Biography of James P. Fulton

James P. Fulton, postmaster at Stanley, Ontario county, New York, and who has held a number of other positions under the government of the United States, has served his country bravely and well, as will be found detailed further on in this sketch. He is a descendant of the distinguished Fulton family, of Ireland, and it seems but natural that his name should be found in the lists of those who fought so gallantly during the civil war, as he but displayed the traits inherited from a number of his ancestors. Among these was his maternal great-grandfather, Captain John Rippey, who was in active service throughout the revolutionary war, was brevetted major, shared the hardships endured at Valley Forge, and participated in all the battles in which Washington was personally engaged.

James S. Fulton, father of James P. Fulton, was horn in Seneca township, New York, in 1813, and died there, May 6, 1887. He was occupied as a farmer throughout the active years of his life. He married Margaret Ann, who died January 2, 1892, daughter of Thomas and Anna (Rippey) McCauley. Among their children were: John M., who was graduated from Hobart College, and studied law at the Albany Law School, and is now (1910) a prominent lawyer in St. Louis, Missouri; and James P., see forward.

James P., son of James S. and Margaret Ann (McCauley) Fulton, was born in the town of Seneca, Ontario county, New York, August 17, 1843. He attended the district school and from there he went to the Cooperstown high school, from which he was graduated, finally taking a course at the Binghamton Commercial College. In July, 1862, Mr. Fulton enlisted in Company F, One Hundred and Twenty-sixth New York Volunteer Infantry, Captain Shimen, Colonel Sherrill. His service extended over a period of three years and he was honorably discharged at Baltimore in April, 1865. He was an active participant in the three days’ fight at Harper’s Ferry. and in the three days’ engagement at Gettysburg, where he was wounded in the foot. He took one prisoner single-handed, and assisted in the capture of a number of others. He was also at the engagements of Morton Ford, Auburn Ford and Bristow Station, Virginia. During the second day of the battle of the Wilderness he was severely wounded and lay on the field of battle without attention for twenty-four hours; he was then taken a prisoner, remaining at the seat of war as a captive for three months, and was then removed to a hospital in Gordonsville, Virginia, where he remained for about six weeks. Early one morning he was taken to a train before breakfast, removed to Richmond, Virginia, placed in the Libby Prison Annex, and after several weeks spent in that place of horror was exchanged. Upon the close of the war he returned to his native county, and after a time was appointed a railroad postal clerk between Canandaigua, New York, and Baltimore, Maryland, an office he filled for thirteen years. He was then appointed postmaster at the Stanley post office, a position he has filled with ability for the past twelve years, serving under two appointments. He also served one term as collector for the town of Geneva, Ontario county, New York. His political affiliations have always been with the Republican party, and he and his family are members of the Presbyterian church.

Mr. Fulton married, May 27, 1874, Sarah M. Frost, born in Putnam county, New York, in 1847. Child: Maud F., married, December i, 1897, Harry A. Thompson, who died December 12, 1905. They had children: Gordon F., born in October, 1898, and Helen M., born in Easton, Pennsylvania, in 1903.



Milliken, Charles F. The History of Ontario County, New York, and Its People Lewis Historical Publishing Co., New York. 1911.

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