Biography of Harry Joshua Tait

President of Tait Brothers, ice cream manufacturers of Springfield, Massachusetts, was born in Chicopee, Massachusetts, August 27, 1867. His father was James and his mother Mary Laurentine (Decatur) Tait. Mr. Tait attended the schools of Chicopee and afterwards continued his studies at Westford Academy for a year. His school days over he engaged in farming for a time and also in market gardening; but did not find either to his liking. His father sold his milk business to another son, George C. Tait, and Harry Joshua Tait entered the employ of his brother, selling milk to private families. Many other … Read more

Abbe-Abbey Genealogy

A genealogical dictionary of the first settlers of New England vol 1

The “Abbe-Abbey Genealogy” serves as a comprehensive and meticulously compiled homage to the heritage of the Abbe and Abbey families, tracing its roots back to John Abbe and his descendants. Initiated by the life-long passion of Professor Cleveland Abbe, this genealogical exploration began in his youth and expanded throughout his illustrious career, despite numerous challenges. It encapsulates the collaborative efforts of numerous family members and researchers, including significant contributions from individuals such as Charles E. Abbe, Norah D. Abbe, and many others, each bringing invaluable insights and data to enrich the family’s narrative.

Biographical Sketch of Frank N. Moore

FRANK N. MOORE-Long in positions of responsibility and trust in Ludlow, Massachusetts, Frank N. Moore was born in Ware, in that State, October 31, 1871, the son of Charles F., who was a farmer and carpenter, died in February, 1924, and Julia M. (Dunbar) Moore. Frank N. Moore received his education in the elementary and high schools of Ware, after which he took a course in Child’s Business College of Springfield. After leaving school he became a clerk in the post office at Ware for a year. He entered the employ of the Ludlow Manufacturing Associates as a clerk, and … Read more

Biography of A. Olin Sinclair

A. OLIN SINCLAIR – A man of determined and ambitious character, A. Olin Sinclair early planned the details of his career, and is now executing them with vigor and success. He wanted to be a lawyer. This, he felt, would give scope to his desire to deal with facts and with men, would use all his powers in the solution of human problems, and in the initiation of desirable measures for human betterment. Born in Springfield, Massachusetts, June 10, 1894, A. Olin Sinclair is the son of Frederick O. Sinclair, born in Canton, Massachusetts, June 18, 1856, and his wife, … Read more

Biography of Julian Lee Perkins

President of the Perkins Appliance Company, Incorporated, of Springfield, Massachusetts, one of the outstanding industries of a great industrial community, is a native of Vermont. He bears a name which appeared in English history back in the reign of Richard II. He was born in Bridgewater, Vermont, August 23, 1879, and attended the public and high schools at Woodstock, Vermont. His father, Charles A. Perkins, likewise born in Bridgewater, was a farmer. His mother, Eliza M. (Dinsmore) Perkins, was born in Lansing, Michigan. The name was derived from Peterkin, and had several spellings. Peter Morley, Esquire, alias Perkins, was an … Read more

Biography of George J. Barker, Hon.

Hon. George J. Barker, who became a resident of Lawrence in 1867 and was identified with that city and the state until his death on October 12, 1912, thoroughly earned a right to rank among the finest legal minds of Kansas during the last half century. He was not less a great citizen, especially in his work and devotion to his home community at Lawrence. George J. Barker was born November 6, 1842, near Springfield, Massachusetts, son of Cyrus E. and Eliza (King) Barker. He was of English lineage and of New England stock. When he was seven years of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Arthur W. Brown

Sales manager for Tait Brothers, manufacturers of ice cream in Springfield, Massachusetts, (q. v.), was born in Holyoke, Massachusetts, March 22, 1876. His father was Frederick Ellsworth Brown, since dead; and his mother Maria MacDonald Brown, a native of Canada. The father was a machinist born in Maine. Arthur W. Brown attended the public schools and the high school in Springfield. His first employment was with Tait Brothers, in 1898, and he has continued in their employ to the present time, advancing steadily in their trust and confidence, and in the responsibilities thrown upon him. He became the sales manager: … Read more

Genealogy of the Hitchcock family

The genealogy of the Hitchcock family

The genealogy of the Hitchcock family who are descended from Matthias Hitchcock of East Haven, Conn. [1651], and Luke Hitchcock of Wethersfield, Conn., [1653]. Compiled and published by Mrs. Edward Hitchcock, Sr. Arranged for the press by Rev. Dwight W. Marsh, D. D. Amherst, Mass. : Press of Carpenter & morehouse, 1894. 8 vo, 555 pages, portraits, indexes.

Biography of James Andrew Mahoney

JAMES ANDREW MAHONEY, treasurer of the Eastern States Warehouse and Cold Storage Company of Springfield, is one of its well-known business men. He is the son of the late James Mahoney, who was born in Tipperary, Ireland, in 1840, was there reared and educated, and upon attaining his majority emigrated to the United States, locating in Loudville, town of Northampton, Massachusetts, where he secured employment in the lead mines. He also resided in Glendale, Easthampton, Massachusetts, for a number of years, and was honored and esteemed by his associates for his excellent characteristics. He was quiet and retiring in disposition, … Read more

Biography of Timothy J. Sullivan

TIMOTHY J. SULLIVAN is the name familiarly borne by two of Springfield’s most successful business men, father and son. Timothy J. Sullivan, Sr., president of the Sullivan Coal Company of Springfield, was born in West Springfield in 1864, a son of Thomas and Ellen (O’Leary) Sullivan. His father, Thomas Sullivan, was a section foreman for the Boston & Albany Railroad at Mittineague, Massachusetts, a small village in the environs of Springfield. Timothy J. Sullivan, Sr. was educated in the public schools and the high school in West Springfield. He entered the service of the Boston & Albany Railroad early in … Read more

Biography of Alfred Chester Dale

ALFRED CHESTER DALE – Having come from South Dakota to Massachusetts a little more than twenty-five years ago, when he was thirteen years of age, Alfred Chester Dale, of Pittsfield, is today secretary of the Dale Brothers’ Laundry, Inc., whose branch in that city is only one of five which the corporation operates in this State. The remarkable expansion of the Dale Brothers’ business covers a wide range of territory in two States and in four counties, not to mention the overlapping of much of the contiguous area. Mr. Dale was born in Wilmot, South Dakota, April 17, 1882, and … Read more

Biography of Hinsdale Smith

Among the many families that can boast of long and honorable connection with the history of the New England States, especially Massachusetts, none is more worthy of mention than the Smith family. The name has appeared conspicuously in association with public and private affairs through more than three centuries. (I) Richard Smith, immigrant ancestor, was born in England in 1617. He testified in September, 1684, that he was sixty-seven years old, that he came from Martha’s Vineyard with his vessels, and did some work for his brother-in-law, Matthias Treat. He was admitted a freeman in Wethersfield in 1669. He received … Read more

Darius Alanson Wood Genealogy

1. Darius Alanson2 Wood, son of Israel1 and Betsey (Pullen) Wood, b. Brattleboro, Vt., Oct. 9, 1830; m. Sept. 13, 1854, Sarah Adeline Moody, b. Landaff, N. H., Oct. 9, 1835, dau. of Moses and Betsey W. (Howe) Moody. He was employed in the U. S. Arsenal at Springfield, Mass. Divorced. After her divorce, Mrs. Wood res. in Sullivan on the Dauphin Spaulding 2nd place. A dau.: Gertrude Lenora3, b. Springfield, Aug. 18, 1855, d. at East Sullivan, Oct. 10, 1904; m. (1), June 27, 1876, Frank Myrick, b. Boston, Mass., Jan. 26, 1851, son of Oren Darius and Mary … Read more

Biography of John W. Simons

JOHN W. SIMONS, treasurer of the investment house of William C. Simons, Inc., of Springfield, Massachusetts, is well known in the business and social spheres of Springfield. He is the son of William C. and Mary E. (Gunn) Simons, the father the president and senior member of the afore-mentioned concern. (See Simons, William C. biography.) John W. Simons was born in Springfield, in June, 1886. His education was received in the public schools of Springfield, in Groton School, from which he graduated in 1905, and in Harvard University, where he received the degree of Bachelor of Arts in the class … Read more

Biography of Robert Sheperd Kneeland

ROBERT SHEPHERD KNEELAND – Prominent in the business life of Springfield, Massachusetts, as a lawyer of attainments, who enjoys the good will of the community-at-large as well as of his compeers in his own profession, is Robert Shepherd Kneeland, engaged since 1911, in a general law practice under his own name. He is the son of Frederick N. and Adelaide Frances (Dyer) Kneeland, both of Massachusetts, the father a banker. Robert Shepherd Kneeland was born at Northampton, Massachusetts, April 26, 1883. He received his preliminary education in the public and high schools of Northampton, after which he entered Amherst College, … Read more

Biography of William Edward Cooney

WILLIAM EDWARD COONEY – Both the hotel and the general real estate interests of Northampton have benefited very materially during the past forty years through Mr. Cooney’s association with a development and management of both departments of activity, as his capable methods have been such as to bring substantial results to the community. In earlier years, an all-round printer of widely recognized ability, Mr. Cooney also observed and shared in the growth and advancement of this part of the State through the newspaper and publishing field, and his family have always been known for thorough workmanship in all their undertakings. … Read more

Biography of Carlton E. Nay

CARLTON E. NAY, treasurer, secretary and a director of the Monarch Accident Insurance Company of Springfield, Massachusetts, was born in Westford, Vermont, January 11, 1881. His father was Elisha A. Nay, a farmer; and his mother, Lucy (Maxfield) Nay. He attended the public and high schools of Milton, Vermont, and at an early age engaged in business with Swift & Company at Burlington as bookkeeper, where he continued for eight years. He followed this with a period in the mercantile business in Underhill, Vermont, where he was engaged for six years. Afterwards he came to Springfield in 1916, and was … Read more

Biography of John Edward Stewart

The business world of New England and the manufacturing stationers’ trade suffered an irretrievable loss in the passing of one of Springfield’s most substantial citizens, John Edward Stewart, president of the printing company which bears his name, a veteran officer of the Civil War, prominent Grand Army man and highly esteemed throughout the community for his personal worth and by his business connections for his high sense of honor and unimpeachable integrity. The city of his adoption and scene of his successful labors could ill afford to part with such a forceful character, loyal friend and kindly neighbor, who was … Read more

Ashley Family of New Bedford, MA

ASHLEY (New Bedford family). Among the first settlers of Rochester, Mass., and their families appear the names of Joseph Ashley and his wife Elizabeth and their children. There had settled at Springfield as early as 1639 Robert Ashley; and from the fact that many of the early settlers of Springfield were drawn from Roxbury by Pynchon, perhaps Mr. Ashley had been there previously a short time. One Thomas Ashley resided at Cape Ann (Gloucester) in 1639; he was admitted an inhabitant of Boston in 1658, and was probably the Thomas Ashley of Maine, 1654, who, says Savage, may have removed … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Henry Haskins

Haskins, John Henry; roofing contractor; born, N. Wilbraham, Mass., 1843; son of Enoch C. and Mary M. Davis Haskins; educated, Chapman Academy, Ellington, Conn.; married, Springfield, Mass., 1865, Mary Carlisle; issue, eleven children; sergt. Co. A, 1st Conn. Cav., in the Civil War; in 1878, established roofing business in Cleveland, J. H. Haskins Roofing Co.; member Chamber of Industry, Association of Master Gravel and Slag Roofers of America; pres. board of trustees of Franklin Ave. M. E. Church; has been successful in his business.