Stevens Genealogy of Blue Hill, Maine

The Deacon Benjamin Stevens house and place are on the north side of Main street opposite the Parker’s Point road and the next to be described. This house was built by Theodore Stevens, who was born in Andover, Mass., July 12, 1763, and came to Blue Hill in 1791. The exact date of building the house is not known, but is supposed to have been about 1800, Theodore Stevens’ wife was Dorcas Osgood, whom he married Oct. 4, 1791. She was born March 21, 1763; died April 27, 1832; he died May 15, 1820. Their children were as follows:

  1. Elizabeth Osgood Stevens, born Dec. 8, 1792; married Jonah Holt in 1811 and died, leaving no children, Nov. 1847.
  2. Edward Varnum Stevens, born Oct. 10, 1794; married first Susannah Hinckley, by whom he had six children; second, Margaret H. Grindle, no children; he died May 18, 1857. See further.
  3. Benjamin Stevens, born June 1, 1796; married Polly, daughter of Rev. Jonathan Fisher. See further.
  4. Lydia Faulkner Stevens, born May 22, 1798, died in 1860; married Simeon Parker, Nov. 4, 1818, by whom she had three children:
    1. Simeon Parker, died in infancy.
    2. Simeon Parker, died in infancy.
    3. Maria Parker, died in infancy.
  5. Lucretia Stevens, born March 18, 1801; died March 31, 1801.
  6. Elvina Stevens, born May 7, 1802, died Oct. 8, 1901; married Joseph Hinckley; had one daughter:
    1. Lizzie Hinckley, now dead.
  7. John Stevens, born June 12, 1804; married Mary Jane Perkins of Castine. Both are dead. See further.

Benjamin Stevens Family Genealogy

Benjamin Stevens, born June 1, 1796; married Polly, daughter of Rev. Jonathan Fisher, Nov. 11, 1829; she was born Feb. 12 1808; died in 1878. He died May 22, 1873, in his seventy-seventh year. He and his family resided in the old house, which is still owned and occupied by his children. He was a carder of wool and a dresser and fuller of woolen cloths. He was deacon of the Congregational church for many years and a man of piety and high standing. He had six children as follows: viz.:

  1. Mary Louisa Mason Stevens, born August 15, 1830; married Samuel E. Kimball.
  2. Harriet Elizabeth Stevens, born Oct. 2, 1832; twice married; first husband, Jeppe Knudson; second, Reuben Morton; now a widow at homestead.
  3. Sarah Fisher Stevens, born Sept. 25, 1834; married Otis Hinckley; died Oct. 20, 1897.
  4. Henry Martyn Stevens, born Aug, 22, 1837; resides at the old homestead.
  5. Elvina Stevens Stevens, born Aug. 20, 1839; died Oct. 25, 1839.
  6. Albert Cole Stevens, born Sept. 18, 1842; re-sides at the old homestead.

Varnum Stevens Family Genealogy

Varnum Stevens, son of Theodore and Dorcas (Osgood) Stevens, born Oct. 10, 1794, with his family, was the occupant of this place in the earliest remembrance of it by writer. Mr. Stevens was a black-smith by trade, but gave up that business to his sons later in life. He died Oct. 5, 1870, aged seventy-six years. He married Dec. 2, 1819, Susannah Brown, daughter of Nehemiah and Edith (Wood) Hinckley, born Feb. 21, 1793, and died on May 18, 1857, aged sixty-four years and three months. Their children were:

  1. Eliza Holt Stevens, born Sept. 1, 1820; died Feb. 25, 1862.
  2. Theodore Stevens, born Dec. 27, 1821; married Maria P. Hinckley.
  3. Frederic Stillman Stevens, born April 15, 1823; married Adelle Mann. See further.
  4. Charles Varnum Stevens, born April 2, 1825; died at sea Oct. 3, 1845.
  5. Augustus Stevens, born April 4, 1829; married Emeline Googins.
  6. John Albert Stevens, born Jan. 17, 1832; married Frances E. Smith.

Mr. Stevens married a second wife, Mrs. Margaret H. Grindle, of Penobscot, March 1, 1858; she died Feb. 14, 1869, leaving no children by this union. Mr. Stevens’ name in the records is given as Varnum, also as Edward Varnum.

John Stevens Family Genealogy

The Kittridge House and place were sold to John Stevens, who on Nov. 5, 1838, married Miss Mary J. Perkins, of Castine (born Feb. 10, 1811) and brought her a bride to this house to reside, where both continued to reside until their death, and where their children were born.

John Stevens was the son of Theodore and Dorcas (Osgood) Stevens, born at Blue Hill, June 12, 1804, a school teacher in younger days, then a trader, vessel owner and business man. He was for forty-five years a clerk and treasurer of the trustees of Blue Hill academy, and under his management the invested funds of the academy more than doubled in amount. He died June 7, 1890, aged eighty-six, and his wife died Dec. 19, 1878. They had six children, four sons and two daughters, viz.:

  1. Edgar Stevens, born April 11, 1840; a sea captain.
  2. Frank Stevens, born Jan. 31, 1842; a sea captain out of New York.
  3. Samuel Stevens, born Aug. 8, 1843; died at Chatham, N. J., May 21, 1902.
  4. Sarah Eliza Stevens, born April 18, 1845; died July 7, 1888.
  5. John Perkins Stevens, born Dec. 24, 1850; resides in Boston.
  6. Miriam Perkins Stevens, born Nov. 18, 1851; died June 20, 1895.

The house and place remains in the family and is rented to summer residents for the season and closed winters. The writer remembers the house when being built and also from that time to the present. In it he spent many a pleasant hour with Mr. and Mrs. Stevens, whose son Edgar was a sailor and an officer with him in ship “Electric Spark”, first in 1861 and again in 1864 and 1865, and who still holds a warm place in the memory and friend-ship of the writer. Those who share together common hardships and dangers are not likely to easily forget each other as they from year to year grow older, and the time draws near for casting anchor and mooring ship for the last time on the voyage of life.

Frederic Stillman Stevens Family Genealogy

The Frederic Stillman Stevens House is the next below the Jonah Holt House, upon the lower corner of the road leading to Parker’s Point. It was built by Mr. Stevens, in the early 50’s, and occupied by him until his death in 1881. He was the third child of Edward Varnum Stevens and of Sakey, his wife, born April 15, 1823. He was twice married, first to Mary Ann Adel Mann, daughter of Capt. Joseph and Adeline (Hinckley) Mann. She was born May 9, 1830; married, and died March 14, 1870. There were five children by this marriage, viz.:

  1. Grace Adel Stevens, born April 16, 1854.
  2. Daughter Stevens, born Feb. 11, 1856; died March 27, 1856.
  3. Susan L. Stevens, born Jan 30, 1857; died Dec. 1836.
  4. Daughter Stevens, born Oct. 31, 1860; died July 21, 1862.
  5. Daughter Stevens, born March 25, 1868.

Mr. Stevens married, second, Clara W. Norton, daughter of Capt. Stephen and Clarissa (Carleton) Norton. She was born July 18, 1844. By this marriage there was one daughter:

  1. Margaret Stevens, born April 2, 1880.

Mr. Stevens was a blacksmith, having learned the trade from his father. He died of cancer of stomach. His first wife died of consumption. The house still stands and is occupied by James Bettel. There are other houses between it and the Reuben Dodge place, but they are modern and not of historic value.

Candage, R. A. F. Historical Sketches of Blue Hill, Maine. Ellsworth, Maine: Hancock County Publishing Company, Printers. 1905.

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