Biography of William A. Cornell

William A. Cornell, secretary and manager of the Geneva Brewing Company, appears to be one of those fortunate individuals, the right man in the right place, if we may judge by the results he has achieved in the industry with which he has been connected for a number of years. He has inherited, and understands how to make the best use of, the admirable traits which have descended to him from his English and Scotch ancestry, and to these he has added the best that is to be found in our own country. Both his grandfather and father were brewers … Read more

History of Ontario County, New York, part 1

History of Ontario County, New York

“History of Ontario County, New York: With Illustrations and Family Sketches of Some of the Prominent Men and Families” is a comprehensive historical compilation, organized by Lewis Cass Aldrich and meticulously edited by George Stillwell Conover. Published in 1893 by D. Mason & Co., Syracuse, N.Y., this monumental work illuminates the rich tapestry of Ontario County’s past. Recognizing the voluminous nature of the original single volume, it has been thoughtfully divided into two parts for convenience and accessibility. Part 1 encompasses the historical and biographical narrative of Ontario County, laying the foundation for the genealogical treasures contained in Part 2.

Biography of Abram A. Post

Abram A. Post, owner of one of the finest farms in Seneca, Ontario county, New York, which has been in uninterrupted possession of his family since 1809, has had the advantage of extended travel to assist him in the cultivation of this piece of land and bring out its especial qualities. Frank J. Post, father of Abram A. Post, was born on the homestead farm, October 16, 1842, died in 1904. He improved the land which had been left to him by his father, in many respects, but it was left to the improved methods of his son to bring … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Matthew Bennett

(I) Matthew Bennett, the grandfather of Horace D. Bennett, was a native of Orange county, New York, and removed to Geneva, Ontario county, New York, in 1805, there founding the homestead of the Bennett family. He was a farmer and spent his life on the farm which he purchased in that section. During the revolutionary war he was an active participant in many of the most important engagements.

Biographical Sketch of Frederick Augustine Sterling

Sterling, Frederick Augustine; merchant; born, Chapinville, Conn., May 26, 1831; son of Frederick Augustine and Caroline Mary (Dutcher) Sterling; educated, public and private schools, Geneva, N. Y.; married, Meadville, Pa., May 13, 1856, Emma Betts; issue, one son, living in Erie, Pa.; merchant in Cleveland since 1850; connected with T. S. Beckwith & Co., Beckwith, Sterling & Co., Sterling & Co., The Sterling & Welch Co., pres. the Sterling & Welch Co., director Union National Bank; director Citizens Savings & Trust Co.; vice pres. Cleveland Burial Case Co.; pres. Board of Trustees, Second Presbyterian Church; member Union and Country Clubs. … Read more

Biography of William B. Forster

William B. Forster, who is engaged in general farming in the town of Seneca, Ontario county, New York, occupies a high position in the literary circles of that section of the country and is also prominently identified with its religious life. William D. Forster, father of William B. Forster, was born at Halls Corners, Ontario county, New York, March 29, 1830, and is the oldest living person born at that place. He attended the common schools of his native township and supplemented this education by attendance at the sessions of Alfred Academy. He then engaged in teaching, and taught schools … Read more

Biography of Allen Becker Richards

Allen Becker Richards, a native of Pennsylvania, who served in a New York regiment during the civil war, is now (1910) a retired business man of Geneva where he has resided for nearly sixty years. Michael Richards, father of Allen B. Richards, was born in Maxatawny, Pennsylvania, in 1800, was a lifelong resident of that state and died in 1880. His wife, Ada Richards, was also a native of the Keystone state, born in 1809, died in 1899. Children: 1. Allen Becker, see forward. 2. Azuilla, born in 1832, now (1910) the widow of Unie Zeigler, who died in 1901 … Read more

Biography of George F. Licht

George F. Licht, ex-mayor of the town of Geneva, Ontario county, New York, at present superintendent and assistant treasurer of the Patent Cereals Company of Geneva, New York, is one of the most prominent men in that section of the country, and has served it in a number of public offices. George F. Licht was born on Long Island, New York, August 18, 1860. He was educated in the Brooklyn and other Long Island schools, and was graduated from the Brooklyn high school. At the age of sixteen years he entered the employ of Tiffany & Company, jewelers, of New … Read more

Biography of Daniel Kane

Chief of police, Daniel Kane, of Geneva, is not only one of the oldest guardians of the peace in the State, in point of service, having held that office for more than twenty consecutive years, but also enjoys the distinction of being one of the most efficient detectives between New York city and Chicago. His rapid advancement in the police department was the result of his close attention to duty, and his long continued retention in his present office is a fitting recognition of his earnest endeavors to protect the community from the aggressions of law-breakers. Daniel Kane was born … Read more

Biographical Sketch of D. Eddy Barnes

(III) D. Eddy, son of David Barnes, was born August 10, 1856, in the house in which he is residing at the present time, and which was erected in 1838, by David Barnes. He was educated in the public schools of Canandaigua and Geneva, New York, and during his earlier years assisted his father in the cultivation of the homestead farm, which later passed into his own possession. It is in a fine state of cultivation and consists of one hundred and fifty acres of land. The house, is built of stone. Mr. Barnes is very progressive and up-to-date in … Read more

Biography of Reuben H. Gulvin

Reuben H. Gulvin, chief of the fire department of Geneva, Ontario county, New York, is a fine example of a self-made man, in the truest sense of the word, rising entirely by his own unaided efforts from a position of dependence in England to that of the proprietor of the finest jewelry store in Geneva and its vicinity, and to a foremost position in the community in which he resides. Reuben H. Gulvin was born in Kent county, England, November 20, 1869, son of George Gulvin, who is still living in his native county, and is considered an expert in … Read more

Biography of Thomas J. Bolger

Thomas J. Bolger, who has attained and holds a place in the foremost ranks of the nurserymen of Ontario county, New York, and who is prominently identified with the political and social affairs of that section of the state of New York, is of Irish descent, and has inherited many of the excellent traits which distinguish that people. Andrew Bolger, father of Thomas J. Bolger, was born in Ireland in 1844, and came to this country in early manhood. He commenced work as a laborer and has always followed that occupation. By means of his thrift and industry he succeeded … Read more

Biography of Dr. James J. Collie

Dr. James J. Collie, who has for a number of years been engaged in the practice of the medical profession in Geneva, Ontario county, New York, is descended from an old family whose original home was in Scotland, and he has inherited the habits of thrift, determination and perseverance which characterize the natives of that favored land. Honorable in every relation of life and earnest in forwarding the good of his fellow men in every possible manner, he has gained the respect and confidence of all with whom he comes in contact. As a physician he has won a distinct … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Bernard Borgman

(II) Bernard (2) Borgman, subject of this sketch, was born in Rochester, New York, September, 1854. His elementary education was received in the schools of his native city, and he then attended those of Yates county, New York. He had learned the cabinet-maker’s trade, and at the age of twenty-five years he made his first business venture, establishing himself in the furniture and undertaking line in Penn Yan, Yates county, New York. For nine years he conducted this business successfully, then sold his interest in the concern to his partner and established himself in the same manner, but independently, in … Read more

Biography of Charles Danford Bean

Charles Danford Bean, attorney and counselor at law in Geneva, Ontario county, New York, is a member of a family that has been domiciled in New York state for several generations, and their history and that of the family seat is a more than usually interesting one. Maple Hill, the homestead, derives its name from the thickly-wooded land upon which the house stands, and has many historic associations. The mansion was originally erected in 1834. and was at that time a twostory structure; successive owners added wings and rebuilt and remodeled the house, which has sheltered and extended hospitality to … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Nathan D. Lapham

Nathan D. Lapham, attorney and counselor at law in Geneva, Ontario county, New York, has not alone gained a reputation as a civil and criminal lawyer, but has for a number of years been prominently identified with public affairs in his section of the country. It is owing to the energy, ambition and progressive ideas of men of this stamp that many greatly needed improvements are introduced into the commonwealth, and their influence is a widespread one, extending far beyond the confines of their own generation and lives. (I) Nathan Lapham, grandfather of Nathan D. Lapham, and the ancestor for … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George S. Stubbs

(III) George S., only son of Watson E. and Martha E. (Louw) Stubbs, was born in Halls Corner, Seneca, June 13, 1867. He resides in Geneva, New York, and is a man endowed with unusual executive ability. Under his capable control, during the past twelve years, the business with which he has become identified, made rapid forward strides, and has taken a high rank in the commercial world, in addition to its former prestige. He is an earnest supporter of Republican principles, and a member of the North Presbyterian Church. His fraternal affiliations are with the following organizations: Past master … Read more

Biography of Dr. Jay Byington Covert

Dr. Jay Byington Covert, one of the leading physicians of Geneva, Ontario county, New York, while still young in years, has already attained a foremost rank in the medical profession. His quick perception, sound judgment and thorough training, command the respect and confidence of all who know (1910) him, and he is held in the highest estimation by his fellow citizens. The fact is amply evidenced in the record of his daily life. He has devoted his life to a noble profession, and in all professions, but more especially in the medical, there are exalted heights to which genius itself … Read more

Biography of Fayette Taylor

Fayette Taylor, one of the younger members of the farming fraternity in Geneva, Ontario county, New York, is not by any means the least of those to be considered when the value of practical and progressive methods is taken into consideration. Those farmers who are ready and willing to adopt the modern and scientific methods of cultivating the soil whenever these methods can be readily adopted are the ones whose farms produce the largest crops in proportion to the acreage tinder cultivation, and it is these farmers who raise the general prosperity of the country, which depends in a great … Read more

Biography of Edward H. Palmer

Edward H. Palmer, who is the head and the leading spirit of numerous enterprises of financial importance in Geneva, Ontario county, New York, and its vicinity, and whose keen foresight and unusual executive ability have been the means of greatly improving the business prospects of the section, is one of that class of citizens who labor earnestly to build tip the commerce and manufactures of the communities in which they live. and by so doing enrich and benefit the entire country. Mr. Palmer was born in Clinton county, Iowa, May 17, i855, and acquired his early education in the district … Read more