For two hundred and sixty and more years the family bearing the name of Howard has had a home in the Bridgewaters and the region of country thereabout, descendants in the main of
(I) John Haward, who with his brother James came to America from England and settled in Duxbury, Mass. James went to Bermuda, while John moved to the West parish of ancient Bridgewater, and became one of the first settlers of the town in 1651. The settlement in Bridgewater was the first interior settlement of the Old Colony, the grant of the plantation being made in 1645 while the actual settlement did not begin until 1651. The grant was made to Duxbury and the ancient or original town comprised what has since become the towns of Bridgewater, East Bridgewater, West Bridgewater and North Bridgewater (the latter now the city of Brockton), and contained land about seven miles square. This tract of land was purchased from the Indians by Capt. Miles Standish and fifty-three other original proprietors, among whom was John Haward, for the trifling sum of seven coats, nine hatchets, eight hoes, twenty knives, four moose-skins and ten and a half yards of cotton, the whole not exceeding thirty dollars in value. The first settlements were made in what is now West Bridgewater, the settlers coming largely from Duxbury. There were no settlements in the North parish until after 1700, its settlers being mostly from other sections of the original town.
When a lad it is said that John Haward lived in the family of Capt. Miles Standish. He became a man of great influence in the new plantation, and was one of the first military officers of the town; ensign in 1664, and lieutenant in 1689; licensed to keep an ordinary or tavern in 1670; chosen selectman in 1678; and was deputy to the General Court, 1678-1683. He died in 1700. His children were:
- John Haward
- James Haward
- Jonathan Haward
- Elizabeth Haward
- Sarah Haward
- Bethiah Haward
- Ephraim Haward*
Previous to 1700 the name was commonly written Haward, but since that time Howard has been the accepted spelling.
(II) Ephraim Haward, son of John, married in 1689 Mary Keith, daughter of Rev. James Keith, who came from Aberdeen, Scotland, in 1662, at the age of eighteen years, and was the first ordained minister in Bridgewater. Their children were:
- Jane Howard
- Susanna Howard
- Martha Howard
- Ephraim Howard, Jr.
- Daniel Howard*
- David Howard
- Silence Howard
- Mary Howard
(III) Capt. Daniel Howard, son of Ephraim, was born Oct. 3, 1699, and was one of the first settlers of the North parish of Bridgewater (now Brockton) and a man of great respectability in the community. He represented the town in the General Court for many years, besides filling many public offices of trust; was a justice of the peace; was the first captain of a military company of the parish. In 1724 he married Damaris Williams, daughter of Thomas Williams, of Taunton, Mass. His children were:
- Mary Howard, who married Col. Simeon Cary
- Barnabas Howard, who married Mehitable Packard*
- Silence Howard, who married Col. Josiah Hayden
Capt. Daniel Howard died in 1779, aged eighty years.
(IV) Capt. Barnabas Howard, son of Capt. Daniel, was born June 19, 1730. He was captain of a military company, justice of the peace, and was one of the committee of four appointed in 1784 to divide the parish into four grammar school districts. He kept a tavern at the north end of the town — one of the best known public houses there. On July 2, 1755, he married Mehitable Packard, daughter of Seth and Mercy (Bryant) Packard, and a descendant of Samuel Packard, who with his wife and child came from Windham, England, in the ship “Diligence” of Ipswich, and settled at Hingham, Mass., in 1638, later becoming one of the first settlers of Bridgewater. The children born to Capt. Barnabas Howard and wife were:
- Vesta Howard, who married Daniel Howard
- Damaris Howard, who married Capt. John French
- Oliver Howard, who married Susanna Reynolds*
- Daniel Howard, who married Silence Packard
- Barnabas Howard, Jr., who died unmarried
- Jonas Howard, who married Abigail Packard
- Mehitable Howard, who married John Wales
- Gideon Howard, who married Molly Willis
- Lois Howard, who married Nathan Keith
- Anna Howard, who died single
Capt, Barnabas Howard died Nov. 8, 1813, in his eighty-fourth year, and his wife died Nov. 28, 1813, aged eighty years.
(V) Oliver Howard, son of Capt. Barnabas, was born June 19, 1758. He served in the Revolutionary war, being a private in Capt. Josiah Hayden’s company, Colonel Bailey’s regiment of minute-men, who marched on the Lexington alarm April 19, 1775, from North Bridgewater, and was also a member of the 7th company of militia, 2d Regiment, in the county of Plymouth, which was mustered to suppress Shays’s rebellion, at Taunton, Mass., in 1786. Mr. Howard was a farmer, and resided in the north end of the town. He was a devout Unitarian in religious belief, and was known as “Deacon” Howard because of his sobriety and uprightness. In political belief he was an enthusiastic Whig, and took an active interest in the affairs of the town. On Nov. 2. 1780, he married Susanna Reynolds, daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth (Turner) Reynolds, the former of whom, son of Nathaniel Reynolds of Boston, was one of the early settlers of the North parish of Bridgewater. Mr. Howard died Jan. 29, 1845, aged eighty-six years, and his wife Dec. 31, 1817, aged sixty-one years. Their children were:
- Parnel Howard, who married James Ford
- Oliver Howard, Jr., who married Lucy Sturtevant*
- Daniel Howard, who married Abigail Howard
- Emily Howard, who married Apollos Howard
- Bernice Howard, who married Zophar Field
- Lois Howard, who married Samuel Linfield
- Otis Howard, who married Reuma Southworth
- Mehitable Howard, who married Charles Copeland
- Betsey Howard, who married Robert Packard
- Olive Howard, who died young
(VI) Oliver Howard, Jr., son of Oliver, was born Jan. 27, 1784, in North Bridgewater, and lived in the north part of the town, known as Montello, where he was extensively engaged in farming, and in early life carried his produce by team to the Boston markets, this at that time being the only mode of travel. He served in the war of 1812 as a member of Capt. Nehemiah Lincoln’s company, which was stationed at Plymouth, Mass., in 1814. He died in Montello, Aug. 8, 1838, in the fifty-fifth year of his age. On Dec. 4, 1808, Mr. Howard married Lucy Sturtevant, only child of Ephraim and Abigail (Howard) Sturtevant, and granddaughter of Silas Sturtevant, who came to North Bridgewater from Plympton, Mass. To Oliver and Lucy (Sturtevant) Howard were born children as follows:
- Abigail Howard, born Sept. 18, 1809, married Williams Packard
- Willard Howard, born Aug. 22, 1811, married Harriet Hawes
- Rufus Emery Howard, born Dec. 26, 1813, married (first) Sarah B. Dunbar and (second) Julia Ann Kingman, and he died July 8, 1838
- Elizabeth Howard, born April 22, 1816, died aged seven years
- Daniel S. Howard, born Oct. 9, 1818*
- Lucy Howard married Loring Holbrook, and she died in Whitman, Mass
- Elizabeth Howard married Solomon C. Wells, and died in Whitman, Mass., June 5, 1910
- Gorham Bradford Howard, born Jan. 22, 1827*

(VII) Daniel S. Howard, son of Oliver and Lucy, was born Oct. 9, 1818, in North Bridgewater (now Brockton), and after acquiring his early education in the district schools of his native town became employed in one of the small shoe shops which were scattered about the section previous to the days of factory organization and large manufacturing businesses. He worked at treeing boots for $1.20 per day, and practiced rigid economy, saving his first $1,000 on these wages. He then associated himself with the late Noah Chessman in the manufacture of shoes. The combined capital of the firm was not large, but they were enthusiastic and energetic, and the first year made a profit of $400. The next year their books showed a profit of $800, but several of the firms which had purchased their product failed, and their failures more than wiped out the entire profits of Howard & Chessman, which so discouraged Mr. Chessman that he withdrew from the firm, while Mr. Howard with renewed vigor continued the business alone. The following year he made a profit of $2,500, and this was the beginning of the fortune which he made and saved. His ambition was to become a millionaire, and he worked steadily to that end. Associated with him first as employees were several of the past and present-day shoe manufacturers of the city of Brockton, who have also attained wealth and prominence in the shoe industry. Mr. Howard was at one time associated with his son, the present Warren A. Howard, who later was an extensive shoe manufacturer on his own account. In 1877 he was associated with Francis E. White and Isaiah A. Beals, under the firm name of Daniel S. Howard & Co. They afterward withdrew from the firm to enter business on their own account. The late George G. Snow and the present Daniel W. Field, well known and prominent shoe manufacturers, and many others, were among his employees, all of whom profited by the tuition received at his hands. There were also many others among his employees who left shoe-making to become prominent in other business lines. His large factory was located on Montello street, and for many years he gave employment to many hands, his product going to all parts of the country. Mr. Howard retired from active business Aug. 11, 1887, and it is presumed that at that time he had attained his ambition to become a millionaire. He had invested largely in real estate and was one of the largest property owners in the city, and for a number of years prior to his death was the heaviest taxpayer in the city. He always aimed at making safe, conservative investments rather than at making large profits that would endanger his capital, and his money was used in a quiet, careful way. Though modest and unassuming Mr. Howard was energetic and resourceful. The poor, deserving man was never turned away, and yet he could say “no” when the case demanded it. He set the highest example of right living, and came as near as it is possible for mortals in living up to the Golden Rule. A long-time friend of Mr. Howard’s in speaking of him after his death said:
“Seeing him almost daily for fifty years, I never knew Mr. Howard to do an ignoble thing, and when I appealed to him for charitable purposes for the public, he always said ‘if that isn’t enough, come back again.’ Ostentatious, never; and he had the affections of his employees more than any other man I ever knew.”
Although he was never conspicuous in his benevolences, Mr. Howard gave freely to public enterprises, and did a great deal of good with his money in a quiet way. When the Brockton Hospital was started he gave $500, and also gave an annual donation to the hospital during its first five years; and in February, 1902, he presented the same corporation $10,000 for its endowment fund. He drew his check for four figures and presented it toward the building of the new Young Men’s Christian Association building, and in many other ways his fortune was used to help along causes which had his sympathy. He always said he did not care to be known for his gifts, his only desire being that the money be put to good use. Mr. Howard was a regular attendant of the Church of the New Jerusalem, and was liberal in his donations to same. He was a member of no societies, devoting himself wholly to his home and his business.
Mr. Howard was twice married. On Feb. 17, 1839, he married (first) Rhoda Cary, born Aug. 16, 1821, daughter of Barzilla and Vashti (Snell) Cary, and a direct descendant in the seventh generation from John Cary, who came from Somersetshire, England, and settled in Duxbury, Mass., in 1639, later becoming one of the first settlers and the first town clerk of the town of old Bridgewater. Mrs. Howard died Dec. 4, 1868. Three children were born of this union, namely:
- Warren Alcott Howard, born Dee. 20, 1839*
- Frank Lucius Howard, born Sept. 20, 1853, died Dec. 1, 1853
- Lizzie Stone Howard, born Jan. 12, 1855, married Henry C. Litchfield, and lives in Newton, Mass
On June 10, 1869, Mr. Howard married (second) Mary Allen Cobb, born March 8, 1842, daughter of the late David and Clarissa (Bussey) Cobb, the former of whom was for many years one of the prominent merchants of North Bridgewater, his place of business having been at the corner of Main and Court streets. To this second marriage were born two children:
- Clarissa Howard married Harry L. Norton, and they reside in Brookline, Mass. They are the parents of one daughter:
- Elizabeth Howard Norton
- Daniel S. Howard, Jr., born Feb. 15, 1879, of Brockton*
Daniel S. Howard died at Brockton, April 30, 1904, in the eighty-sixth year of his age, and in his death the ancient town of North Bridgewater lost one of its pioneer shoe manufacturers, its first millionaire, and a foremost and strictly honorable citizen. The name of Howard has been one of long and honorable standing, and had a worthy representative in the person of the fete Daniel S. Howard.

(VII) Gorham Bradford Howard, youngest son of Oliver and Lucy (Sturtevant) Howard, was born Jan. 22, 1827, in North Bridgewater, now Brockton. His early educational training was acquired in the “little red school house” of his neighborhood, and at the private school conducted by Jonathan Cole. Leaving school at the age of about fifteen years, he became a clerk in the general store of the late Zenas Franklin Brett, at Duxbury, Mass., where he remained for about one and a half years. Returning to his native town, he on June 2, 1844, became a clerk in the dry goods store of the late Henry W. Robinson, in which capacity he remained until in 1858, when Mr. Howard, Elbridge W. Morse and Baalis Sanford, all of whom were employees of the store, were admitted into partnership with Mr. Robinson. This partnership continued until in 1869, in which year Mr. Howard and Mr. Morse retired from the firm, and they in company with Henry J. White, under the firm name of Howard, Morse & White, purchased the dry goods business of A. J. Benner. For about two years this firm continued in the business, Mr. Howard at the end of that period purchasing the interests of his partners in the establishment, which he conducted alone until 1882, when ill health compelled him to retire from active business.
Public life has never appealed to Mr. Howard, and while he is a stanch supporter of the principles of the Republican party, and its protective policies, his interest in political affairs is simply that of a public-spirited citizen who is deeply interested in the growth and development of the country’s resources. He attends the Church of the New Jerusalem, and is liberal in his views.
On Oct. 31, 1858, Mr. Howard married Ellen E. Mann, who was born in Boston, daughter of Jonathan and Eliza (Sears) Mann, of Pembroke, Mass., Mrs. Howard passing away in the latter town June 25, 1889, without issue. Mr. Howard is an affable, courteous gentleman, enjoying the respect and esteem of the community in which he was born and in which his long life has been spent.
(VIII) Warren Alcott Howard, son of the late Daniel S. and Rhoda (Cary) Howard, was born Dec. 20, 1839, in North Bridgewater (now Brockton). His schooling was acquired in the common schools and the Adelphian Academy, conducted by Loomis Brothers, in his native town, after which for two years he was a student at the Hathaway Academy, Medford, Mass. Leaving school at the age of about nineteen years, he entered his father’s shoe factory, where he was employed about two years, during which time he acquired a practical knowledge of shoemaking, and in 1861 he established himself in the manufacturing of shoes in that part of town known as Centreville, occupying the same factory in which his father had first started in business. Here he continued about two years, when he became a partner of his father under the firm name of D. S. & W. A. Howard, their plant being then located on Montello street. During this partnership, in July, 1866, steam power was installed, supplanting a hot-air engine, this being the first introduction of a steam power engine in a shoe factory in the town. Mr. Howard remained in company with his father until 1870, in which year he again established himself in the business on Crescent street, where he erected a large four-story factory building, which was the town’s first modern shoe manufacturing plant, and in which the first machine-sewed, shoes were made in the town. Mr. Howard met with deserving success in his new venture, and continued successfully engaged in the business until 1889, in which year he discontinued active business life, and disposed of his plant and its equipment. He was engaged in the manufacture of what is known as the medium-grade shoe, giving employment to about 250 hands, and producing about 1,500 pairs of shoes per day.
Upon retiring from the shoe manufacturing business, Mr. Howard took up his residence on a tract of land containing about fifty acres located on Belmont street, about a mile and a half from the center of the city, which he had purchased and upon which he erected a pleasant and modern home. Here he afterward resided with his family. His land was kept in a good state of cultivation, and he owned a herd of about twenty-five head of registered Holstein cattle, the care and oversight of which had been his pastime. Mr. Howard passed away Aug. 16, 1911, at his home. Fraternally Mr. Howard was a Mason, holding membership in Paul Revere Lodge, A. F. & A. M., which he joined in 1860; Satucket Chapter, R. A. M.; Brockton Council, R. & S. M.; and Bay State Commandery, K. T. He was a charter member of the Brockton Agricultural Society, incorporated in 1874, which society holds annually the renowned Brockton Fair, in the affairs of which organization he took an active interest. In political faith Mr. Howard was a Republican, but he never cared for public office, although he took an interest in the welfare of his city. He affiliated with the Church of the New Jerusalem, and his wife attends the Unity Church of Brockton.
On Dec. 25, 1861, Mr. Howard married Mary Agnes Stetson, daughter of Capt. Lorenzo Seabury and Lucia A. (Whitten) Stetson, of Kingston, Mass., and a descendant of historic New England ancestry, numbering among her forbears Cornet Robert Stetson, Elder William Brewster and John Alden and Priscilla Mullins, of the “Mayflower,” 1620. Mrs. Howard’s father, Capt. Lorenzo Seabury Stetson, was master of a vessel which plied between New York and South American ports, and during a voyage the vessel with all its crew was lost, the vessel never even being heard from. This occurred when Mrs. Howard was a mere child. Mr. and Mrs. Howard had children as follows:
- Mary Stetson Howard, who is the wife of Frederick J. Ripley, M. D., one of the leading physicians of Brockton.
- Eugene Warren Howard, born in October, 1864, who died in September, 1884.
- Agnes Alcott Howard, who married Edward T. Rock, of Brockton, and died in May, 1905, leaving four children:
- Katharine Howard Rock
- Edward Howard Rock
- Warren Stetson Rock
- Richard Bradley Rock
- Annie Cary Howard, who died in 1872, aged two years.
- Frank Allen Howard, a graduate of the Boston School of Technology, and now a civil engineer in charge of the bridges, stations, etc., of the Erie railroad. He married Faith Rider Howard, of Ridgewood, N. J., and has three children:
- Allen Rider Howard
- Warren Alcott Howard, 2d.
- Lucius Alexander Howard
(VIII) Daniel S. Howard, Jr., only son of the late Daniel S. Howard and his wife Mary Allen Cobb, was born Feb. 15, 1879, in Brockton, Mass. He received his early education in the public schools of his native city, graduating from the Brockton high school in 1898. This training was supplemented by one as a student at Brown University, after which he entered the University of Pennsylvania, graduating from the latter in 1902. Mr. Howard then became associated with R. B. Grover & Co., of Brockton, manufacturers of the Emerson shoe, and upon the incorporation of the company as the Emerson Shoe Company, in June, 1905, he became secretary of the same, continuing in that capacity until in November, 1910, when he was elected president of the company to succeed the late R. B. Grover. The Emerson Shoe Company, which since its incorporation has been located at Rockland, Mass. is one of the best known shoe manufacturing concerns in this country, the product having an enviable reputation for quality, style and workmanship. Mr. Howard is also president of the Emerson Fabric Company, of Rockland, which was incorporated in September, 1910; president of the Lenox Motor Car Company, of Boston, makers of the Lenox car; and treasurer of the Arthur L. Evans Company, of Boston, publishers of “The Shoeman.”
Mr. Howard was one of the original incorporators of the Rockland Trust Company, of Rockland, Mass., of which he is a member of the board of directors and a member of the executive committee.
Although of a quiet and retiring nature, Mr. Howard is an energetic and progressive business man, and takes an active interest in the welfare of his native city. He is a member of the Commercial Club and of the Young Men’s Christian Association and is a trustee of the Brockton hospital. Fraternally he is a Mason, holding membership in Paul Revere Lodge, A. F. & A. M., of Brockton.
On Jan. 6, 1906, Mr. Howard was united in marriage with Helen Stevenson Masters, of Brockton, daughter of the late Harry Budd Masters and his wife, Lida (Durland) Masters. Mr. and Mrs. Howard have twin sons:
- Daniel S. Howard, Jr., born Oct. 22, 1911
- Durland Masters Howard, born Oct. 22, 1911