William H. Todd of Middlefield NY

William H. Todd8, (Asahel7, Jehiel6, Stephen5, Stephen4, Samuel3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born Aug. 23, 1835, in Middlefield Center, Otsego County, N. Y., died Feb. 15, 1875, married March 6, 1861, Harriet L. Sweeting, who was born Nov. 15, 1837, in Marion, N. Y. Children: 2046. Augusta P., b. Feb. 5, 1862. *2047. Frederick Sweeting, b. June 29, 1865. 2048. Arthur William, b. Dec. 13, 1869, d. July 8, 1909, in Rochester, N. Y.

Luzerne Todd of Hartwick NY

Luzerne, Todd8, (Lemuel7, Jehiel6, Stephen5, Stephen4, Samuel3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born Dec. 21, 1821, in Hartwick, N. Y., died March 16, 1910, married Jan. 30, 1845, Mary Ann Pepper, who was born Feb. 27, 1824, in Pultneyville, Wayne County, N. Y., died Dec. 16, 1898. Children: *1991. Herbert Luzerne, b. March 30, 1846. 1992. Glen Erskine, b. June 23, 1848, d. Aug. 30, 1850. *1993. Emma Louisa, b. Dec. 27, 1851. *1994. William Dwight, b. Nov. 21, 1854. *1995. Mary Belle, b. Nov. 8, 1856.

Horatio Nelson Todd of Wenona IL

Horatio Nelson Todd8, (Ira7, Jehiel6, Stephen5, Stephen4, Samuel3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born Feb. 16, 1808, in Hartwick, N. Y., died Aug. 6, 1879, in Wenona, Ill., married Sept. 11, 1835, Jane Bennett, who was born Oct. 20, 1811, died Sept. 11, 1897, in Milwaukee, Wis. Mr. Todd went to Toddsville, Otsego County, N. Y., with his brothers, Andrew and Ira, where they operated a flouring and paper mill. Horatio and Andrew carried on the business until 1855, when they were forced into bankruptcy, soon after this, he moved to Wenona, Ill., where he with his brothers, Andrew, Walter and Ira formed … Read more

Biography of Hector Ross

In the town of Sherburne, and near the village of the same name, Chenango county, is a locality known as the “Quarter,” taking its name from the fact that it comprises one-quarter of the town. Here is located a thriving little manufacturing and trading settlement. By far the greater part of the life and prosperity of this place are due to the business capacity and the energy of the man whose portrait appears above. Hector Ross was born in Greenock, Scotland, in 1811. His father’s name was John Ross, who was a molder. living in Greenock. His mother’s maiden name … Read more

Biography of Charles Darius Hammond

CHARLES DARIUS HAMMOND ONE of the prominent railroad officials of our city, whose services have been of great value to the corporations with which he has been connected, is Charles D. Hammond, the present superintendent of the Northern department of the Delaware and Hudson Canal Company’s railroad. His ancestors came from England to this country at an early date and settled in Massachusetts. His grand-father afterward moved to Rushford, Allegany county, N. Y., where he was born on the 1st of March, 1844. He is a son of the Rev. S. Y. Hammond, a member of the Genesee Conference of … Read more

Biography of Rt. Rev. Daniel Sylvester Tuttle

Rt. Rev. Daniel Sylvester Tuttle, who since 1903 has been presiding bishop of Missouri, was born in Windham, New York, January 26, 1837, a son of Daniel Bliss and Abigail Clarke (Stimpson) Tuttle. The father was born in Wallingford, Connecticut, and was a son of Charles Tuttle, a Revolutionary war soldier of the Connecticut line. Abigail C. Tuttle came of Holland ancestry. Bishop Tuttle prepared for college in Delaware Academy of New York and was graduated from Columbia College of New York city with the class of 1857. In early manhood he took up the profession of teaching and was … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Frederick A. Manchester

Manchester, Frederick A.; real estate; born Otsego county, N. Y., Nov. 28, 1863; son of Dewitt C. and Julia Bates Manchester; from 1870-1877, public schools, Mentor, Lake County O.; married, Concord, O., May 5, 1887, Evalena A. Sherman; issue, Marguerite A. and Sherman A., who was Intercollegiate Ohio State champion in tennis in 1913; farmer until 1901, specialty of fruit growing; came to Cleveland in 1901, and went into the real estate business with The Frisbee Co.; supt. of Sales Dept., nine years; in 1909, accepted position of sales mgr. for The Scott-Hall-Clark Co., now The Clark-Manchester Co.; pres. The … Read more

George Ira Todd of Bartonville IL

George Ira Todd9, (Ira8, Ira7, Jehiel6, Stephen5, Stephen4, Samuel3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born Dec. 9, 1849, in Cooperstown, N. Y., married in 1876, Clara L. Hemstreet, of Mendota, Ill., who was born in 1854, in Lyons, N. Y. About 1895 his mind became deranged through overwork and worry and since that time he has been an inmate of the insane asylum in Bartonville, Ill. He is not very closely confined and is allowed many privileges. Children: 2607. Charles Albert, b. Oct. 1877, d. in 1907. 2608. Mary Elizabeth, b. 1879; unmarried. 2609. Helen Ruby, b. 1881, m. 1913, William Wally, of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Joseph Sherman Van De Boe

Van De Boe, Joseph Sherman; real estate; born, Jan. 20, 1859, Cooperstown, N. Y.; son of John Leeland Van De Boe; common school education; married in December, 1881, Miss Mary A. Wood, of Lebanon; issue, one son, Hugh Robert, born Oct. 14, 1885; Mrs. Van De Boe died in December, 1909, while visiting her son, in Hong Kong, China; business career, began to work when 12 years of age; worked on a farm; mgr. Drug Co. in Andover, N. Y.; realizing the need of further education, worked in country store in Ulysses, Pa., and attended Academy there; then went to … Read more

Andrew Hinman Todd of Wenona IL

Andrew Hinman Todd8, (Ira7, Jehiel6, Stephen5, Stephen4, Samuel3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born June 21, 1824, in Hartford, Conn., married June, 1847, Jeanette Almy, who was born April 17, 1827. He was associated with his brothers, Horatio N. and Ira, they becoming owners and managers of the paper mill and flouring mill in Toddsville, N. Y. While living in Toddsville, he built a house not very far from their mill property and in which his relative, Samuel S. Todd, was living in 1918. Later he was in partnership with his brothers, Horatio, Walter and Ira, in a general store business in Wenona, … Read more

Maria Irene Todd Curtiss of New York

CURTISS, Maria Irene Todd8, (Zerah7, Jehiel6, Stephen5, Stephen4, Samuel3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born June 8, 1831, in Toddsville, N. Y., married at Oriskany Falls, N. Y., Oct. 14, 1851, Samuel Curtiss, who was born Dec. 15, 1824, died Oct. 31, 1870. He was in government employ as master mechanic, building piers in Oswego, N. Y. harbor. One day the government inspector appeared during a heavy wind and wished to examine the piers which were being constructed. So three men started out in a small boat, to see what effect the waves had upon the piers under the light-house. The wind was … Read more

George Todd of St. Louis MO

George Todd8, (Ira7, Jehiel6, Stephen5, Stephen4, Samuel3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born Feb. 3, 1815, in Hartwick, N. Y., died in 1906, married Jan. 6, 1842, Alice Orne, daughter of Samuel and Abigail (Low) Davis, who was born June 7, 1818, in Weare, N. H. She was a sister of his brother Washington Todd’s wife, Mary Low Davis. Her mother, Abigail Low was a cousin of Hon. Seth Low, Ex-Mayor of New York City. Mr. Todd went to St. Louis, Mo., to establish the business of flour milling, in 1835. Two of his brothers, Charles and Washington, came later and were associated … Read more

Biography of James Brackett

James Brackett, a prominent lawyer of Cherry Valley, Otsego County, New York, who graduated in the class with Daniel Webster, at Dartsmouth College, came to Rock Island in 1847 to spend the last years of a long and useful life. John Ely Brackett, eldest son of James Brackett, graduated from West Point and later was appointed a Lieutenant in the Second Regiment of Artillery. Later he became a Captain in Colonel Stevenson’s Regiment, which was to sail for California to serve during the war with Mexico, and afterwards, as Major-General John Ely Brackett, was very active during the troublous California … Read more

Marquis DeLafayette Todd of New York

Marquis DeLafayette Todd8, (Zerah7, Jehiel6, Stephen5, Stephen4, Samuel3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born April 1, 1834, in Toddsville, N. Y., married Dec. 3, 1868, at Oriskany Falls, N. Y., Lizzie J. Holmes, who was born July 18, 1837, at Sandy Creek, Oswego County, N. Y. Child: 2062. Juna May, b. March 14, 1873.

Lucy Todd Gilbert of New York

GILBERT, Lucy Todd7, (Chauncey6, Jonah5, Stephen4, Samuel3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born Oct. 30, 1813, died Oct. 31, 1891, married June 8, 1835, Norris Gilbert, who was born Sept. 9, 1811, died Aug. 12, 1877. She lived on a farm near Morris, N. Y., after her marriage, until the death of her husband in 1877, and for a time after that with her son Frederick; later she went to live with her second son, Mahlon, in St. Paul. It is said that as an infant she was unusually small, and she was always slight and frail looking, but she lived far beyond … Read more

Wright, Bertha Rose Georgia – Obituary

Mrs. Bertha Wright, wife of A. M. Wright, died at her home on the north side early last Monday morning [September 30, 1901] of typhoid fever. She had been sick for a couple of weeks but as her friends had all long hoped for her early recovery, her death came as a great shock. The high esteem in which Mrs. Wright was held was evidenced by the many sincere expressions of sympathy and the presence of so many at the services on Tuesday afternoon at the home. Besides the grief-stricken husband, she leaves six children, who are thus deprived of … Read more

Biography of Andrew Sloan Draper

ANDREW SLOAN DRAPER ONE of the foremost men in the promotion of the cause of education in our country to day, is the Hon. Andrew S. Draper, the present Superintendent of Public Instruction of the state of New York. His career is especially note-worthy and interesting as affording encouragement and inspiration to the youth of our land, who are seeking higher educational advantages. Born at Westford, Otsego County, N. Y., on the 21st of June, 1848, the first seven years of his life were passed under watchful parental care, at his native place. The first school he attended was in … Read more

Biography of Jonas H. Brooks

JONAS H. BROOKS A LEADING, representative young man of Albany – a banker by profession – who is identified with the commercial interests of the city, is Jonas H. Brooks. He was born at Rutland, Worcester County, Mass., on the 5th of January, 1848. He comes from a long line of New England ancestry, which dates back to the formation of the Massachusetts colony in 1630-1. He is of the eighth generation of this strong and sterling old race in this country. The parents of Jonas H. Brooks are Moses Brooks and Sophronia Greenwood. His grandfather was Jonas Brooks of … Read more

Charles Ferdinand Todd of Duluth MN

Charles Ferdinand Todd9, (Walter S.8, Ira7, Jehiel6, Stephen5, Stephen4, Samuel3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born July 25, 1844, in Cooperstown, N. Y., married June 1, 1871, Harriet Ophelia, daughter of Hon. Elnathan and Salome (Cushman) Hathaway, who was born in Assonet Village, Freetown, Mass. Her mother was a cousin of Charlotte Cushman, the actress. Soon after their marriage, they went to Chicago, Ill., where he engaged in the wholesale produce business and which he continued for several years. Later he moved to Duluth, Minn., where he was a dealer in fancy butter. They lived in Chicago at the time of the great … Read more

Ira Todd of LaSalle IL

Ira Todd8, (Ira7, Jehiel6, Stephen5, Stephen4, Samuel3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born Sept. 15, 1822, in Hartford, Conn., died Jan., 1899, married Sept. 26, 1848, Mary Washburn Cushman, who was born July 19, 1825, in Asonet or Taunton, Mass., died Nov. 7, 1894. Ira Todd in association with his brothers Horatio N. and Andrew, owned and managed a flouring mill and a paper mill in Toddsville, N. Y. Somewhat later he became associated with three of his brothers, Horatio N., Walter S. and Andrew owning and managing a general store in Wenona, Ill., still later, he and Walter were in company in … Read more