Christopher, Peter – Obituary

East Oregonian, November 14, 1904

Peter Christopher, aged 69 years, died Sunday [November 13, 1904] at 10 p.m., on his farm, 12 miles northeast of Pendleton and five and a half miles west of Adams, from an obscure liver disease. There were present at the death, his children as follows: his sons, J. H., of Pullman, Wash., and I. A. of Adams; his daughters, Mrs. Amelia Davis, who lives four miles north of Pendleton, Mrs. Amanda Larson, of Pullman, Wash., and Miss Johanna, whose home has been with her father. Another daughter, Mrs. Eva Johnson of Seattle, could not be present.

Mr. Christopher was a native of Finland, but was raised in Norway and was married there. With his wife he came to Michigan in 1865, and from there to Umatilla County in 1877. Mr. and Mrs. Christopher resided from 1877 upon their Adams farm until Mrs. Christopher’s death, a year ago, and Mr. Christopher made his home there, with his youngest daughter, until his death.

Mr. Christopher was a Lutheran, and the funeral will be under the auspices of that church at the home, Wednesday next, and the interment will be in the cemetery west of Adams. [Greasewood Cemetery]

Contributed by: Shelli Steedman



Collection: United States Obituaries.

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