Biographical Sketch of George Tuggle

The subject of this sketch, George Tuggle, is a native of Daviess county, and was born September 19, 1848. He lived with his parents on the farm until he reached his fifteenth year, when the spirit of adventure taking possession of him, he ran away from home and started out to seek his fortune in the wild West Denver, Colorado, was to be his destination, but before reaching the boundary line of that great mineral State, the wagon-train which he accompanied became snow-bound and was forced to abandon the trip. Nothing daunted at this disastrous turn of affairs, George bravely faced about and journeyed homeward from Nebraska City, Nebraska, on foot, and thus brought to an end his thoughts of a life in that country. He received an elementary education in the public schools of Monroe township, supplemented by an attendance at the district school at Barnesville, Clinton county, for one year, and completed by a four years course in the Westminster College, at Fulton, Missouri, graduating in 1874 from the scientific department.

Returning home he devoted his energies to work upon the farm in summer and teaching school in winter, until the spring of 1876. In this last mentioned year Mr. Tuggle was appointed deputy county clerk by John P. Smith, remaining during that gentleman’s term of office, and was appointed to the same position by his successor, P. R. Dunn, January 1, 1879, and still holds that position, and by his courteous demeanor and prompt attention, gives general satisfaction to all.

Mr. Tuggle was united in marriage to Miss Emma R. Davis, of Fulton, Missouri, May 4, 1876. They have one child, Virgil K., born at Gallatin, March 1, 1877. Mr. Tuggle became a Master Mason in the Breckinridge Lodge No. 334, A. F. & A. M., and is now a member of the Gallatin Lodge No. 106.



The History of Daviess County, Missouri. Daviess County, Missouri: Birdsall & Dean. 1882.

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