Biography of Dr. W. A. Copeland

DR. W. A. COPELAND. Fortunate as it is in its older physicians, Reynolds County is no less fortunate in the bright galaxy of younger physicians and surgeons, who, during the past few years, have made a reputation for themselves and added luster to the professional status of the county and State. One of the best known of the latter class is Dr. W. A. Copeland, of Barnesville, who was born on Logan Creek November 24, 1858, son of William Copeland. The Doctor grew up on the old home farm, attending the early subscription school and the district school, and made … Read more

Biography of M. L. Copeland

M. L. COPELAND. The subject of this sketch is one who has built, by years of industry and good management, a business that is recognized as being one of the best of its kind in this section, a credit to Reynolds County. Mr. Copeland is a man who possesses the inherent qualities requisite to commercial success, in a very high degree, and in his chosen calling has attained an enviable position among his compeers. He is a prominent merchant at Barnesville, and was born in Reynolds County, Missouri, December 24, 1855, to the marriage of William and Elizabeth (Ellington) Copeland. … Read more

Biography of Thomas S. Barnes

THOMAS S. BARNES, merchant and farmer of Barnesville, Reynolds County, Missouri, and one of the representative men of the county, was born January 11, 1835, in Wilkes County, N. C. His father, Thomas Barnes, was born in North Carolina, but his grandfather, Edward Barnes, although born in the United States, was of Irish parentage, his father and mother coming to America prior to the Revolutionary War. Thomas Barnes, father of subject, was reared and married in his native State and there remained until about 1835, when he started for the West, coming through by wagon. He brought his family and … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George Tuggle

The subject of this sketch, George Tuggle, is a native of Daviess county, and was born September 19, 1848. He lived with his parents on the farm until he reached his fifteenth year, when the spirit of adventure taking possession of him, he ran away from home and started out to seek his fortune in the wild West Denver, Colorado, was to be his destination, but before reaching the boundary line of that great mineral State, the wagon-train which he accompanied became snow-bound and was forced to abandon the trip. Nothing daunted at this disastrous turn of affairs, George bravely faced … Read more

Biography of Dr. John H. Moore

DR. JOHN H. MOORE, who has made his home in this county for a number of years, came originally from St. Francois County, Missouri, where his birth occurred on the 27th of January, 1838. His father, Dr. Robert Moore, who was a practicing physician in Iron and St. Francois Counties, Missouri, for years, died in the former county in 1854. He was born in Smith County, Tennessee, in 1807, and was a son of Armstead Moore, who was of Irish parentage. The father of our subject began the practice of medicine when twenty-one years of age, and about the year … Read more