Appleton Family Genealogy of Saco Valley Maine

Last Updated on May 1, 2021 by Dennis

The Appleton family were residents at Great and Little Waldingford, in Suffolk, England, from a remote period. A John Appleton died at the former place in 1436. Samuel Appleton, descended from this race, came to New England in 1635, and settled at Ipswich; was admitted freeman in May, 1636, and was representative at the May and September sessions of the General Court, in 1637. He was born at Little Waldingford in 1586; died in Ipswich in June, 1670, leaving John, Samuel, Judith, and Martha.

John Appleton, b. at Little Waldingford, in 1622, was representative for Ipswich for nineteen years. He was fined and imprisoned under the administration of Sir Edmund Andros, for resisting the principles of taxation without representation; one of the first to take this stand in the colonies. He m. Priscilla, dau. of Rev. Jesse Glover, by whom he had John and Jesse. He d. in 1700, aged 78.

  1. John Appleton, b. 1652, was a councilor under the Charter of William and Mary, and twenty years a judge of probate for Essex county, Mass. He m. Elizabeth, dau. of President Rogers, and d. in 1739, leaving issue.
  2. Jesse Appleton, bro. of preceding, b. 1660, was a merchant in Boston; d. in 1721.
    1. Rev. Nathaniel Appleton, son of John, b. Dec. 9, 1693; grad. at Harvard in 1712; ordained, at Cambridge, Oct. 9, 1717; d. Feb. 9, 1784, aged 91. His sons were as follows:
      1. Nathaniel Appleton, who d. in 1798, having a son of the same name, who grad. at Harvard in 1773, and d. Apr. 16, 1795, aged 40.
        1. Nathaniel Appleton.
      2. John Appleton, a merchant in Salem, who d. in March, 1817, aged 64. A graduate of Harvard.
      3. Harry Appleton, a grad. of Harvard; merchant in Portsmouth; d. Sept. 5, 1768, aged 31.

Samuel Appleton, brother of John, preceding, was born at Little Waldingford, in 1625; came to New England and was representative in 1669, 1675, 1677, and 1680; captain of militia; a major and commander-in-chief in King Philips war, 1676. He was one of the first councilors under Charter of William and Mary, 1692. He m. Hannah, dau. of William Paine, by whom issue; secondly, Mary, dau. of John Oliver, Dec. 2, 1756; she d. June 7, 1640. Four sons and three daughters.

  1. Samuel Appleton, b. 1654; merchant in Boston; one of the council most of the time from 1703 to 1714; a colonel and commissioner at Quebec.
  2. John Appleton, who had issue.
  3. Isaac Appleton, b. 1664; a major. He m. Priscilla Baker, granddau. of Deputy Governor Symonds, and d. 1747. Six daughters and one son.
    1. Isaac Appleton, son of Isaac (3), b. 1704; d. at Ipswich, 1794, having eight sons, graduates, who were distinguished men, as follows:
      1. Isaac Appleton, b. 1731, of New Ipswich, N. H., who d. 1806. His three sons, Samuel, Ebenezer, and Nathan, were distinguished Boston merchants.
        1. Samuel Appleton.
        2. Ebenezer Appleton.
        3. Nathan Appleton.
      2. Francis Appleton, of New Ipswich, N. H., was father of:
        1. Rev. Jesse Appleton, D. D., president of Bowdoin Coll.; b. Nov. 17, 1772 ; grad. at Harvard, 1792; d. at Brunswick, Nov. 12, 1819.
      3. Samuel Appleton, settled in Maine.
      4. Thomas Appleton, settled in Maine.
      5. John Appleton, settled in Maine.
      6. Daniel Appleton, settled in Maine.
      7. William Appleton, d. young, in Portsmouth, N. H.
      8. Joseph Appleton, of Brown Univ., 1772; minister of North Brookfield, Mass.; ordained Nov. 30, 1776; d. July 24, 1795.
  4. Oliver Appleton, of Haverhill, who left issue.

Daniel Appleton and wife, Elizabeth, united with the Congregational church in Buxton, Jan. 8, 1778. The Appletons of Ipswich were early proprietors in the Narragansett township. No. 1, in right of Col. Samuel Appleton, who served in the Narragansett War. I have not found full records of this family in Buxton. I remember of hearing the old people speak of “Squire Appleton,” and suppose he was a justice. Issue, as far as known:

  1. John Appleton, m. Mercy Bradbury, Sept. 12, 177 1.
  2. Elizabeth Appleton, bapt. Mar, 29, 1778; m. Samuel Hopkinson, June 7, 1801.
  3. Sarah Appleton, bapt. Aug. 25, 1782.
  4. Joseph Appleton, bapt. Sept. 30, 1789.
  5. Daniel Appleton, m. Sally, and had children, born in Buxton, whose names will follow. He d. May 19, 1856.
    1. Samuel B. Appleton, b. July 5, 1810; d. July 12, 1815.
    2. Jesse Appleton, b. Feb. 21, 1812; d. July 15, 1815.
    3. Lucy Appleton, b. Oct. 28, 18 13.
    4. Samuel Appleton, b. Nov. 10, 18 15.
    5. Jesse Appleton, b. Apr. 25, 1817; d. Aug. 27, 1827.
    6. Sarah Appleton, b. Sept. 4, 1819; d. Mar. 26, 1865.
    7. Joseph Appleton, b. July 20, 1821 ; d. Oct. 3, 1831.
    8. Daniel Appleton, b. Jan. 8, 1825 ; d. Aug. 11, 1827.
    9. Daniel W. Appleton, b. Feb. 20, 1830; d. Apr. 9, 1831.

Hon. Nathan D. Appleton was born in Ipswich, Mass., May, 1794.; graduated at Bowdoin, 1813; admitted to bar, 1816, and seven years later settled in Alfred, Me. Ripe scholarship and gentlemanly deportment gave him an extensive practice; was a member of the Legislature several years; president of the Senate; attorney general; nominee for Congress. Practiced forty years and maintained an unblemished character. He m. Julia Hall, of Alfred.

Ridlon, G. T., Sr. Saco Yalley Settlements And Families: Historical, Biographical, Genealogical, Traditional, and Legendary. Embracing the most important events on the Saco River, from their plantation to the present, with memorials of the families and individuals instrumental in their settlement, advancement and prosperity. Portland, ME: Published by the author. 1895.

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