Biography of Andrew P. Miller

ANDREW P. MILLER, one of the early pioneers of Douglas County, and son of Dobson Miller (see sketch of Dr. H. M. Miller and J. W. Miller, of Ava), came originally from Tennessee, his birth occurring in Roane County, that State, May 26, 1833. He was about twenty-one years of age when he left the State where he had received his education, and made his way to Missouri, where he has since followed farming. In the year 1862 he enlisted in Company B, of the Home Guards, but about a year later he enlisted in the Missouri State Militia, and served ninety days. After that he enlisted in the Rangers, and served throughout the war, being discharged in 1865. He was in a number of fights and skirmishes with bushwhackers in the mountain regions of south Missouri, and was disabled by hardship, so that he still suffers from complaints contracted during that memorable time. He served his flag well, and was a good and brave soldier. In 1867 he bought the farm where he now resides, and has 120 acres of well-improved land. He has made a success of farming, and is also a successful stockman. In politics he affiliates with the Republican party, and is an active worker for his party. Mr. Miller is deeply interested in educational matters, and for nine years has been director in his district. Socially he is an Odd Fellow, being a member of the order at Ava.

While a resident of Tennessee he was married to Miss Mary J. Brazeale, a native of Tennessee, born September 18, 1838, and the daughter of Robert H. and Anna (McCamma) Brazeale, both natives of that State. Mrs. Brazeale died in Christian County, Missouri, in 1863, and Mr. Brazeale in Arkansas in 1867. Mr. and Mrs. Miller are useful citizens, and take a deep interest in politics and all other public matters. They have experienced the trials and privations of pioneer life, and have contributed their share toward the county’s advancement. No better citizens reside in the county.


Biography, Civil War,

A Reminiscent History of the Ozark Region: comprising a condensed general history, a brief descriptive history of each county, and numerous biographical sketches of prominent citizens of such counties. Chicago: Goodspeed Brothers Publishers. 1894.

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