Biographical Sketch of Charlie E. Amidon

This well known and representative farmer and stockman is a substantial and enterprising citizen of Malheur County, dwelling near Ontario, five and one-half miles southwest, where he has a fine farm of one hundred and eighty acres, well tilled and improved with buildings, orchards, and so forth in addition to which he owns one hundred acres of land in another place, besides other property. The birth of Mr. Amidon occurred at Flenn, Allegan County, Michigan in 1860, August 23, being the son of Edson and Electa (Tracy) Amidon. The father enlisted in Company B, Thirteenth Michigan in October, 1861. He was transferred to Sherman’s Army and was with that celebrity on the famous march to the sea. Before going, he was home on a furlough, on account of the measles. Upon his return to the army after his furlough he was promoted as corporal and he did valiant service in the battles of Chattanooga, Chickamauga, Atlanta, and many others as well as numerous skirmishes. He served until the last disloyal gun was silenced, and then received his honorable discharge, after four years of war toil.

Our subject was reared on a farm educated in the common schools and at the age of twelve went with his parents to Grand Island, Nebraska. Two years later the family returned to Wayne County, Michigan and from there he went to Flenn, his birthplace. He lumbered in the woods and in the spring of 1883 he went to Elgan, Illinois, from which place he returned to his home and prepared for the trip to Baker City, whither he came in 1884. From Baker City he came to Ontario which was then a side track and two buildings, then he worked at different occupations and raised some stock for a time. In the spring of 1892 he filed a desert claim on eighty acres where he lives now.

Mr. Amidon married Miss Martha J., daughter of Thomas and Mary J. Steele on December 30, 1896, and they have one child, Alva Tracy. Mrs. Amidon’s parents crossed the plains in 1877, from Arkansas and settled in Grant county, this state, where they died soon after. Mr. Amidon is a charter member of the A. O. U. W. and is a man of good standing among his fellows and respected by all who know him.



Whitman, Marcus. An Illustrated history of Baker, Grant, Malheur and Harney Counties: with a brief outline of the early history of the state of Oregon. Chicago: Western Historical Publishing Co., 1902, 871 pgs.

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