Biography of Herbert G. Tureman, M. D.

Dr. Herbert G. Tureman one of the most prominent physicians of Kansas City, enjoying a large practice, specializes on the treatment of diseases of the ear, nose, throat and chest. He has made steady progress in his profession and holds to the highest standards in his practice at all times. Missouri numbers him among her native sons for his birth occurred in Callaway county, January 17, 1875, his parents being Robert W. and Sally (Flood) Tureman, who were also natives of Callaway county. The father has devoted his life to financial interests and was an officer of the First National … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Col. John Smith

Col. John Smith, of the revolutionary war, lived in Franklin County, Virginia, here he married Frances Burk by whom he had William, Stephen, John, Wyatt, Henry, Susan, Mary, and Frances William married Elizabeth Ferguson, of Virginia, by whom he had Samuel, Thomas, Stephen, William H., Mary, Frances, Susan, Martha, Elizabeth, Sarah P., and Julia. Mary married Keincol C. Gilbert, who settled in Callaway County. Frances married Colonel Peter Booth of Kentucky: Susan married Colonel F. A. Hancock, who settled in Alabama. Martha married Thomas J. Holland, who settled in Montgomery County in 1832. He represented the County in the State … Read more

Young, J.D. – Obituary

J.D. Young, 26, of Apache Flats, Mo., a former Baker County resident, died May 30, 2001, in Callaway County, Mo., as a result of a motor vehicle accident. His funeral was Sunday at the Dulle-Trimble Funeral Home at Jefferson City, Mo. Burial was in Hawthorn Memorial Gardens. Mr. Young was born on Sept. 8, 1974, at Las Vegas, Nev., to Jack Doil Young and Waynese Marie Moore Weston of Fulton. He attended elementary school at Halfway and at Brooklyn and South Baker schools in Baker City. He was a 1993 graduate of South Callaway High School in Missouri and worked … Read more

Biography of Benjamin H. Charles

Benjamin H. Charles, who enjoys the reputation of being one of the leading municipal bond lawyers in the United States and who in the practice of his profession is accorded an extensive clientage in St. Louis, where he makes his home, was born at Chester, Illinois, April 26, 1866, his parents being Benjamin H. and Achsah Susan (Holmes) Charles. The father was a Presbyterian minister of note who led a very active life. He was a man of positive character and high ideals and at different periods acceptably served as pastor of churches in Kentucky, Illinois and Missouri. He was … Read more

Missouri Atlases and Plat Books

Sample Missouri Plat Book closeup

198 online plat books and atlases organized by county and ordered by date for the State of Missouri. At the bottom of the page are two items that can help you use these documents in your genealogy research. The first is a blog post Plat Books Revealed: Mapping Generations of History and the second a video where Ben Clark explains what plat maps are used for, how to navigate them, and pulls out a few interesting stories from them.

Biography of Abraham Snethen

Abraham Snethen and his wife, Elizabeth Stewart, were natives of Germany. They emigrated to America and settled in New Jersey, where they had eleven children, of whom the names of only seven are now remembered. They were William, John, Reuben, Polly, Lydia, Elizabeth, and Margaret. William married and settled in Kentucky in 1792, and in 1810 he removed to Ohio, where he lost his wife. He then started to return to New Jersey, but died of cholera, at Hagerstown, Md. John was born in March, 1789, and when he was eight years old his mother died. He was then bound … Read more

Biography of Hugh Logan

Hugh Logan was born in Ireland. At the age of fourteen years he had a difficulty with his father, and ran away from home and went to sea. He followed the life of a sailor for three years, and then landed at Philadelphia, and made his way from there to Kentucky, during the first settlement of that State. He married Rebecca Bryan, a sister of Jonathan, David and Henry Bryan, who had been raised by her aunt, Mrs. Daniel Boone; her mother having died while she was young. Their children were William, Alexander, Hugh, Jr., Henry (called “Boss”) and Mary … Read more

Cowles, Maudetta – Obituary

At Centerville, Washington, June 7, 1899, at the residence of her aunt, Mrs. Smith, Miss Maudetta Cowles of this place. Miss Cowles was born in Auxvasse, Callaway Co. Missouri, on March 21, 1877, and was twenty-two years, two months and nineteen days of age at the time of her death. She was the daughter of N.P. and Sarah Cowles. Her mother died when Maudetta was at the tender age of ten years and shortly afterwards she came to Oregon and made her home with her uncles and aunts Mr. and Mrs. E.P. McDaniel and Mr. and Mrs. John Smith. For … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Presley Anderson

Presley Anderson and his wife, Elizabeth Steele, settled in Montgomery Co., Ky., in 1779. Their children were John A. S., James, William, Presley, Jr., Lucy, and Eliza. John A. S., better known as Captain Jack, was a remarkable man in his day, and is well remembered by the old citizens of Montgomery and Callaway counties. We give his history elsewhere. Presley, Jr., married Euphemia Jones, of Tennessee, and settled first in Warren Co., Mo., in 1814, from whence he removed to Montgomery County in 1817, and settled near Brush creek. He brought his family to Missouri on pack-horses, and they … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Wilburn K. Nation

Wilburn K. Nation was born near Lexington, Kentucky, July 1, 1817. His father was a native of South Carolina. When he was a child his parents moved to Claiborne county, Tennessee, and in 1833 to Callaway county, Missouri, and in 1835 to this county. He participated in driving out the Mormons from this county, and was at the battle of Honn’s Mill, in Caldwell county. Mr. Nation was united in marriage, November 8, 1841, to Miss Nancy Tarwater, who was born September 23, 1818, and is the daughter of John Tarwater, who was the third white man that settled in … Read more

Biography of Fenton M. Slaughter

Fenton M. Slaughter is one of the well-known and prominent men of San Bernardino County. A brief review of his life is one of interest in the annals of Southern California. Mr. Slaughter was born January 10, 1826, a descendant from an old colonial family of Virginia, who emigrated from England in 1616. His father, Robin Lewis Slaughter, was born in Culpeper County, Virginia, April 25, 1779, the son of Robin and Ann Slaughter. October 25, 1803, he married Miss Elizabeth Gillem, a native of Rockbridge County, Virginia. He died in 1834, leaving a family of eleven children for his … Read more

Steers, Sadie – Obituary

Elgin, Union County, Oregon Funeral Services for Sadie Steers to be Saturday Funeral services for Mrs. Sadie Steers will be held Saturday, July 5, at 2 PM, at the Elgin Church of the Nazarene. Mrs. Steers died Tuesday at a La Grande hospital at the age of 89. She had been in failing health for a number of years, but was able to care for her personal needs very well up until she was taken to the hospital June 18. Interment will be in the Summerville cemetery. Rev. Volney Johnson will be in charge of services at the church here, … Read more

Biography of A. O. Harrison

A. O. Harrison, a member of an old and honored family that has figured prominently on the pages of American history, is a leading representative of the Bartlesville bar and is now capably filling the office of city attorney. A native of Missouri, he was born in Callaway County, September 25, 1871, his parents being Jilson Payne and Catherine (Bernard) Harrison, the former a native of Kentucky, while the latter was born in Virginia. In the paternal line the ancestry is traced back to General William Henry Harrison, known as “Tippecanoe,” who won fame in the Indian wars of 1812. … Read more

Biography of Jebez Ham

Jabez Ham, brother of John, was born in Madison Co., Ky., in 1797, and came to Missouri in 1817. He had no education, was of a roving disposition, and did nothing for several years but hunt and fish. His mind was naturally bright, and if he had been educated he would have made a remarkable man. Rev. Aley Snethen and Lewis Jones taught him the alphabet and learned him to read, and in 1824 he began to preach, having united with the Old or Hard Shell Baptist Church. In 1826 he organized a church of that denomination on Loutre Creek, … Read more

Biography of William N. Collier

William N. Collier, one of the most prominent breeders of thoroughbred Hereford cattle in the United States, makes his home at Fulton and has extensive farm property in Callaway county, on which are found his fine herds. Mr. Collier was born in the Blue Grass state, his birth having occurred near Falmouth, in Pendleton county, Kentucky, February 13, 1876. He is a son of William A. and Oetavia (Wyatt) Collier, both of whom were natives of Kentucky, to which state their parents had removed from Virginia. When William N. Collier was a lad of five years his parents went to … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Nathaniel Maughs

Nathaniel Maughs was of Loudon County, Va. His children were David, William, John, Moses, Elijah, Stephen, Vinson, Mary, Sally, and Eli. Mr. Maughs removed from Virginia to Fleming County, Ky., and his children all came with him. David and William were Baptist preachers, and the former settled in Lincoln County, Mo. Elijah married .Mary Smith, by whom he had-Mordecai M., Milton M., Sophronia F., Lucinda S., Elijah C., Daniel M., and Mary S. V. Mr. Maughs died, and his widow married his brother Stephen, who settled in Montgomery County, Mo., in 1822. They had Jerry S. D. S., and George … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George Tuggle

The subject of this sketch, George Tuggle, is a native of Daviess county, and was born September 19, 1848. He lived with his parents on the farm until he reached his fifteenth year, when the spirit of adventure taking possession of him, he ran away from home and started out to seek his fortune in the wild West Denver, Colorado, was to be his destination, but before reaching the boundary line of that great mineral State, the wagon-train which he accompanied became snow-bound and was forced to abandon the trip. Nothing daunted at this disastrous turn of affairs, George bravely faced … Read more

Biography of Irving H. Boemer, M.D.

Dr. Irving H. Boemer, a St. Louis physician, with offices 1n the Metropolitan building, was born in St. Clair county, Illinois, September 13, 1889. His father, Henry Boemer, was also born in St. Clair county, while the paternal grandfather was a native of Germany. Henry Boemer is now living retired and makes his home in St. Louis. In early manhood he wedded Katherine Merod, who was born in St. Clair county and is a representative of an old French family. The marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Boemer was celebrated in 1887 and they became the parents of two eons … Read more

Biography of James Fulkerson

Fulkerson (This name in the native tongue, was Volkerson, but after the removal of the family to America they began to spell it as it is pronounced.) James Fulkerson, of Germany, came to America at an early date and settled in North Carolina. There he became acquainted with and married Mary VanHook, and subsequently removed to Washington Co., Va. The names of their children were Peter, James, John, Thomas, Abraham, Jacob, Isaac, William, Polly, Catharine, Hannah, and Mary. Peter married Margaret Craig, and they had Polly, Robert C., James, Benjamin F., Jacob, Peter, Jr., John W., Margaret, Rachel, David C., … Read more

Biography of Richard M. Duncan

RICHARD M. DUNCAN. – A representative man of Union county, and an agriculturist who has wrought for the general advancement and interest of the county since his residence here, which dates back to a very early pioneer period, the subject of this sketch is richly deserving a place in this volume that purports to accord a review to the leading men of this section. In Callaway, county, Missouri, Richard M. was born to Frederick and Elizabeth (Gibson) Duncan, on August 25, 1859. In 1864 the parents gathered their substance together and essayed the long journey across the wild plains to … Read more