Biography of George W. King, M.D.

GEO. W. KING, M.D. – The early life of Doctor King of Pendleton was made dark by the terrible days of the Rebellion; and the recital of his early efforts to work out the distressful circumstances into which he was thus thrown is full of pathetic interest. He was born near Glasgow, Howard county, Missouri, November 14, 1844, and when but a boy of five went with his parents to reside near St. Louis, Missouri, where he lived until the spring of 1854, when his father moved to Kansas Territory, then but a prairie wilderness. He settled on Pottawatomie creek, … Read more

Genealogy of Robert Allen Family of Baltimore Maryland

O147 ROBERT ALLEN: b. Dec. 22, 1774 (s. of Robert James Allen; was b. in Scotland in 1729; m. an Irish girl and in the 18th century landed in America and located at Baltimore, Md.); m. Sarah Underwood; had, with other issue: (1) Nehemiah: b. 1800; d. y. (2) James: b. Sept. 19, 1801; m. Ann Elizabeth Semone. Had (A) William Henry: b. Feb. 1, 1829. (B) John: b. 1838; m. a Miss Dukel. (C) Lewis: b. 1841. (D) Samuel: b. Nov. 15, 1843. The names of the wives of Lewis and Samuel are unknown. (E) Robert James: b. 1831. … Read more

Slave Narrative of Richard Macks

Interviewer: Rogers Person Interviewed: Richard Macks Location: Baltimore, Maryland Place of Birth: Charles County MD Date of Birth: 1844 Place of Residence: 541 W. Biddle St., Baltimore, Maryland Occupation: Waiter, Coachman, Butler Reference: Personal interview with Richard Macks, ex-slave, at his home, 541 W. Biddle St., Baltimore. “I was born in Charles County in Southern Maryland in the year of 1844. My father’s name was William (Bill) and Mother’s Harriet Mack, both of whom were born and reared in Charles County—the county that James Wilkes Booth took refuge in after the assassination of President Lincoln in 1865. I had one … Read more

Biography of Malvern Bryan Clopton, M. D.

Thoroughly trained for professional activity in the University of Virginia, with later experience In the Johns Hopkins Hospital at Baltimore, Maryland, Dr. Malvern Bryan Clopton is now engaged in active practice in St. Louis, of which city he is a native. He was born October 8, 1875, his parents being William and Belle (Bryan) Clopton. The father was born in Huntsville, Alabama, and was a descendant of one of the old families of that state of English lineage. The first ancestor in America was Robert Clopton, who came to the new world in 1643 and originally settled in Virginia. Ancestors … Read more

Biography of James P. Fulton

James P. Fulton, postmaster at Stanley, Ontario county, New York, and who has held a number of other positions under the government of the United States, has served his country bravely and well, as will be found detailed further on in this sketch. He is a descendant of the distinguished Fulton family, of Ireland, and it seems but natural that his name should be found in the lists of those who fought so gallantly during the civil war, as he but displayed the traits inherited from a number of his ancestors. Among these was his maternal great-grandfather, Captain John Rippey, … Read more

Biography Of Mary Alice Murdock

Mary Alice Murdock probably deserves to rank first among Kansas women in the field of journalism. As editor and manager of the El Dorado Republican she is continuing a publication and an influence which were dignified and ennobled by her honored father, the late Thomas Benton Murdock. She was born at Emporia, Kansas, February 28, 1870, and four days after her birth her parents removed to El Dorado, where she grew up and was educated in the public schools. She worked nearly through the senior year in high school, and finished her education in Mount Washington Seminary at Baltimore, Maryland. … Read more

Slave Narrative of James Wiggins

Person Interviewed: James Wiggins Location: Baltimore, Maryland Place of Birth: Anne Arundel County MD Date of Birth: 1850-1851 Place of Residence: 625 Barre St. Reference: Personal interview with James Wiggins, ex-slave, at his home, 625 Barre St. “I was born in Anne Arundel County, on a farm near West River about 1850 or 1851, I do not know which. I do not know my father or mother. Peter Brooks, one of the oldest colored men in the county, told me that my father’s name was Wiggins. He said that he was one of the Revells’ slaves. He acquired my father … Read more

Biography of William Paxton Hazen

William Paxton Hazen, who died at Chetopa, Kansas, April 16, 1909, was for many years a successful Kansas banker. His widow, Mrs. Addie (Glass) Hazen, who survives him, is widely known in women’s circles in Kansas, and is especially active in charitable and philanthropic enterprises in her home city. Mr. Hazen died when at the high tide of his usefulness. He was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, July 10, 1858. His father, David Hazen, was a lawyer by profession, practiced for many years in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, but died in Erie, Kansas. Mr. Hazen’s maternal grandmother, Mary Ewing, had her pew in … Read more

Biography of Samuel Heagy

Dozen years ago no man perhaps was better known throughout Rock Island County than Samuel Heagy, the subject of this sketch, for years one of the county’s influential and respected citizens. He was born in Taneytown, Maryland, April 20, 1838, and died January 28, 1896. He was the son of a widowed mother, his father having died shortly before his birth. Six years later his mother also passed away, leaving the lad alone in the world. The little boy was taken into the home of a man and his wife in the neighborhood, and with this couple he made his … Read more

Slave Narrative of Annie Young Henson

Interviewer: Rogers Person Interviewed: Annie Young Henson Location: Baltimore, Maryland Place of Birth: Northumberland County, Virginia Age: 86 Place of Residence: African M.E. Home, 207 Aisquith St., Baltimore, Maryland Reference: Personal interview with Annie Young Henson, ex-slave, at African M.E. Home, 207 Aisquith St., Baltimore. “I was born in Northumberland County, Virginia, 86 years ago. Daughter of Mina and Tom Miller. I had one brother Feelingchin and two sisters, Mary and Matilda. Owned by Doctor Pressley Nellum. “The farm was called Traveler’s Rest. The farm so named because a man once on a dark, cold and dreary night stopped there … Read more

Biography of Herman Genthe

Herman Genthe. The oldest bakery establishment of Topeka under one continuous ownership and management is that conducted by Mr. Herman Genthe, who now had associated with him his oldest son. Mr. Genthe is a master of his trade. He learned it as a boy in Germany, where his ancestors so far as known were millers and had a great deal to do with those grains that furnish the staple food stuffs, wheat and rye. Mr. Genthe’s talent as a maker of fine bread is therefore partly an inheritance from his ancestors, though it had been developed by his individual experience … Read more

Biography of Rev. Patrick Joseph Kane

Rev. Patrick Joseph Kane, who for a third of a century has been pastor of the Church of Our Holy Redeemer at Webster Groves, is a native of Ireland but during his childhood days was brought by his parents to the United States and became a pupil in the public schools of Bloomington, Illinois, where the family home was established. He afterward attended a local business college and later became a student in the Christian Brothers College at St. Louis. Having determined to enter the priesthood he subsequently pursued his theological studies in St. Mary’s Seminary at Baltimore, Maryland, and … Read more

Biography of Hon. William A. Conn

Hon. William A. Conn, of San Bernardino, is one of those strong individualities in the pioneer history of California, who by his force of character and intellect stamped his impress upon the early civilization of the Golden State. Though a number of the first years of his residence on the Pacific coast were passed in the northern part of the State, at San Francisco, yet for a third of a century Southern California has had the benefits of his public-spirited patriotism, his business attainments and his generous philanthropy. Mr. Conn was born in 1814, on the West India Islands, where … Read more

Biography of James J. Rogers

The life of James J. Rogers has not been one of unvarying monotony, circumscribed by the habits, thoughts and customs of some narrow community, but contains many interesting incidents that come with travel and extensive intercourse with the world. Born on the Atlantic coast, he has visited foreign lands, has viewed many of the interesting scenes of our own country, and is now located in the beautiful city of Boise, which nestles in one of the loveliest valleys of the Pacific slope. There he is successfully engaged in the practice of law, and in the political affairs of the state … Read more

Biography of Hon. Henry Montague Willis

Hon. Henry Montague Willis, San Bernardino, was born in Baltimore, Maryland, September 21. 1831. His ancestors were among the first English settlers of the colony of Virginia and Maryland prior to the Revolution. His father, Mr. Henry H. Willis, was a captain in the merchant marine, with whom the subject of this memoir made a number of voyages before he was twelve years of age, alternating between school and the sea. At the age of twelve he adopted a seafaring life, and during six years’ sailing the briny deep he visited the ports of the Mediterranean, England, France, Ireland, Rio … Read more

Slave Narrative of Charles Coles

Interviewer: Rogers Person Interviewed: Charles Coles Location: Baltimore, Maryland Date of Birth: 1851 Place of Birth: Charles County MD Place of Residence: 1106 Sterling St., Baltimore, Maryland Reference: Personal interview with Charles Coles at his home, 1106 Sterling St., Baltimore, Md. “I was born near Pisgah, a small village in the western part of Charles County, about 1851. I do not know who my parents were nor my relatives. I was reared on a large farm owned by a man by the name of Silas Dorsey, a fine Christian gentleman and a member of the Catholic Church. “Mr. Dorsey was a … Read more

Biography of Finis Waldo Ewing, M. D.

Dr. Finis Waldo Ewing, engaged in the practice of medicine and surgery in Muskogee since 1915, his ability in his chosen calling being widely recognized, was born in Missouri, January 10, 1876, and is a son of Dr. Lee D. and Bettie (Harris) Ewing. At the usual age he became a public school pupil and having mastered the regular branches of the public school curriculum and had one year of university preparation, he went to Baltimore, Maryland, where he entered the Baltimore University in preparation for a professional career. He won his M. D. degree upon graduation with the class … Read more

Biography of M. Hayward Post, Jr., M. D.

Dr. M. Hayward Post, Jr., who is engaged in medical practice in St. Louis, is a representative of one of the oldest American families, his ancestors having come to the new world on the Mayflower. His grandfather was Rev. Truman Marcellus Post, who is mentioned by a former historian as one of the eminent Missouri preachers of his day. His father was M. Hayward Post, who was a well known physician and a prominent oculist of St. Louis. He served for twenty years as a member of the board of the Missouri School for the Blind and passed away in … Read more

Biography of Francis Merriman Barnes, Jr., M. D.

Dr. Francis Merriman Barnes, Jr., a graduate of the Johns Hopkins University and prominently known as a neuropsychiatrist of St. Louis, was born in Middletown, New York, August 20, 1881, a son of Francis Merriman and Mary Drusilla (Reynolds) Barnes. The father, a native of Pennsylvania and a representative of one of the old families of that state of English lineage, is now a successful dentist. He was graduated from the Baltimore Dental College and is in active practice in Middletown, New York. His wife, a native of the Empire state, passed away in 1884. In their family were four … Read more

Biography of Hon. P. A. Marquam

Hon. P. A. Marquam was born near Baltimore, Maryland, February 28, 1823, and is the eighth child in a family of nine children of Philip Winchester and Charlotte Mercer (Poole), Marquam. His grandfather was a wealthy merchant of England, employing many ships in carrying on an extensive trade. His father was born in England but at the age of twenty came to America. His mother was a daughter of Henry Poole, a wealthy planter, on whose plantation now stands Poolville, Maryland. On account of sickness and financial misfortune the father of our subject soon after his marriage decided to leave … Read more