Biographical Sketch of Walter A. Swift

WALTER A. SWIFT – To interpret the law for his fellow-men, to help them out of their tangles, to offer constructive suggestions to them in initiating new enterprises, to do this well keeps a man busy and brings him rewards over and above material success. With a keen mind, ambitious, and having the opportunity to prepare himself well for such a career, Walter A. Swift chose the profession of law in Springfield, Massachusetts. He was born in that town, August 16, 1897, the son of John A. and Margaret A. (Coyle) Swift. His father, born in Ireland, serves the city in the capacity of sergeant in the police department. His mother was born in Middlefield, Massachusetts.

After learning eagerly all that he could in the excellent public schools of Springfield, Walter A. Swift graduated from the Central High School there in the class of 1916. He took his legal training at Georgetown University, securing his degree of Bachelor of the Law with the class of 1923. In 1924 he was admitted to the Massachusetts bar. The same year he began practice in his own office at No. 31 Elm Street, Springfield, Massachusetts, and the following year moved to No. 289 Main Street, where he obtained larger quarters., and is building up an admirable clientele. Those whom he has served think highly of his ability and he is generally looked on as a young man of promise. As he thinks for himself, he is an Independent in politics. He is a member of the Holy Name Church, and is an active member of the Knights of Columbus. During the World War he was a member of the United States Army, not attached to any one company. Mr. Swift is a fraternity man, of the Gamma Eta Gamma, and is affiliated with the Hampden County Bar Association.



Lockwood, John H. (John Hoyt); Bagg, Ernest Newton; Carson, Walter S. (Walter Scott); Riley, Herbert E. (Herbert Elihu); Boltwood, Edward; Clark, Will L. (Will Leach); Western Massachusetts A History 1636-1925; New York and Chicago: Lewis historical publishing company, inc., 1926

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