Cain Genealogy of Blue Hill, Maine

David Cain and family once lived here, but their family record is not found in the Blue Hill records.

John Cain, brother of David, born Dec. 28, 1814; married Deborah Friend, daughter of Daniel and Hannah (Bark) Friend, who had a large family of children as follows:

  1. Samuel Pearly Cain, born Dec, 4, 1845,
  2. John Warren Cain, born Oct. 28, 1847.
  3. Hannah Maria Cain, born May 18, 1849.
  4. Sabrina Cain, born Dec. 5, 1852,
  5. Martha Ellen Cain, born April 26, 1855.
  6. Harriet Ann Cain, born in 1857; died Sept. 1860.
  7. Newell Judson Cain, born Oct. 11, 1859.
  8. George Elmer Ellsworth Cain, born Oct. 1, 1861.
  9. David Willis Cain, born March 5, 1864.

This family removed from Long Island to Surry.

Samuel Cain Family Genealogy

Samuel Cain, a brother of John and David, once lived on Long Island. He was a ship-caulker by trade, and he married Hannah McIntire, by whom he had children:

  1. Herbert Cain, born April 16, 1844.
  2. Alice Cain, born Mar<;h 16, 1845.
  3. Arthur Cain, born August 5, 1846.
  4. Evelyn Cain, born Nov. 3, 1849.
  5. Daughter Cain, born April 23, 1855; died March 12, 1857.

Upon removing from Long Island, Samuel Cain settled at Blue Hill village.

Candage, R. A. F. Historical Sketches of Blue Hill, Maine. Ellsworth, Maine: Hancock County Publishing Company, Printers. 1905.

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