Biographical Sketch of Benjamin Childs

(VII) Benjamin, son of Oliver and Nancy (Hart) Childs, was born in Seneca, April 8, 1819; died in that town, January 27, 1878. He was a prosperous farmer, owning one hundred and seven acres of land containing an almost inexhaustible supply of excellent clay, suitable for the production of tile and brick, and he engaged in the manufacture of tile, establishing an industry which proved exceedingly beneficial to the town. This business is now (1910) carried on by his son. Although the tile plant demanded his close attention during a greater part of the year, he still retained his interest … Read more

Biography of William B. Forster

William B. Forster, who is engaged in general farming in the town of Seneca, Ontario county, New York, occupies a high position in the literary circles of that section of the country and is also prominently identified with its religious life. William D. Forster, father of William B. Forster, was born at Halls Corners, Ontario county, New York, March 29, 1830, and is the oldest living person born at that place. He attended the common schools of his native township and supplemented this education by attendance at the sessions of Alfred Academy. He then engaged in teaching, and taught schools … Read more

Biography of James P. Fulton

James P. Fulton, postmaster at Stanley, Ontario county, New York, and who has held a number of other positions under the government of the United States, has served his country bravely and well, as will be found detailed further on in this sketch. He is a descendant of the distinguished Fulton family, of Ireland, and it seems but natural that his name should be found in the lists of those who fought so gallantly during the civil war, as he but displayed the traits inherited from a number of his ancestors. Among these was his maternal great-grandfather, Captain John Rippey, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Joseph Tuttle

(VI) Joseph (4), son of Benjamin Tuttle, came with his father to Seneca, Ontario county, before 1793. He helped to clear the land and build a home for the family. He was one of the sturdy pioneers who laid the foundations of civilization in this section. He married and had children : Richard T., Elizabeth, Catherine, Reed and Anson S.

Biographical Sketch of M. Newton Black

(III) M. Newton, son of Aaron and Hannah Jane (Hipple) Black, was born in the town of Seneca, New York, June 3, 1854. His elementary education was acquired, in the public schools, and he then attended the Canandaigua Academy. Early in life he followed in the footsteps of his father as a farmer, and in 1900, when the farm came into his possession, he branched out in other directions, and established himself as a wholesale produce merchant, with which line he has since that time been successfully identified. His farm land comprises seventy-five acres, and the greatest care is displayed … Read more

Biography of Frank Rice

The present work would be incomplete were it not to record the life of Frank Rice, an eminent lawyer of Canandaigua, Ontario county, New York, who has risen to a position in the first ranks of his profession by a series of successful efforts, who has achieved prominence as a statesman and whose tenure of office has always been beneficial to his city, state and country. Frank Rice was born in Seneca, Ontario county, New York, January 15, 1845. His preparatory education was acquired in the Geneva Classical and Union School and Canandaigua Academy, and he then matriculated at Hamilton … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Aaron Black

(II) Aaron, eldest child of Moses and Mary (McMaster) Black, was born in Seneca, New York, September 21, 1821 ; died there, January 27, 1900. He followed the occupation of farming all his life. He married, December 16, 1846, Hannah Jane Hipple, born in Pennsylvania, May 8; 1829; died May, 1888. She was three years of age when her parents-settled in Seneca, New York. He and his wife were members of the Presbyterian church.

Biographical Sketch of Thomas Burrell

T. William Burrell belongs to that class of citizens who have been very generally overlooked by the biographers of modern times in favor of those whose paths in life he in the learned professions. Yet it is a fact that no class is more worthy of the respect and esteem of all their fellows than those who labor earnestly to bring from the earth the best that it can yield, and improve and advance the methods of cultivation. The Burrell family has been engaged in agricultural pursuits for many generations and came to this country in the eighteenth century from … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Oliver Childs

(VI) Oliver, youngest son of Libbeus and Sarah (Walker) Childs, was born in Conway, July 27, 1783. He settled in Seneca, New York, where he married for his first wife, Electa, daughter of Oliver Whitmore, of that town; she died without issue, August 2, 1816. He married (second) Nancy, daughter of Selah and Huldah Hart, of Seneca; she died April 30, 1831. He married (third) Betsey, daughter of John Gilbert, of Seneca. Children by second marriage: Benjamin, mentioned elsewhere; Electa Emeline; Theron Hart; Augustus Walstein; Edmund; Emeline; Joseph, and Gilbert. Children by his third marriage: Bradley Alonzo; Nancy Augusta, and … Read more

Biography of Thomas J. Bolger

Thomas J. Bolger, who has attained and holds a place in the foremost ranks of the nurserymen of Ontario county, New York, and who is prominently identified with the political and social affairs of that section of the state of New York, is of Irish descent, and has inherited many of the excellent traits which distinguish that people. Andrew Bolger, father of Thomas J. Bolger, was born in Ireland in 1844, and came to this country in early manhood. He commenced work as a laborer and has always followed that occupation. By means of his thrift and industry he succeeded … Read more

Biographical Sketch of C. Willard Rice

C. Willard, only son of Edward H. and Lucy (Dixon) Rice, was born in Seneca, New York, June 2, 1872. His preparatory education was acquired in the Canandaigua Academy, and he then became a student at Hamilton College, from which institution he was graduated. For a number of years he was engaged in teaching, and served as supervisor of schools at Seneca Falls for a period of six years. He was admitted to the bar in 1907, and immediately opened offices in Geneva, New York, where he is still located. He is a supporter of the Democratic party, and has … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Anson S. Tuttle

(VII) Anson S., son of Joseph (4) Tuttle, was born in Seneca, August 9, 1822, and died in 1902. He was educated in the district schools, and after his father sold his farm he followed the trade of carpenter and woodworker. He was pattern maker and woodworker for some years in the railroad shops at Canandaigua, New York. He married, October 7, 1856, Amanda M. Smith, who was born on the Smith homestead, now (1910) owned by Richard A. Tuttle, mentioned elsewhere. Her father, Wilmarth Smith, was born on the same farm, April 13, 1792. Wilmarth Smith married, in 1812, … Read more

Biography of Clark Forster

Clark Forster, whose family has been closely identified with the agricultural interests of Ontario county, New York, for many years, is considered one of the most successful fruit growers of the district, making a specialty of apple culture. William Forster, father of Clark Forster, was born in England in 1792, and came to this country in 1817. For somewhat more than a year he lived in Massachusetts, then, for a period of two years, made his home in Clyde, New York, and finally decided upon Seneca, Ontario county, New York, as his permanent home. He obtained employment on the farm … Read more

Biography of George W. Hewson

George W. Hewson, owner of a fine farm in Hall, Ontario county, New York, a large portion of which is devoted to the growing of fruit, is a fine example of what may be accomplished by energy, perseverance and a fixed determination to reach the top of the ladder. He has inherited the traits of industry, thrift and faithfulness in the discharge of duties, so characteristic of the English nation, from which he is descended, and where his family was an old and honored one. George Hewson, father of George W. Hewson, was born in England in 1810, and died … Read more

Biography of Colonel William Wilson

Colonel William Wilson, who has been connected with various lines of business, and is now (1910) the head of a large hardware concern, is descended from an old colonial family through his maternal grandfather, Captain Jonathan Whitney, who earned distinction in the war of the revolution. Colonel William Wilson was born in Seneca, Ontario county, New York, June 16, 1855. He was the recipient of an excellent education, being graduated respectively from the Canandaigua Academy, the Geneva Classical and Union School and Hobart College, leaving the latter in 1879 with the degree of Master of Arts. For the next two … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George S. Stubbs

(III) George S., only son of Watson E. and Martha E. (Louw) Stubbs, was born in Halls Corner, Seneca, June 13, 1867. He resides in Geneva, New York, and is a man endowed with unusual executive ability. Under his capable control, during the past twelve years, the business with which he has become identified, made rapid forward strides, and has taken a high rank in the commercial world, in addition to its former prestige. He is an earnest supporter of Republican principles, and a member of the North Presbyterian Church. His fraternal affiliations are with the following organizations: Past master … Read more

Biography of George Frederick Fordon

(IV) George Frederick Fordon, a member of the third generation of his family in this country, is a well known farmer and fruit grower in Geneva, Ontario county, New York. He is descended from a family engaged in agriculture in England for many generations. Continuing the excellent and proven methods in vogue in that country for many years, he has supplemented them by adopting the most modern ideas that have been evolved in the cultivation of the soil and bringing its products to the highest state of perfection. In this direction, Mr. Fordon has been especially progressive, and the excellence … Read more

History of Ontario County, New York, part 1

History of Ontario County, New York

“History of Ontario County, New York: With Illustrations and Family Sketches of Some of the Prominent Men and Families” is a comprehensive historical compilation, organized by Lewis Cass Aldrich and meticulously edited by George Stillwell Conover. Published in 1893 by D. Mason & Co., Syracuse, N.Y., this monumental work illuminates the rich tapestry of Ontario County’s past. Recognizing the voluminous nature of the original single volume, it has been thoughtfully divided into two parts for convenience and accessibility. Part 1 encompasses the historical and biographical narrative of Ontario County, laying the foundation for the genealogical treasures contained in Part 2.

Biography of Abram A. Post

Abram A. Post, owner of one of the finest farms in Seneca, Ontario county, New York, which has been in uninterrupted possession of his family since 1809, has had the advantage of extended travel to assist him in the cultivation of this piece of land and bring out its especial qualities. Frank J. Post, father of Abram A. Post, was born on the homestead farm, October 16, 1842, died in 1904. He improved the land which had been left to him by his father, in many respects, but it was left to the improved methods of his son to bring … Read more