, in the city which is still his home, and is a son of Frank and Emma (Chapman) Cobb, the latter a native of Dunnville, Canada. The father, who was born in Chicago, was for many years prominent in business in St. Louis as a wholesale manufacturing jeweler, being a partner in the firm of Kennedy & Cobb, which business is still carried on, although the father has passed away.

Charles G. Cobb, an only child, was educated in St. Alphonsus parochial school of St. Louis and in the Jones & Henderson Business College, thus qualifying for life’s practical and responsible duties. In 1903 he became connected with the Mississippi Valley Automobile Company and in 1904 became bookkeeper in the Vandeventer Bank, a position which he occupied for several years. He was next employed by the Commonwealth Trust Company of St. Louis, which afterward was consolidated with the American Trust Company. He continued with the latter until September, 1917, when he entered the employ of the Mississippi Valley Trust Company and is now occupying the responsible position of assistant farm loan officer. His advancement and his success are largely due to his keen analysis of business conditions. He is an excellent judge of human nature and possesses mental flexibility. He has always given his attention to financial matters, as related to banks and trust companies, and he is now an instructor in the School of Commerce and Finance at the St. Louis University.

Mr. Cobb is a member of the Cathedral parish of the Roman Catholic church. He belongs to the St. Louis Apollo Club and is a lover of music, in which he chiefly finds his diversion. He also enjoys both football and golf. He has made very rapid advancement in banking circles and is still a young man whose future career, judged by past accomplishments, will be well worth watching.



St. Louis Missouri,

Stevens, Walter B. Centennial History of Missouri (The Center State) One Hundred Years In The Union 1820-1921 Vol 6. St. Louis-Chicago: The S.J. Clarke Publishing Company. 1921.

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