Lenington, Pauline Nora – Obituary

Enterprise, Wallowa County, Oregon Services Held For Young Enterprise Mother Pauline Nora Lenington, 30, wife of James R. Lenington of Enterprise, passed away unexpectedly Friday evening July 17, 1953 at the Wallowa Memorial Hospital following a short illness. Daughter of James R. and Nora Anderson, she was born October 15, 1922 at Hood River. Her early childhood was spent in Portland and Oakland, Oregon. When seven years old she moved with her parents to Wallowa where she attended grade school and graduated from high school. Since that time Enterprise has been her home. She married James R. Lenington in 1941 … Read more

Jochimsen, Edward Walter – Obituary

Edward, born August 22, 1883 at Hood River, Or., was married March 20, 1907 to Laura L. Rowe of Vancouver, Wash. In the fall, Nov., 1907 he located at his present place, 7 miles southeast of Estacada. He died March 25, 1922, aged 37 years, 7 months, and 3 days. He leaves to mourn his loss, a wife, three children, mother, two brothers, and two sisters. He was the youngest son of the pioneer family, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Jochimsen, located at Hood River, Or., March 27, 1882, where his mother still resides. The funeral will take place at the … Read more

Biography of Hon. E. L. Smith

HON. E.L. SMITH – Although these sketches deal mainly with men who came hither in the forties and fifties, we are yet occasionally reminded of the fact that length of residence does not constitute the only just claim to recognition in our annals. Every decade has its pioneers. Nearly every year has seen added to our number someone who by force of character, intelligence and industry has made himself a place in the esteem of the people, and in the business fabric of the country. The subject of the present subject was a pioneer of 1861. Though thus not f … Read more

Rhodes, Harry – Obituary

Union County, Oregon Suicide By Morphine “One More Unfortunate, Rashly Importunate.” Harry Rhodes, a man of middle age, who some time since registerd at the City Hotel as from Seattle, died on Friday evening of last week from the effects of a heavy dose of morphine, self-administered with suicidal intent. The unfortunate man had been engaged in selling a device for mending harness, and also in vending eye-glasses. His finances had run low, and to this, probably is attributable his deed of self destruction. The only explanation left was contained in this note for the hotel proprietor. “Mr. Hammock – … Read more

Leek, Velma Dolly Pendergraft Mrs. – Obituary

Velma Dolly Leek, 92, a former North Powder resident, died Aug. 22, 2003, at Yellville, Ark. Her graveside funeral will be at 10 a.m. Saturday at North Powder Cemetery. Pastor Lenny Spooner of the First Church of the Nazarene will officiate. Visitations will be from noon to 8 p.m. Friday at Gray’s West & Co. Pioneer Chapel, 1500 Dewey Ave. Velma was born Sept. 19, 1910, to Jim Vaughn and Ellen Pendergraft at Rock Bridge, Mo. She married Clarence Leek at Gainsville, Mo., on Feb. 4, 1932. The couple moved to Prineville where they remained until 1960. While at Prineville, … Read more

Hood River County, Oregon Census

Hood River, Oregon was formed from Wasco County in 1908. 1910 Hood River County, Oregon Census Free 1910 Census Form for your Research Hosted at Ancestry.com – Ancestry Free Trial 1910 Hood River County, Census (images and index) $ Hosted at Census Guide 1910 U.S. Census Guide 1920 Hood River County, Oregon Census Free 1920 Census Form for your Research Free 1920 Census Images and Index (partial) Hosted at Ancestry.com – Ancestry Free Trial 1920 Hood River County, Census (images and index) $ Hosted at Census Guide 1920 U.S. Census Guide 1930 Hood River County, Oregon Census Free 1930 Census … Read more

Wheeler, Lillian Mae Lillard Mrs. – Obituary

Lillian Mae Wheeler, 86, of Hood River, a former Baker County resident, died surrounded by her family at Providence Brookside Manor on Sept. 17, 2001. Her graveside service was at 3 p.m. Friday at Idlewild Cemetery Mausoleum. Mrs. Wheeler was born on June 20, 1915, in Baker City to Willis W. and Ruth Jenkins Lillard. Her family also included two half brothers and a half sister. She grew up in Baker City, Haines and the North Powder area. She was a 1933 graduate of North Powder High School. She married Arnold W. Wheeler on Aug. 5, 1935, at Stevenson, Wash. … Read more

Patterson, Ethel Hazel Reed Mrs. – Obituary

Ethel Hazel Patterson, 97, of John Day, died Oct. 9, 2005, at Blue Mountain Nursing Home in Prairie City. Her graveside memorial service will be Saturday at the Fox Cemetery in Fox. Ethel was born on Aug. 11, 1908, at Fox to George and Amanda Medlin Reed. She grew up in the Fox Valley and attended school at Cottonwood, John Day and Hood River. In 1924, Ethel married John Smith at Hood River. She and John remained married for about 25 years before they divorced. She operated a dress shop and restaurant at Condon for a while. A few years … Read more

Wold, Ariss Jeanette Jones Englund Crow – Obituary

Joseph, Oregon Ariss Jeanette Jones Englund Crow Wold of Joseph died January 31, 2007, at her home in Joseph. She was 90. A memorial celebration will be held at 3:30 p.m. Saturday, June 23, at Joseph City Park, followed by a barbecue potluck dinner. Hamburgers and hot dogs, with condiments, will be provided. Salads, desserts, etc. for pot luck would be appreciated. There will be tables at the park but card or portable tables in addition would be welcome. Any flowers ( her favorite was purple) can be delivered to the park or the Joseph United Methodist Church prior to … Read more

Widman, C. Wayne – Obituary

C. Wayne Widman, 69, of Parkdale, and a former Baker City resident, died March 31, 2002, at the Hood River Memorial Hospital. His funeral was at 11 a.m. today at the Hood River Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Burial was at the Upper Valley Cemetery. Wayne was born April 7, 1932, at Baker City to Carl Henry and Dorothy Ellen Williams Widman. He was raised and educated in Baker City and was a 1950 Baker High School graduate. After high school, Wayne left Baker City to work in a sawmill at Joseph. About a year later he returned … Read more

Hood River County, Oregon Cemetery Records

Most of these are complete indices at the time of transcription, however, in some cases we list the listing when it is only a partial listing. Cemeteries hosted at Hood River County USGenWeb Archives Franklin County Cemetery Photos Hosted at Hood River County USGenWeb Archives Shelly Family Gravesite Cemeteries Hosted at Hood River County Oregon Political Graveyard Cemeteries Hosted at Interment Cascade Locks Cemetery          

McCray, Mary Coleta Huys Mrs. – Obituary

Baker City, Oregon Mary Coleta McCray, 82, a Baker City native, died Oct. 28, 2001, at her son’s home in Baker City. A vigil service is scheduled at 8:30 tonight at Grays West & Co. Pioneer Chapel, 1500 Dewey Ave. Mass of Christian Burial will be at 11 a.m. Thursday at St. Francis de Sales Cathedral, First and Church streets. The Rev. Rob Irwin will officiate. Burial will be at Mount Hope Cemetery. There will be a reception at the church after the service. Visitations will be until 8 o’clock tonight at Grays West & Co. Mrs. McCray was born … Read more

Holman, Henry Chester “Chet” – Obituary

Henry Chester “Chet” Holman , 84, of Hood River, died Sept. 19, 2002, at his home. His memorial service will be at 2 p.m. Saturday at Anderson’s Tribute Center in Hood River. There will be a graveside service at 2 p.m. Friday at Juniper Haven Cemetery in Prineville. Visitations will be today at Anderson’s Tribute Center. Henry “Chet” Holman was born March 8, 1918, at Prineville to Henry Chester and Agnes Frison Holman. Chet was raised by his foster mother, Ida Wilson, of Prineville and was a graduate of Crook County High School. He worked for various employers in Prineville … Read more

Green, Joseph Delo – Obituary

Mt. Vernon Joseph Delo Green of Mt. Vernon died November 4, 1962, at the age of 70 years. Final rites were conducted Wednesday, Nov. 7, at the Driskill Mortuary chapel at 2 p.m. with Elder Fred Wagner of the Seventh day Adventist church officiating. Joseph Delo Green was born August 21, 1892 in Long Creek, son of Marquis L. and Nancy Jane Green. He was one of 14 children, 12 of whom preceded him in death. When a young man he came to Mt. Vernon where he continued to make his home. He was united in marriage March 2, 1928 … Read more

Mable Carter – Obituary

Death Of Former Union Young Lady Mable, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Carter, a well known lady of a family who resided for many years in Union county, died at the home of her parents near Hood River Friday afternoon. Death was caused from fright following a runaway accident. Miss Carter was married a couple of years ago to Dr. E. D. Johnson, a prominent surgeon of Portland. She came up from Portland to Hood River to spend Christmas with her parents. On the way to the Carter farm, a mile and a half from town, the … Read more

Wood, Charles Douglas – Obituary

Baker City, Oregon Charles Douglas Wood, 59, of Odell and a former Baker City resident, died Feb. 10, 2004, at Providence Hood River Memorial hospital. His funeral was Feb. 14, at Anderson’s Tribute Center in Hood River. Doug was born on Oct. 2, 1944, in Baker City to Harold Jack Wood and Olive M. Boling Wood. He was raised in Baker City and graduated from Baker High School in 1963. In 1965 he married Rita Gordon. They had two children, Tracy Lockwood and Camille McCafferty, both of whom live in Las Vegas. In 1972 Doug was married to Catherine Clement. … Read more

Eccles, Richard David – Obituary

Richard David Eccles, 78, of Stockton, Calif., died Saturday, May 3, 2003, in a hospital. A memorial service was held in Stockton. Eccles was born Sept. 2, 1924, in Hood River and lived in Whitney and Prairie City where he attended the first grade. He lived in Stockton for 50 years. Eccles was a self-employed helicopter pilot for 40 years, and was a former president of Helicopter Association of American and Helicopter Association International. He served in the Naval Air Corps as a lieutenant and was a veteran of World War II and the Korean War. He is survived by … Read more

Shelton, Hal – Obituary

Hal Shelton, 84, 1001 Hull St., died Tuesday [February 1, 1983] at the Hood River Care Center. He was the past owner and operator of Hal’s men’s Wear, now Marv’s for Men. Funeral arrangements are pending at Anderson Funeral Home. Contributed by: Shelli Steedman

History of Hood River County, Oregon 1852-1982

Initially this database included family information from “History of Hood River County, Oregon 1852-1982.” Currently this database includes information from histories of Hood River County, Oregon; all individuals and families from the Hood River County portion of the 1860-1900 Wasco County, Oregon Census, and 1910-1930 Hood River County, Oregon Census, as well as the 1933, 1940 and part of the 1950 Hood River School census. In addition, available marriage, death records, and information from various other sources are included. A lot of the people in this database are living. To protect their privacy, the author has restricted their information to only … Read more

Bennett, Lois E. M. Shorts Mrs. – Obituary

Baker City, Baker County, Oregon Lois E. M. Shorts Bennett, 78, of Baker City, died Aug. 2, 2005, at St. Elizabeth Health Services on Aug. 2, 2005. Her graveside service will be at 11 a.m. Wednesday at Mount Hope Cemetery. Pastor Loyd Phillips will officiate. Visitations will until 7 o’clock tonight at Coles Funeral Home, 1950 Place St. Lois was born on June 28, 1927, at Gillette, Wyo., to Sylvan and Mary Hain Potts. The family moved to Oregon and made their home at Cascade Locks. She graduated from high school there and married Ed Shorts in 1944. They eventually … Read more