Biographical Sketch of Eric Wold

Eric Wold who has been city engineer of Burlingame for the past four years and at present is also acting in the same capacity for the infant municipality of San Bruno, has been engaged in engineering work the greater part of his life. His college training and wide experience has splendidly fitted him for the important work that he is now doing; while Burlingame’s streets, the water system and other municipal improvements well bespeak Mr. Wold’s ability. Anxious to have their municipality profit from the same competent engineering that Burlingame did, the San Bruno citizens retained Mr. Wold. He is … Read more

Biography of Evan Evans

Evan Evans, a successful business man of Grangeville, came to this town in 1880 and for almost twenty years has been one of her enterprising and highly valued citizens, taking a deep interest in and giving aid to every measure and movement intended to promote the general welfare. He was born in Norway, February 5, 1855, and is of Norwegian ancestry. His parents were Andrew and Mary (Olson) Evans, successful farming people and respected members of the Lutheran church. The subject of this review acquired his education in his native country, and at the age of seventeen went to England, … Read more

Biography of Lewis Berland

One of the stanch and substantial citizens of Wallowa county, who has labored steadily for the up building of the community and the advancement of the interests of the county, the subject of this sketch stands today at the head of one of the leading industries of the section, and is a man in his life and walk such as to commend him to the esteem and confidence of all people of good judgment and sound principles. Mr. Berland has identified himself with his city and county in such manner that he is always found on the side of those … Read more

Bull, Rebecca Nelson Frisbee – Obituary

One of Kittitas County’s best beloved pioneers, Mrs. Rebecca N. Bull, passed away Saturday [April 4, 1936] at the Ellensburg General Hospital, following a short illness. She was 80 years of age and had been a resident of this community for almost 60 years, coming here shortly after the Indian uprising. She was a great conversationalist and with her wonderful memory and charming personality entertained her friends with the recounting of many episodes of the early days and her own experiences of pioneer life in this valley. Mrs. Bull was born in Norway, March 1, 1856, and came to America … Read more

Berland, Louis – Obituary

Enterprise, Wallowa County, Oregon Louis Berland, Wallowa county pioneer, died Sunday, April 9 at the home of his daughter, Louisa Day, in Enterprise. Berland was born in Norway, March 25, 1849. He came to the United States at the age of 16 with only 10 cents in his pocket. He worked as a cobbler for many years and while living in Rushford, Minn, he married Isabelle Gulickson. To this union eight children were born, five of whom survive. In 1891 he moved with his family to Paradise, Ore. In 1896 he moved to Enterprise where he owned a harness and shoe … Read more

Lunquist, August – Obituary

Enterprise, Wallowa County, Oregon Three Enterprise Boys Lose Lives In Battle Harry C. Beeson, Peter Bue and August Lunquist Give Lives in Service Of the Flag. Telegrams were received Saturday evening from the war department announcing the death of August Linquist and Harry C. Beeson and Peter Bue in action on the field of battle in France. They were all killed on the same day according to the telegram. Harry C. Beeson was the son of M.H. and Julia Beeson who live on the Chas. Bilyea farm near Enterprise. He was 23 years of age and was born in Wyoming. … Read more

Stackland, Alec – Obituary

Alec M. Stackland, 67, passed on at his home in Portland March 15 from the effects of a stroke of paralysis. He was the first of seven children the widowed mother brought from Norway in the nineties. After a short stay in New York, Kansas and La Grande, they bought a farm in Cove, where all except Alec, a house painter, and wife, who made Portland their home, and Mrs. Elida Miller and family, who made Union their home, have become householders and orchardists, enterprising and public spirited men and women. On the death of her husband, W. A. Prilliman, … Read more

Biography of Henry O. Valeur

Henry O. Valeur, architect and builder, of Muskogee, was born in Norway, April 30, 1882, a son of Alrik and Dorothy Valeur. He enjoyed liberal educational advantages, receiving his more advanced training in universities of Norway and of Germany, pursuing university studies in his native country for three years and in Germany for four years. In young manhood he went to sea, spending three years as a sailor, and it was subsequent to this time that he became a student in Germany, thus qualifying for important and responsible duties in life. It was with the belief that he would have … Read more

Grunden, Elof Arnson – Obituary

Elof A. Grunden, 75 years old and a resident of Ellensburg for nearly 50 years, passed away at his home here early Sunday morning February 11, 1934. Born in Norway, June 24, 1858, Mr. Grunden came to this county as a young man and had resided in this city much of the time since. In addition to his widow, Selma, he is survived by three daughters Mrs. Grant Nichols of Ellensburg, Mrs. Donald Dale of Portland, and Mrs. Elmer Tyson of Seattle, and by three sons, John of Toppenish and Alfred and Glenn of Ellensburg. Funeral services are to be … Read more

Christopher, Peter – Obituary

East Oregonian, November 14, 1904 Peter Christopher, aged 69 years, died Sunday [November 13, 1904] at 10 p.m., on his farm, 12 miles northeast of Pendleton and five and a half miles west of Adams, from an obscure liver disease. There were present at the death, his children as follows: his sons, J. H., of Pullman, Wash., and I. A. of Adams; his daughters, Mrs. Amelia Davis, who lives four miles north of Pendleton, Mrs. Amanda Larson, of Pullman, Wash., and Miss Johanna, whose home has been with her father. Another daughter, Mrs. Eva Johnson of Seattle, could not be … Read more

Biographical Sketch of O. F. Johnson

O. F. Johnson, Sheriff, was born in Norway. Came to America in 1850, and located in Wisconsin. Removed to Minnesota. Enlisted in the Union army, October 4, 1861, in Company K, Forty-sixth Illinois Volunteer Infantry; discharged February 14, 1866, when he returned to Freeport, Ill. Came to Jewell County, Kan., in 1870, and took a homestead in Vicksburg Township. Held office of Justice of the Peace in said township, being the first Justice of the Peace elected in the same; also held the office of Trustee for two terms. Was elected Sheriff of Jewell County in 1881, and now holds … Read more

Biography of William Kilde

No element in the complex personnel of our national commonwealth has had a more vitalizing and permeating influence than that contributed by the hardy sons of the Norseland. From the fair shores of Norway and Sweden, with their beautiful fjords and quaint cities, have come to the United States men and women of sturdy integrity, alert mentality and unflagging industry, and these have furnished to our country a most valuable order of citizenship. In the early settlement of Latah county, Idaho, there came to this part of the territory a number of the ambitious and industrious sons of Norway, who … Read more

Olson, Christian – Obituary

Medical Springs Pioneer Passes Christian Olson, 77, for 40 years a resident of the Medical Springs district, died at his home six miles north of that town Monday afternoon, the body was brought here. Funeral services were held at the West chapel at 2 p.m. Wednesday, interment was in the Mount Hope cemetery. Mr. Olson was born in Norway, March 2, 1850. He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Engeburg Olson, three daughters, Mrs. Solphia Phillips, Medical Springs; Elma Hickerson, Baker; Mrs. Christine Olson, Baker; Mrs. Emma Miles, Portland; two sons, Alfred and Chas. Olson of Baker. – Baker Herald. … Read more

Biography of Hon. Tannes E. Miller

Many interesting stories might be told by the early pioneers of Idaho, but it is not likely there are many men living in the state who could tell more stories, or stories of greater interest, than Senator Tannes E. Miller; and Senator Miller can go back of the pioneer days in Idaho and tell tales of the building and sailing of ships in Wisconsin and of pioneer life among the Indians. Senator Miller is one of Idaho’s most useful citizens and one of Latah county’s most prominent pioneers and most successful farmers. He has a model farm, which is located … Read more

Vass, Olga Mrs. – Obituary

Died-At Union, Ore., Tuesday, February 22, 1927, Olga, wife of John Vass, age 54 years, 11 month and 18 days. Mrs. Olga Vass, wife of John Vass, was born in Norway, Jan. 3, 1873. She came to the United States when a child with her parents, and lived in Nebraska until they moved to Oregon, where she was married to Chas. Anderson, from which union there was one son, C. M. Anderson, now living in Cambridge, Idaho. Later she married at The Dalles, Oregon, John Vass, some 18 years ago. She has lived at Union for the past three years, … Read more