Biographical Sketch of Frank N. Moore

FRANK N. MOORE-Long in positions of responsibility and trust in Ludlow, Massachusetts, Frank N. Moore was born in Ware, in that State, October 31, 1871, the son of Charles F., who was a farmer and carpenter, died in February, 1924, and Julia M. (Dunbar) Moore. Frank N. Moore received his education in the elementary and high schools of Ware, after which he took a course in Child’s Business College of Springfield. After leaving school he became a clerk in the post office at Ware for a year. He entered the employ of the Ludlow Manufacturing Associates as a clerk, and … Read more

Benjamin Todd of Russell MA

Benjamin Todd5, (Titus4, Benjamin3, Michael2, Christopher1) born March 4, 1755, died Jan. 7, 1828, married April 22, 1783, Phebe, daughter of Ezra and Hannah (Todd) Tuttle, who was born June 2, 1758, died July 20, 1850; for her Todd ancestry see No. 82. They removed to Russell, Mass., in 1784, where he bought a tract of land on the mountain, on which to raise wheat, prefering it to land in the heart of Springfield, Mass., which was offered to him for $10 per acre. He was a soldier in the Revolutionary war, having served about seven years. He died in … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Adams, Charles R.

Adams, Charles R., son of Charles and Eliza Ann Adams, was born in Charlestown, Middlesex County, February 10, 1834. His early education was received at the grammar school, Charlestown, and at Wesleyan Academy, Wilbraham. He early developed musical talents, and his first teacher of vocal music was Mr. Edwin Bruce of Boston, then afterwards Mme. Arnoult, and for a number of years his voice was frequently heard in the concert halls of Boston and vicinity. During several years he sustained the tenor roles in the oratorio performance of the Handel and Haydn Society, to the satisfaction of the public, upon … Read more

Biography of Albert Perkins Langtry

For more than three decades, up to 1924, Albert Perkins Langtry, president of the Union Publishing Company, of Springfield, was the editor and publisher of the “Springfield Union” of that city. He made his paper one of the foremost of its kind in Central and Western Massachusetts, and has also rendered valuable service in public affairs, serving for ten years as secretary of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and holding numerous other responsible official positions. He is also the author of the direct primary law in Massachusetts. (I) Richard Langtry, grandfather of Albert Perkins Langtry. was born in Belfast, Ireland, and … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John A.C. Stevenson

Treasurer of the Springfield Tool Company, he is one of the younger generation of able business executives in the manufacturing center of New England. He was born May 7, 1892, the son of John Stevenson, Jr., a native of Glasgow, Scotland; and of Elizabeth (Carter) Stevenson, born in Virginia. Mr. Stevenson’s birthplace was Sharon, Pennsylvania, where he attended the public schools and a private school. This was followed by the preparatory course at St. Paul’s School, Concord, New Hampshire. He entered Yale University and was graduated in 1913 with the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. He engaged in the business … Read more

Biography of Michael J. Griffin

MICHAEL J. GRIFFIN – Through his training and gifts as an attorney, Mr. Griffin has established a place for himself in general practice at Springfield, where he is held in esteem for his thoroughgoing qualities as a counsellor, and in the courts. He is the son of James J. Griffin, a steam fitter, who was born in Ireland in 1848, and died March 25, 1924, and Catherine T (Osborne) Griffin, who was born in Ireland in 1853. Michael J. Griffin was born August 14, 1888, in Springfield, where he attended the public and high schools. He studied law at home, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William P. Hayes

WILLIAM P. HAYES, practicing lawyer in Springfield, Massachusetts, was born in Springfield March 27, 1866, the son of John and Margaret A. (Hayes) Hayes. He was educated in Springfield, attending the primary, grammar and high schools. He was graduated from Boston University Law School in 1889 with the degree of Bachelor of Laws, magna cum laude. In 1890 he engaged in the practice of law for himself, and never has had a partner in business in the thirty-five years which have followed, since he opened an office in Springfield in July of that year. His recognition was immediate, and success … Read more

Biography of Charles Gilkey

Charles Gilkey, a prominent resident of Cornish, who was formerly engaged in the gunsmith business, is a native of Plainfield, N.H., born September 29, 1826. Charles Gilkey, his grandfather, born in Connecticut, was the first of the family to come to Plainfield. He came originally as agent of a wealthy Connecticut family, and remained in their employ for some time. After failing in an attempt to buy a farm with the Continental money in which his salary was paid, owing to the depreciated value of that currency then, he succeeded in leasing one from the State for nine hundred and … Read more

Biography of Patrick M. Moriarty, M.D.

PATRICK M. MORIARTY, M. D., previous to the World War, began the practice of medicine in Springfield, that has been continued with pronounced success in Chicopee, where his professional abilities and his proven skill have received recognition throughout an extensive district. Doubtless the most active years of Dr. Moriarty’s training were those spent with the United States Army Medical Corps in field and hospital service in France and Germany, where, with his professional comrades, he gave unceasing aid to his comrades in arms. A prominent and thoroughly equipped physician, he has the highest regard of his medical associates and the … Read more

Biography of Rev. John Dunbar

Rev. John Dunbar was a missionary to the Pawnes Indians of the West for a period of more than twenty years before he became a resident of Kansas. He spent a little over a year in the territory and, as its first treasurer, assisted in the organization of Brown County. Mr. Dunbar was a native of Palmer, Massachusetts, born March 3, 1804. In 1832 he was graduated at Williams College, and later at the Auburn Theological Seminary. While a student at the latter institution he received an appointment as missionary to the western Indians; was ordained at Ithaca, New York, … Read more

Biography of John G. Haskell

John G. Haskell, who made a reputation both as a soldier and an architect, was born in Chittenden County, Vermont, February 5, 1832, and was educated at Wesleyan Academy, Wilbraham, Massachusetts, and Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island. In 1855 he entered an architect’s office in Boston, and two years later settled at Lawrence, Kansas. During the Civil war Captain Haskell served as assistant quartermaster general of Kansas, as quartermaster of the Third Kansas and the Tenth Kansas Volunteers, as captain and assistant quartermaster on the staff of Gen. James G. Blunt, and chief quartermaster of the Army of the Frontier. … Read more

Biography of Charles S. Potter

CHARLES S. POTTER, treasurer and manager of the Hampden Lumber Company of Springfield, and prominent in the civic life of Springfield and vicinity, is a man who holds a high place in the regard of his fellow citizens. Influential in business and social spheres he has been called also to accept the responsibilities of public office, and as president of the City Council of Springfield won general recognition for his efficient and public-spirited administration. He can be counted upon to search out and consistently follow a businesslike, constructive policy in any matter of public welfare to which he gives his … Read more

Biography of A. Olin Sinclair

A. OLIN SINCLAIR – A man of determined and ambitious character, A. Olin Sinclair early planned the details of his career, and is now executing them with vigor and success. He wanted to be a lawyer. This, he felt, would give scope to his desire to deal with facts and with men, would use all his powers in the solution of human problems, and in the initiation of desirable measures for human betterment. Born in Springfield, Massachusetts, June 10, 1894, A. Olin Sinclair is the son of Frederick O. Sinclair, born in Canton, Massachusetts, June 18, 1856, and his wife, … Read more

Henry M. Todd of Agawam MA

Henry M. Todd6, (Jesse5, Jesse4, Benjamin3, Michael2, Christopher1) born March 29, 1812, died Dec. 27, 1885, at Agawam, Mass., married April 29, 1841, Mary A. Miller. They lived at Agawam, Mass., where he owned and operated a large farm. Children: 938. Edson Henry, b. July 2, 1842, in Agawam, Mass., d. June 25, 1893 at Quincy, Ill. *939. Andrew Jesse, b. Feb. 13, 1845.

Biography of John W. Simons

JOHN W. SIMONS, treasurer of the investment house of William C. Simons, Inc., of Springfield, Massachusetts, is well known in the business and social spheres of Springfield. He is the son of William C. and Mary E. (Gunn) Simons, the father the president and senior member of the afore-mentioned concern. (See Simons, William C. biography.) John W. Simons was born in Springfield, in June, 1886. His education was received in the public schools of Springfield, in Groton School, from which he graduated in 1905, and in Harvard University, where he received the degree of Bachelor of Arts in the class … Read more

Biography of Charles L. Edwards

Charles L. Edwards was one of the notable figures in the first half century of Kansas. He never became widely known in financial circles, did not make a political reputation, but nevertheless he was one of the most useful men the state ever had. He was intimately identified with the movement by which Kansas was organized with free institutions. He was also the pioneer schoolmaster of Lawrence. He gave many years to the upbuilding of its scholastic institutions, went from Lawrence to serve gallantly through the War of the Rebellion and remained a resident of that city for over sixty … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Rev. N. R. Nichols

Rev. N. R. Nichols

Rev. N. R. Nichols was pastor of the Congregational church at Norwich village from February, 1880, to May, 1904, after completing a seven years’ pastorate at Barnet, Vermont, which was preceded by brief pastorates at Westfield, Massachusetts, and Acworth, New Hampshire. During his term of nearly a quarter of a century here in Norwich, Mr. Nichols faithfully cared for the interests committed to his charge, as the one hundred and ninety-five accessions to his church during his pastorate amply indicate. Not alone to matters connected with his church did he give his attention, but, as well, to those of a … Read more

Biography of Robert Sheperd Kneeland

ROBERT SHEPHERD KNEELAND – Prominent in the business life of Springfield, Massachusetts, as a lawyer of attainments, who enjoys the good will of the community-at-large as well as of his compeers in his own profession, is Robert Shepherd Kneeland, engaged since 1911, in a general law practice under his own name. He is the son of Frederick N. and Adelaide Frances (Dyer) Kneeland, both of Massachusetts, the father a banker. Robert Shepherd Kneeland was born at Northampton, Massachusetts, April 26, 1883. He received his preliminary education in the public and high schools of Northampton, after which he entered Amherst College, … Read more

Biography of John Edward Stewart

The business world of New England and the manufacturing stationers’ trade suffered an irretrievable loss in the passing of one of Springfield’s most substantial citizens, John Edward Stewart, president of the printing company which bears his name, a veteran officer of the Civil War, prominent Grand Army man and highly esteemed throughout the community for his personal worth and by his business connections for his high sense of honor and unimpeachable integrity. The city of his adoption and scene of his successful labors could ill afford to part with such a forceful character, loyal friend and kindly neighbor, who was … Read more

Biography of Frank Whitman Roberts

FRANK WHITMAN ROBERTS – The surname Roberts is frequently encountered in the early records of New England. There were Revolutionary soldiers, farmers, business men, and seafaring men of that name, and their progeny is today scattered over the land, while many descendants of the older settlers of the name still adhere to the original soil. The seafaring men of generations past in New England were venturesome and enterprising persons, some of them whalers, others traders with the West Indies, whose islands then had even more glamorous and romantic atmospheres than they have today, although they are still glamorous and romantic. … Read more