Allen Genealogy of Blue Hill, Maine

Amos Allen, born in Sedgwick, Oct. 3, 1772, married Joanna Herrick, of Sedgwick, Dec. 25, 1793, removed to Blue Hill in 1795, where he became owner of Carleton’s mills and of the land and buildings taken up and improved by the Carletons, He was a miller, farmer, ship owner, preacher and a representative to the Maine legislature in 1820-1-2-3, and in 1842, and a man of influence and force of character.

When elected to the legislature of 1842, it was generally supposed that he favored a bridge across the Falls, and all in favor of that object voted for his election. A petition was sent to the legislature for a charter to build the bridge, and requests to Mr. Allen to present the petition and advocate the measure.

The petition recited the convenience it would be to the people residing in that part of Sedgwick, now Brooklin, and on the Neck, with the miles travel it would shorten for those on the Neck desirous of traveling to Blue Hill village, either on foot or by carriage or team of any kind by land.

Great was the surprise felt by the friends of the measure and those who had made Mr. Allen’s nomination and election sure, to find him arrayed against the charter openly, and by a speech that set the legislators roaring with laughter by the ridicule he heaped upon the whole subject.

As reported in the Portland Advertiser of that date, which the writer of this article read at the time, he first said it would be a positive disadvantage to the ship-building interests of the Salt pond, which was great and promised to become greater, and would prove, if the charter were granted, a depression of values above said bridge. Then he turned his ridicule upon the interests of the petitioners upon the Neck, by saying, “they talk about the convenience it would be for those having carriages to drive to the village!” “Carriages”, said he, “carriages and teams! The only carriage upon Bluehill Neck is Jerry ‘s oxcart, and the only team his oxen.”

The petitioners were incensed against him for that treatment of their case, and he never after went to the legislature. He died Jan. 28, 1855, aged 84 years. His children were:

  1. Hepzibah Allen, born July 7, 1794; married Joseph Herrick, of Sedgwick.
  2. Amos Allen, born Dec. 27, 1796; died Feb. 14, 1802.
  3. Ebenezer Allen, born Nov. 28, 1799; died June 19, 1819.
  4. Herrick Allen, born Sept. 4, 1801; married Lydia Stover.
  5. Amos Allen, born Jan. 6, 1804; married Polly Walker, of Brooksville.
  6. Joanna Allen, born Dec. 16, 1805; married Seneca Parker.
  7. Joseph Allen, born August 24, 1808; married 1st, Hannah Dodge, 2nd, Harriet N. Parker.
  8. Hulda H. Allen, born April 22, 1812; married Robert Wood Hinckley.
  9. Harriet Allen, born March 12, 1816; married 1st, Joseph Cole, 2nd, John Allen.
  10. George Stevens Allen, born Sept. 14, 1818; married Mary S. Osgood.
  11. Daniel Barden Allen (adopted), born May 17, 1822; married Mary E. Allen, of Sedgwick.

Amos Allen lived in a large two-story house, built probably about the time he came from Sedgwick. After his death his son Amos lived in the homestead, and after him, his son David, making three generations to occupy it. Some ten or more years ago the old house took fire and was consumed. Upon its site another house has been erected, and is occupied by descendants of the first Allen at that place.

Joseph Allen, son of the first Amos, was married to Hannah Dodge, of Sedgwick, Dec. 25, 1834, and set up housekeeping about that time in the old Moses Carleton house, which he occupied for some years, then pulled it down and built upon the site the house now standing there. Hannah Dodge, his wife, died childless in, and in 1868 he married 2nd, Harriet N. Parker, by whom he had children. Mr. Allen died a few years ago.

Herrick Allen married Lydia Stover Jan 25, 1831, and it is supposed that he built his house about that time, which still stands the nearest to the mill stream. His children were:

  1. Caroline Augusta Allen, born Nov. 28, 1831; married R. G. W. Dodge.
  2. Frances Joan Parker Allen, born June 14, 1833.
  3. Augustine Melville Allen, born June 1 1835.
  4. Edward Wheelock Allen, born June 24, 1837.
  5. Ruby Maria Allen, born Sept. 3, 1839.
  6. Harriet Elizabeth Allen, born May 7, 1842; died April 29, 1847.
  7. Julia Maria Allen, born August 11, 1845; died July 14, 1863.
  8. Roscoe George Allen, born Dec. 22, 1847.

Herrick Allen, head of this family, died March 15, 1869.

The Allens owned all the land from the Sedgwick line to Long cove fronting upon the Salt pond, and stretching back therefrom some distance into the interior. They were good farmers as well as mill and lumbermen. Daniel B., the adopted son of Amos, Sr., built his house upon the eastern part of the land of his foster father previous to 1850, where he resided until his death. The house, barn and out-buildings are all gone at this writing. He married Mary E. Allen, of Sedgwick, daughter of Nathan and Nancy Parker Allen, March 28, 1848. Their children were as follows:

  1. Edith Hinckley Allen, born Sept. 14, 1848.
  2. Nancy Jane Allen, born Dec. 29, 1850.
  3. Lillia Adelaide Allen, born August 16, 1853.
  4. Nellie Maria Allen, born Nov. 2, 1855.
  5. Daniel Edwin Allen, born Feb. 2, 1862.
  6. David Benjamin Allen, born Sept. 22, 1866.

Amos Allen, Sr., and his wife Joanna, were members of the Blue Hill Congregational church, but in 1808 withdrew and joined the Baptists, and were original members of the latter church at its organization. He was licensed to preach, after which he was known as Elder Amos Allen. He preached for the Neck church and for the Baptist church at Brooksville.

In those days the elders and ministers were accustomed to take wine and spirits on great occasions, and at other times when they felt like it. It is related of Elder Allen that while engaged to preach at Brooksville, he arose on Sunday morning but not feeling well took a glass of rum on an empty stomach, which unfitted him to attend to his duties for that day. Later, being asked why he did not fill his engagement to preach on that Sunday, he frankly stated that the glass of rum overpowered him, and he thought it best to remain at home. The explanation was satisfactory to the church and all concerned.

Beyond Allen’s mills upon the main road stood a small house, in the boyhood days of the writer, occupied by a Mr. Closson and family. The house has been gone many years. Off the main road to the right was the home of Eliphalet Grindle and family, and another not far distant from Grindle ‘s was the house and home of a family by the name of Durgin.

The Allen neighborhood was isolated from the rest of the people of the town; it was a community by itself, well known to the writer seventy years ago.

Candage, R. A. F. Historical Sketches of Blue Hill, Maine. Ellsworth, Maine: Hancock County Publishing Company, Printers. 1905.

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