Biography of William M. Bryan, M. D.

Last Updated on August 2, 2012 by

The medical profession in St. Louis has many distinguished and capable representatives, men who are most conscientious and faithful in the discharge of all professional duties and who are continually striving to promote knowledge and efficiency by broad reading and comprehensive study. To this class belongs Dr. Bryan who was born in St. Louis November 25, 1875. His father, W. J. S. Bryan, also a native of St. Louis is a son of William and Martha Alice (How) Bryan. W.J.S. Bryan is now connected with the board of education of this city. His father, William Bryan, served as vice president of the board of education and later became its supply agent, which office he held until a few years before his death at the age of eighty-three years. W.J.S. Bryan married Nettie Case, who was American born but of English descent, their wedding being celebrated in St. Louis in 1874 and in 1887 Mrs. Bryan passed to the home beyond. In their family were six children, two sons and four daughters, and of these a brother and sister of Dr. Bryan of this review are still living: Grace, the wife of Rev. Frank B. James of Kingston, Illinois; and Howard, who is with the valuation department of the Frisco Railroad and lives in Webster, Missouri. The eldest of the family is Dr. Bryan of this review, who was educated in the public schools of St. Louis until he had completed a course in the Central high school as a graduate of 1893. He next entered the Washington University and there won his Bachelor of Arts degree upon graduation with the class of 1897. He then attended the University of Michigan and won the degree of Master of Science in 1898. Four years were then devoted to study in the Johns Hopkins Medical School of Baltimore, Maryland, from which institution he received his M. D. degree in 1902.

Dr. Bryan served an interne in the German Hospital at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, from July, 1902, until October, 1904. On leaving Philadelphia Dr. Bryan came to St. Louis and taught clinical chemistry and microscopy in the St. Louis University for one term. In January, 1905, he took up private practice, specializing in diseases of the ear, nose and throat. His office is now located in the University Club building and his practice is extensive and of an important character, for he is a man of acknowledged skill and ability in the line of his specialty. He was instructor of diseases of the ear, nose and throat at the St. Louis University from 1908 until 1915. He is instructor in Washington University in clinical laryngology, chief of nose and throat clinic to the out-patient department, laryngologist to Barnes Hospital and consulting laryngologist to Alexian Brothers’ Hospital and St. John’s Hospital. Scientific investigation is bringing to light many valuable truths and with these Dr. Bryan is at all times familiar and readily adopts improved methods of practice in his chosen life work. To this end he is frequently seen in attendance at the meetings of the St. Louis Medical Society. He is a member of the Missouri State Medical Association, fellow of the American Medical Association, the American Academy of Ophthalmology and Oto-laryngology and the American College of Surgeons. Dr. Bryan is not the only representative of the family that has devoted his life to medical practice, for he is a nephew of Dr. James How who was very active during the cholera epidemic of 1849 and in fact sacrificed his life to his care of others, dying unattended from the same disease.

Dr. Bryan was married in Quincy, Illinois, June 20, 1908, to Miss Helen Louise Kimlin, a daughter of Dr. Thomas Kimlin, of Trenton, Missouri, and they have become parents of four children, three sons and a daughter: William Thomas Kimlin, born September 20, 1910; James Howard, born April 8, 1913; Richard Alfred, born February 2, 1915; and Helen Naomi, September 8, 1916. The family residence is at 5262 Maple avenue. Mrs. Bryan is president of the Local Alumnae Association of the University of Michigan. Dr. Bryan belongs to the Sigma Alpha Epsilon and Phi Beta Pi fraternities. He is a Mason, having membership in Tuscan Lodge, No. 360, A. F. & A. M., in which he was raised in 1907; also in the Scottish Rite bodies and in Moolah Temple of the Mystic Shrine. He belongs to the University Club and his political attitude is that of an independent republican. He and his wife have membership in the Second Presbyterian church, consistently aiding in its work and doing all in their power to advance the principles for which it stands. They are most highly esteemed in St. Louis and enjoy the warm regard of all who know them.



Stevens, Walter B. Centennial History of Missouri (The Center State) One Hundred Years In The Union 1820-1921 Vol 6. St. Louis-Chicago: The S.J. Clarke Publishing Company. 1921.

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