Biography of Bert R. Parrot

Bert R. Parrott, a mechanical engineer and one of the directors of the Dorris Motors Corporation of St. Louis, was born in Mendon, Ohio, in December, 1873, his parents being Joseph J. and Harriet (Waters) Parrott. The father was a native of Virginia and was of French descent. The mother was born in Ohio belonging to one of the old families of Columbus, Ohio, whose founder was Mitchell Waters, the grandfather of Mrs. Parrott and recognized at one time as the merchant prince of that city. He established the first department store in that section of the country and in … Read more

Biographical Sketch of James Elbert Cutler

Cutler, James Elbert; university prof.; born, Princeville, Ill., Jan. 24, 1876; son of Frank W. and Antonaiah (Hoag) Cutler; B. A., University of Colorado, 1900; graduate student Yale, 1900-1903; Ph. D., 1903; married, Carolena D. Sperry, of New Haven, Conn., June 25, 1903; instr. English and civic government, State Preparatory School of Colorado, 1899-1909; instr. political economy, Yale, 1903-4; instr. economics, Wellesley College, 1904-1906; asst. prof. political economy, University of Michigan, 1906-1907; asso. prof. sociology, 1907-1910, prof. 1910-, Western Reserve University; member American Economics Ass’n, American Academy Political and Social Science; American Sociological Society, National Conference Charities and Correction, American … Read more

Biography of Barnabas Tibbals

Barnabas Tibbals, owner of a fine orange grove in Brockton Square, on the south side of Bandini Avenue, about two miles south of Riverside, purchased this place in August, 1887 and immediately commenced his horticultural pursuits. At this writing his land, consisting of ten acres, is all in orange trees, except a few deciduous trees and table grapes. About one-half of his trees are seedlings, and the rest Washington Navels. He has spent much labor in pruning, fertilizing and cultivating, since buying the place, and has now a very productive grove. The improvements on the place consist of a commodious … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George C. Hascall

Hascall, George C.; manufacturer; born, Yipsilanti, Mich., Jan. 17, 1852; son of Philander and Mary A. Christy Hascall; common school education; married, Alden, N. Y., April 10, 1889, Hattie M. Fuller; one son, Robert G., born March 14, 1893; pres. The Tropical Oil Co., The Hascall Paint Co., The Union Products Co.; pres. The Attan Vic Paint Co., New York, and The Knickerbocker Paint Co.; director The Texas Mnfg. Co., Fort Worth Tex.; member Knights Templar, Oriental Commandery, Mystic Shrine (Al Koran), N. M. S., Lake Erie Consistory, Webb Chapter, Iris, No. 229, F. & A. M., member Chamber of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Frank Adgate Quail

Quail, Frank Adgate; Henderson, Quail & Siddall; lawyers; born, Canonsburg, Pa., June 18, 1865; educated, public schools, and graduated Washburn College, Topeka, Kas., 1887, degree A. B.; University of Michigan, 1889, degree LL. B.; began practice in Cleveland the same year; January, 1895, entered the firm of Henderson & Quail; firm changed to Henderson, Quail & Siddall, in 1904, G. B. Siddall being added; director in a number of corporations doing business in Northern Ohio; member Union, Euclid, University, and Colonial Clubs, and Chamber of Commerce; Democrat.

Biography of Judge Charles Wheeler

Judge Charles Wheeler, judge of the city court of Muskogee, was born in Three Rivers, Michigan, November 11, 1856, and is a son of Ransley and Electa (MacOmber) Wheeler. The father was a miller and farmer and active business man. The son obtained a country school education and afterward attended the preparatory department of Hillsdale College, where he pursued the regular four years college course, graduating in 1882 with the B. A. degree. Later he became a student in the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor. His law studies were pursued in an office in Kalamazoo, Michigan, and later in … Read more

Oliver Julian Todd of California

Oliver Julian Todd9, (Oliver H.8, Alfred7, Caleb6, Caleb5, Stephen4, Samuel3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born Nov. 1, 1880, in Colon, Mich., married May 15, 1910, Rheta Lorraine Kahn, of Almeda, Calif. He graduated from the University of Michigan, Engineering Dept., June 1908, in which department his distant kinsman, Prof. George W. Patterson is an instructor. In 1913 he was assistant to the San Francisco, Calif., city engineer and has been located at Lake Eleanor, Hetchy-Hetchy Valley, Calif. Child: 2572. Robert Manson, b. May 10, 1917.

Biography of Hon. H. A. Neal

Hon. H. A. Neal, attorney at law, Charleston; is a native of’ New Hampshire; he was born in Tuftonborough, Carroll Co., Dec. 13, 1846; he was raised on a farm until he was ten years of age, and then his parents removed to Great Falls, N. H.; he attended the public schools of that city until 1863, when the family returned to the farm; in the fall of 1864, he entered the army as a member of Co. K, 18t N. H. Heavy Artillery, and served till the close of the war; on his return, he attended one term in … Read more

Biography of Frank William Boss

Frank William Boss. Among the county officials of Cherokee County, one whose previous record, general qualifications for ability and character, gave, at the time of his election, in 1912, every ground for a successful career, and whose discharge of the duties of his office had since vindicated the faith placed in him, is Frank William Boss, county attorney. Mr. Boss had the reputation of being an indefatigable worker, combining scholarship with an active energy and forceful personality, and these qualities have been much esteemed in an office in which the people of the county have endeavored to place men who … Read more

Eva Todd Swezey of Ann Arbor MI

SWEZEY, Eva Todd9, (Chestil O.8, Ora B.7, Bela6, Caleb5, Gideon4, Gideon3, Michael2, Christopher1) married Orren B. Swezey. In 1912, they were living at 509 Thompson St., Ann Arbor, Mich. Children: I. Helen. II. Ralph.

Biography of R. F. Buller

In modern ages, and to a large extent in the past, banks have constituted a vital part of organized society, and governments, both monarchical and popular, have depended upon them for material aid in times of depression and trouble. Their influence has extended over the entire world and their prosperity has been the barometer which was unfalteringly indicated the financial status of all nations. Of this important branch of business R. F. Buller is a worthy representative. In April 1892, he came to Hailey, and is now president of the First National Bank, which has become one of the leading … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Gordon

Gordon, William; attorney-at-law; born, Oak Harbor, O., Dec. 15, 1862; son of Washington and Margaret Rymers Gordon; educated, public schools, Oak Harbor, O., Toledo Business College, Toledo, O., graduate and Univ. Michigan, LL. B.; married Port Clinton Sept. 12, 1893; Elizabeth N. Garnhard; issue, one son and one daughter; taught school in Ottawa County; served four years as deputy county treasurer, six years a member of Board of County school Examiners, six years as Prosecuting atty., all in Ottawa County; served as delegate to the Democratic National Convention at Chicago in 1896 from 9th Congressional District of Ohio; member Democratic … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Oliver Bernard Zeinert, M.D.

Dr. Oliver Bernard Zeinert, a surgeon devoting his time to important hospital work as well as private practice, has been a lifelong resident of St. Louis county and has practiced in the city of St. Louis since his graduation from medical college. He was born May 29, 1885, in Ballwin, St. Louis county, a son of Dr. Charles B. and Margaret Zeinert. Spending his youthful days under the parental roof he attended the Kirkwood high school and then entered the University of Michigan in preparation for his professional career, winning his M. D. degree in 1907. Returning to St. Louis … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Charles Francis Brush

Brush, Charles Francis; scientist; born at Euclid, O., Mar. 17, 1849; son of Isaac Elbert and Delia Wisner (Phillips) Brush; M. E., University of Michigan, 1869; Ph. D., Western Reserve, 1880; (hon. M. S., University of Michigan. 1899; LL. D., Western Reserve, 1900; Kenyon, 1903); married Mary E. Morris, of Cleveland, Oct. 6, 1875; chem. expert, Cleveland, 1870-1873; iron and ore commn. mcht., 1873-1877; pioneer investigator of electric lighting and invented the Brush electric arc light, 1878, now in general use; also the storage battery (fundamental invention) and other devices essential to modern electrical engineering; founder the Brush Electric Co.; … Read more

Biography of Alonzo D. Haight

Alonzo D. Haight, who is one of the earlier settlers of Riverside, has been identified with the growth of the colony since April, 1876. At that time he purchased a Government claim for forty acres of land located on Palm avenue, about two and a half miles south of Riverside, and commenced its improvement. Later he was compelled to purchase the same land from the Southern Pacific Railroad Company, it being claimed under their land grants from the Government. At first Mr. Haight planted largely of deciduous fruits and vines, but as experience showed the value of citrus fruits he … Read more

Biography of Fred Perkins

Fred Perkins. To acquire a name that is a synonym of business integrity and honor and that is entitled to the respect of an entire community is of itself one of the highest goals to which the ambition of a man can aspire. It is not something that can be attained in a few short years. It is the result of long continued energy, fair dealing and strict probity. The people of Labette County know Fred Perkins not only as an old settler of that section but as a man who has carried a fine force and wholesomeness of character … Read more