Planting, Gustav Wilhelm – Obituary

G. W. Planting, a well-known pioneer farmer of this section, died at 5 o’clock this morning at his home three miles west of Adams. The deceased was 66 years of age. Gustaf W. Planting was born in Finland, May 27, 1845. From Finland he came to Calumet, Mich., and after a residence of a few years moved west to Oregon. That was in 1877 and he was therefore among the early settlers in Umatilla County. The deceased leaves a wife, two brothers, one sister, and 11 children to mourn his death. The children are Walter, John, Arnold, Mrs. Isaac [Sophia … Read more

Nelson, David Henry – Obituary

David H. Nelson, 67, long prominent wheat grower of Umatilla County, and one of the first four in this county to use caterpillar-and-combine, died at 8 o’clock this morning [May 22, 1939] at his farm home. Death came without warning, his passing being due to a sudden attack of heart disease. Mr. Nelson was born in Finland, Nov. 30, 1872, and came to America in 1881 with his parents who settled in Duluth. He came westward in 1889 to Clatsop County and with the industry which was characteristic of him, worked as a life guard and fisherman at Astoria, where … Read more

Christopher, Peter – Obituary

East Oregonian, November 14, 1904 Peter Christopher, aged 69 years, died Sunday [November 13, 1904] at 10 p.m., on his farm, 12 miles northeast of Pendleton and five and a half miles west of Adams, from an obscure liver disease. There were present at the death, his children as follows: his sons, J. H., of Pullman, Wash., and I. A. of Adams; his daughters, Mrs. Amelia Davis, who lives four miles north of Pendleton, Mrs. Amanda Larson, of Pullman, Wash., and Miss Johanna, whose home has been with her father. Another daughter, Mrs. Eva Johnson of Seattle, could not be … Read more