Biography of Thomas H. Brown

Thomas H. Brown. It was a most unusual career of self achievement and broad and successful service in business and personal service that came to a close with the death of Thomas H. Brown at Sterling on February 4, 1916. Though his death came suddenly and was a heavy loss to his wide community of friends and business associates, he had reached the full maturity of three score and ten. But the forces of his personality and character were not those which vanish quickly with the mortal presence. He would probably have been the last among men to anticipate a … Read more

Biography of Alonzo J. Tullock

Alonzo J. Tullock. The profession of civil engineering is one which offers great opportunities to those equipped by nature and study for this line of work. It demands, however, perhaps a more thorough technical knowledge of more subjects than almost any other vocation in which man may engage, but its rewards are commensurate with its difficulties and on the pages of history the names of civil engineers who have seemingly accomplished the impossible appear with those of other benefactors of the human race. The great western country, without these able, trained, accurate and daring men would today have been yet … Read more

Alfred Todd of Portland OR

Alfred Todd9, (Oliver H.8, Alfred7, Caleb6, Caleb5, Stephen4, Samuel3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born Dec. 24, 1878, in Colon, Mich., married Oct. 10, 1907, Myrtle Biddleman, of Thornberg, Iowa. He graduated from the University of Michigan, June 20, 1906, after which he practised law in Lamar, Colo., for about six years. They moved later to Portland, Ore. Children: 2569. Oliver Elwyn, b. May 24, 1909. 2570. Rebecca Biddleman, b. April 29, 1911. 2571. Priscilla Fredericka, b. Jan. 6, 1913.

Biography of William M. Bryan, M. D.

The medical profession in St. Louis has many distinguished and capable representatives, men who are most conscientious and faithful in the discharge of all professional duties and who are continually striving to promote knowledge and efficiency by broad reading and comprehensive study. To this class belongs Dr. Bryan who was born in St. Louis November 25, 1875. His father, W. J. S. Bryan, also a native of St. Louis is a son of William and Martha Alice (How) Bryan. W.J.S. Bryan is now connected with the board of education of this city. His father, William Bryan, served as vice president … Read more

1894 Michigan State Census – Washtenaw County

United States Soldiers of the Civil War Residing in Michigan, June 1, 1894 [ Names within brackets are reported in letters. ] Ann Arbor Township – George E. Bull, Frederick J. Kalmbach, William Forn, William Hoose, Jacob P. Katz, Truman B. Albro, Alanson B. Cole, Michael Fitzgerald, [Charles R. Gardner, Lorenzo Gross]. Augusta Township – Marion Burgess, Daniel W. Losse, Martin Alford, Henry Thompson, John N. Gregg, Henry Haslett, Willis Sheldon, William H. Newton, Isaac Welborne, Merritt B. Heath, Galen Markham, Chester Rose, R. F. Ainsley, Charles H. Greenman, James W. Jackson, Mervin Poole, Thomas Tallady, John Post, Amos Cooley. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Elroy McKendree Avery

Avery, Elroy McKendree; author; born at Erie, Monroe Co., Mich., July 14, 1844; son of Casper Hugh and Dorothy (Putnam) Avery; Ph. B., U. of Mich., 1871, Ph. M., 1874; Ph. D., Hillsdale Coll., 1881 (1894; D. C. L., 1911); served in Civil War: mustered out as sergt. maj., 11th Mich. Cav.; married, Catherine Hitchcock Tilden (q. v.), July 2, 1870; Prin. High School, Battle Creek, Mich., 1869; high and normal schools, Cleveland, O., 1871-9; member’ Cleveland City Council, 1871-2; Ohio Senate, 1893-7; Fellow A. A. A. S.; member many history and economic societies. Author: Elementary Physics, 1876; Elements of … Read more

Albert Todd of Ypsilanti MI

Albert Todd8, (Wright7, David6, Abraham5, Abraham4, Jonah3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born Nov. 20, 1827, in Greece, N. Y.; who he married is unknown to the writer. He was a farmer and lived in Ypsilanti, Mich. Children: 2201. A son. 2202. A daughter.

Biographical Sketch of Frank Adgate Quail

Quail, Frank Adgate; Henderson, Quail & Siddall; lawyers; born, Canonsburg, Pa., June 18, 1865; educated, public schools, and graduated Washburn College, Topeka, Kas., 1887, degree A. B.; University of Michigan, 1889, degree LL. B.; began practice in Cleveland the same year; January, 1895, entered the firm of Henderson & Quail; firm changed to Henderson, Quail & Siddall, in 1904, G. B. Siddall being added; director in a number of corporations doing business in Northern Ohio; member Union, Euclid, University, and Colonial Clubs, and Chamber of Commerce; Democrat.

Biographical Sketch of Horatio Clark Ford

Ford, Horatio Clark; lawyer, banker; born, Cleveland, O., Aug. 25, 1853; son of Horatio Cyrus and Martha Cozad Ford; Oberlin College, 1870-1872; B. S., University of Michigan, 1875; married, Ida M. Throp, of Cleveland, Oct. 17, 1877; in law practice, Cleveland, since 1878; senior member Ford, Snyder & Tilden; also pres. Garfield Savings Bank since 1892; pres. Williamson Co.; director Cleveland Trust Co. Wheeling Traction Co., Cleveland & Eastern Traction Co.; member City Council, 1879-1885 (part of the time vice pres.), trustee Oberlin College; vice pres. Congregational Building Society; director Congregational Board Ministerial Relief; member Zeta Psi, Union Club.

Biography of Hon. J. J. Browne

HON. J.J. BROWNE. – The broad-minded citizenship which looks to personal advantage only through the general prosperity, and makes the public weal and growth occupy the first place, is the best guarantee of a great future. This Spokane Falls enjoys. None of her citizens is more fully impressed with this theory of metropolitan attainments than he whose name appears above. Mr. Browne was born at Greenville, Ohio, in 1843, and was educated for the law at the Michigan University. Coming to this coast, he remained four years at Portland, practicing law. He also served as superintendent of public schools. In … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George Henry Wilson

WILSON, George Henry; dentist; born, Painesville, O., March 3, 1855; son of Dr. David C. and Marion (Flanders) Wilson; educated, High School, Painesville, D. D. S., University of Michigan, 1878; married Kittie, daughter of Rev. Lathrop Cooley, of Cleverland, Jan. 1, 1880; practiced dentistry, Painesville, 1878-1891, Cleveland, 1891; prof. clinical prosthetic dentistry, Cleveland University of Medicine and Surgery, 1891-1892; prof. prosthetic dentistry and metallurgy, Western Reserve University, 1892-1904; an editor Dentist’s Magazine, 1906-1909; member National Dental Ass’n; 1st pres., Cleveland Dental Library Ass’n; pres. Northern Ohio Dental Ass’n, 1887; Ohio State Dental Ass’n, 1893; Cleveland Dental Society, 1897; member Delta … Read more

Biography of Milton G. Cage

Among the practitioners at the Boise bar holding marked prestige among the members of the legal fraternity is Milton G. Cage. A native of Tennessee, he was born in Tipton County, near Covington, that state, January 26, 1862, and is descended on both sides from prominent old families of the south. His paternal ancestors came originally from Wales and established a home in America at an early period in our country’s history. His father, Gustavus Adolphus Cage, was born in Middleton, Tennessee, and married Miss Charlotte A. Green, a native of North Carolina. His father was formerly a planter and … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Parker, F. L.

Parker, F. L. dealer in grain, lumber and coal. Mr. W. C. Hobbs opened the business in 1871. The firm was changed to Hobbs & Parker in 1879. They carry a stock of about $10,000 in lumber, building material, etc. Mr. Parker came to Russell in the fall of 1877, and became interested in the above business. He was born in Ann Arbor, Mich., July 27, 1848. Moved to Fond du Lac, Wis., with his parents in 1851, where they resided until the fall of 1855, when they moved to Oshkosh, Wis. At a suitable age he engaged in the … Read more

Biography of Frank Eugene Williams

Frank Eugene Williams, an active member of the St. Louis bar, who is keenly interested in questions of civic betterment and whose efforts in that direction are far-reaching and resultant, was born in Saginaw county, Michigan, July 6, 1892. His father, George Gordon Williams, is a native of Flushing, Michigan, and through his active business life followed the occupation of farming but is now living retired, making his home in St. Louis. He is prominent in Masonic circles. He married Anna E. Irland, of Genesee county, Michigan, who passed away leaving two children: Frank E., of this review; and Cecil … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Dr. R. F. Burgess

Dr. R. F. Burgess of Santa Ana, was born in Pittsfield, Massachusetts, in 1834, and when he was quite young the family removed to New York State, and three years afterward to Michigan, locating in Washtenaw County, where they remained about twelve years. The father died in Montcalm County, that State, when the subject of this sketch was seventeen years of age, and the latter therefore had to look after the welfare of the family. He served three years in Company A, Twenty-first Michigan Infantry, during the last war, going out as a wagoner and having charge of an ordnance … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Gordon

Gordon, William; attorney-at-law; born, Oak Harbor, O., Dec. 15, 1862; son of Washington and Margaret Rymers Gordon; educated, public schools, Oak Harbor, O., Toledo Business College, Toledo, O., graduate and Univ. Michigan, LL. B.; married Port Clinton Sept. 12, 1893; Elizabeth N. Garnhard; issue, one son and one daughter; taught school in Ottawa County; served four years as deputy county treasurer, six years a member of Board of County school Examiners, six years as Prosecuting atty., all in Ottawa County; served as delegate to the Democratic National Convention at Chicago in 1896 from 9th Congressional District of Ohio; member Democratic … Read more

Oliver Julian Todd of California

Oliver Julian Todd9, (Oliver H.8, Alfred7, Caleb6, Caleb5, Stephen4, Samuel3, Samuel2, Christopher1) born Nov. 1, 1880, in Colon, Mich., married May 15, 1910, Rheta Lorraine Kahn, of Almeda, Calif. He graduated from the University of Michigan, Engineering Dept., June 1908, in which department his distant kinsman, Prof. George W. Patterson is an instructor. In 1913 he was assistant to the San Francisco, Calif., city engineer and has been located at Lake Eleanor, Hetchy-Hetchy Valley, Calif. Child: 2572. Robert Manson, b. May 10, 1917.

Biographical Sketch of Eckstein Case

Case, Eckstein; sec’y and treas. Case School of Applied Science; born, Carlyle, Ill., July 9, 1858; educated public schools in 1878; entered United States Military Academy, at West Point; two years there; in 1881, came to Cleveland; studied law under the direction of Judge J. E. Ingersoll and Judge Rufus P. Ranney; entered law department, University of Michigan, graduating in 1883; admitted to the bar, but never engaged in active practice; member of school council 1903 to 1905; member Rowfant and University Clubs; and Masonic Fraternity; Republican, five years member of the executive committee of the Municipal Ass’n.

Biographical Sketch of Robert H. Dawson

Dawson, Robert H.; lawyer; born, Pontiac, Mich., March 28, 1882; son of John W. and Jean Hamilton Dawson; educated, University of Michigan, A. B., 1903, and Western Reserve University, 1909, LL. B.; married, Pueblo, Colo., Sept. 14, 1910, Miss Luna Cooper; member Phi Delta Phi Fraternity. Recreations: Baseball and Football.

Biographical Sketch of Roland Edward Skeel

Skeel, Roland Edward; physician; born, Fulton, Oswego County, N. Y., Feb. 9, 1869; son of Francis Adelbert and Hattie(Butler) Skeel; educated, Cleveland public schools; M. D., University of Michigan, 1890; married Alva P. Boepple, of Cleveland, O., 1893; Dean Cleveland College Physicians and Surgeons, 1902-1910; prof. gynecology, Western Reserve University; gynecologist to St. Luke’s Hospital; consulting surgeon to Lutheran and Lakewood Hospitals; visiting gynecologist to City Hospital; member American Association Obstetricians and Gynecologists, A. M. A.; Republican.