Biography of Austin, Stephen F.

It seems that on account of the long distance and slow transmission of mails in those days, that Stephen F. Austin, busy at New Orleans doing the work his father had entrusted to him, was not aware of the fatal illness and death of his father until some time after that sad event. Where the father, however, laid down the work the son took it up. The application of Moses Austin was approved by General Arredonda at Monterey on the 17th of January, 1821, a few days after the departure of Austin from San Antonio. This action of the Commanding … Read more

Land Titles Issued In Fort Bend County From 1824 To 1832.

Elijah Alleorn, one league, patented July 10th, 1824. Thomas Allsbury, two leagues, patented July 8th, 1824. William Andrews, one league, patented July 15th, 1824. William Andrews, one labor, patented July 15th, 1824. Wm. T. Austin, one league, patented April 25th, 1831. Charles Baird, one league, patented October 17th, 1832 Thomas Barnett, one league, patented July 10th, 1824. Wm. Barnett and Abner Harris, one league, patented June 4th, 1827. Miles M. Battle, one league, patented May 31st, 1827. James Beard, one league, patented August 10th, 1824. Charles A. Bettner, one-fourth league, patented November 20th, 1832. Gail Borden, Jr., one league, patented … Read more

Terry Rangers, Company D

Steven C. Ferrill, Captain, Bastrop County, promoted Major and Lieutenant Colonel, resigned in May, 1861, amd died in Fayette County November 14th, 1868. Charles Leroy Morgan, 1st Lieutenant, Bastrop County, resigned in September, 1861, came home and commanded a regiment in the Trans-Mississippi Department. J. W. Burdett, 2nd Lieutenant, Travis. County, resigned June, 1862, and died. W. R. Doak, 3rd Lieutenant, Burleson County, present. G. M. Decherd, 1st Lieutenant, Burleson County, elected 2nd Lieutenant April, 1862, and 1st Lieutenant and Adjutant General on Harrison’s staff. R. T. Hell, 2nd Sergeant, Bastrop County, captured twice and once wounded. J. Milam Duty, … Read more

Terry Rangers, Company E.

L. N. Rayburn, Captain, Gonzales County, wounded at Shiloh in 1862, promoted to Major and resigned. W. L. Poster, 1st Lieutenant, Gonzales County, resigned in September, 1861. A. T. Storey, 2nd Lieutenant, died of wounds received at Shiloh April 8th, 1862. P. H. Coe, 3rd Lieutenant, Gonzales County, resigned in September, 1861. M. A. Hunter, 1st Sergeant, Gonzales County, wounded at Danbridge, Tenn., September, 1864. C. C. Littlefield, 3rd Sergeant, Gonzales County, elected 2nd: Lieutenant and promoted, to 1st Lieutenant. C. E. Littlefield, 4th Sergeant, Gonzales County, wounded severely at Manchester, Tenn., September, 1862, and promoted tro 2nd Lieutenant. W. … Read more

Billy Bowlegs and His Raid on Dr. Braden’s Farm

“Billy Bowlegs” was a Seminole chief, and lived in the swamps and Everglades of Florida, and some might ask, what had, he to do with the history of Fort Bend County. Personally, nothing, but Fort Bend has an old Negro woman living at Old Arcola (Lucinda Lawson), who has some interesting reminiscences connected with the exploits of this famous chief. She belonged to Dr. Braden in Florida, who had a fine plantation not a great distance from the stronghold of Chief Bowlegs, who often made raids on the planters and carried off their stock, and even Negroes. United States troops … Read more

Biography of Levi P. Brown

LEVI P. BROWN. Especially worthy of note among the active and progressive men who have contributed so largely towards the development and advancement of the agricultural prosperity of Madison County is Levi P. Brown, a well-known farmer of Van Buren Township. A son of the late John G. Brown, he was born on the farm where he now resides, his birth having occurred on October 31, 1857. Born in Rush County, John G. Brown obtained the rudiments of his education in the public schools of his native district, and completed his studies in the rural schools of Madison County, Subsequently … Read more

Biography of Charles H. Allman

CHARLES H. ALLMAN. An enterprising and highly successful farmer of Van Buren Township, Charles Allman is a fine representative of the native-born citizens of Madison County, his birth having occurred, September 16, 1883, on a farm lying two miles west of his present place of residence, which is located four miles southeast of Summitville, His father, John Allman, for many years a prominent agriculturist of Madison County, was born and reared in Tipton County, Indiana, 1838. He married Leaner Perry, who bore him ten children, as follows Asbury, Phoebe J., Maggie, Edna, William, John, Cora, Lorenzo, Charles, and Myrtle. Brought … Read more

Terry Rangers, Company K

John G. Walker Captain, Harris, County, wounded at Woodsonville, Ky., in 1861, elected Lieutenant Colonel January, 1862, resigned in September, 1862, died September, 1869. A. W. Morris, 1st Lieutenant, Montgomery County, wounded at Woodsonville, KY., resigned and died. Henry Thomas, 2nd Lieutenant, Harris County, resigned January, 1862. S. P. Christian, 3rd Lieutenant, Harris County, elected Captain January, 1862, promoted to Major “July, 1863, Lieutenant Colonel in 1865, wounded at Farmington, Tenn. A. W. Hottle, 1st Sergeant, Montgomery County, promoted to Major and Quartermaster; died in Harris County. No other non-commissioned officers elected. Privates. J. D. Alexander, discharged at Bowling Green, … Read more

Biography of Allen Peters

ALLEN PETERS. One of the present County commissioners of Madison County, Mr. Peters is one of the most efficient and popular officials of the County, and the public business has never been entrusted to abler hands than to those of Mr. Peters, He was formerly a teacher and merchant in this County, where he has spent all his life and represents one of the oldest and most prominent families in the history of Madison. He had been connected more or less with political affairs for many years, and at the present time is engaged in farming in Boone Township. Allen … Read more

Biography of Bert Mann

BERT MANN. One of the young men of progressive enterprise whose energies are contributed to the Welfare of the community as well as to the accumulation of a goodly share of material prosperity for themselves, is Bert Mann, of Boone Township. Mr. Mann is owner and occupies a fine place of one hundred and forty acres, located about 61/2 miles west of Summitville. There he carries on the solid industry which in Indiana brings good crops, and a satisfying degree of prosperity, and is not only providing well for his family, but is regarded as one of the men of … Read more

Terry Rangers, Company A.

(Enlisted by Lieutenant J. W. Sparks.) Thomas Harrison, Captain, Waco, Texas, elected Major at the organization. Rufus Y. King, 1stLieutenant, Burleson County, elected Captain at organization, wounded at Shiloh and resigned. W. H. Jones, Falls County, Texas, elected Lieutenant at organization, wounded in East Tennessee, January 12th, 1864, retired. M. L. Gordon, Jr., 2nd Lieutenant, Bosque County, Texas, promoted 2nd Lieutenant, wounded at Shiloh, and subsequently Captain of Wharton’sscouts. T. C. Freeman, 1st Sergeant, Bell County, Texas, wounded gat Shiloh and discharged. Dan Neel, 2nd Sergeant. Rufus Beavers, 3rd Sergeant, Coryell County, wounded at Shiloh and discharged. G. Thompson, 4th … Read more

Biography of Newton Burke

NEWTON BURKE was born in Connersville, Fayette County, Indiana, and died in July, 1907, He was a contractor, a vocation he continued to follow during the best years of his life, A veteran of the Civil war, he participated actively in a number of important engagements, and was honorably discharged at the close of his term of enlistment, after which he took up his abode in Anderson and here plied his trade up to the close of his long and useful life, His widow, who survives him, still resides in Anderson, and is now in the sixty-second year of her … Read more

Biography of Joel M. Jones

JOEL M. JONES, In Boone Township, located on the rural delivery route No. 22 out of Alexandria, Mr. Jones is one of tee prosperous young farmers, and is engaged in the operation of one hundred and twenty-five acres in his home place and owns considerable other land in this Township, He started out without much capital, did hard work as his preparation for his successful career, and in later years has come into a plane of quiet prosperity and the esteem of his community. Joel M. Jones was born March 8, 1872, in Monroe Township of Madison County, His parents … Read more

Fort Bend County Texas Cemeteries

Hodges Bend Cemetery, Fort Bend County, Texas

A complete listing of all available online Fort Bend County Texas cemeteries, with links to multiple cemetery transcriptions, gravestone photos, tombstone photos, official records, etc.

Biography of Fields, W. I.

Who lived many years in Fort Bend County, and died there, and whose remains rest in her soil, was born in Jefferson County, Kentucky, March 2, 1834. In 1855 he went to Howard County, Indiana, and was made a Royal Arch Mason there in 1857. In 1858 Mr. Fields moved to Grayson County, Texas, arriving here in January, but first returned to Kentucky from Indiana before concluding to make Texas his home. During those days the Indians often raided Cook and Montague Counties, and Mr. Fields accompanied several expeditions against them, in which battles were fought of more or less … Read more

Biography of Joseph Chambers

JOSEPH CHAMBERS, The oldest living representative of one of the pioneer families of Madison County, Joseph Chambers, who lives retired at his home in Lafayette Township, has had many varied and interesting experiences during nearly seventy years of residence in this vicinity. His home is a fine farm of two hundred acres, about five miles northwest of the city of Anderson, Concerning the Chambers family and his early reminiscences in this County, Mr. Chambers has furnished some valuable data which in succeeding paragraphs will be incorporated for preservation in this work, A brief outline of facts concerning his life and … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Hodge, Robert

Mr. Hodge is now a resident of Richmond, Fort Bend County, and has been for nearly sixty-six years; was born on Galveston Island on the 18th of May 1836. His parents were colonists of Stephen F. Austin, and settled near Damon’s Mound. When the Mexicans came in 1836 the people around the mound fled before them, and took refuge at Galveston, except those who went with Houston’s army. This disagreeable flight caused the birthplace of Mr. Hodge to be on the famous island. After the battle of San Jacinto the family removed to Fort Bend County, and their descendants have … Read more

Biography of William Fountain

William Fountain

WILLIAM FOUNTAIN. In a history of the prominent and influential citizens of Madison County, William Fountain is eminently deserving of extended mention, for his well spent life, his agricultural ability, his loyalty to public duty and his fidelity in private life have all gained him a place among the leading residents of the community, Although he has passed the seventy-fifth milestone in life’s journey, an age when most men would consider it their privilege to retire from activities, he still continues to discharge the daily routine of duties and to show a commendable interest in all that affects his Township … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Darst, Abraham

Abraham Darst came to Texas in the early ’20 from St. Charles County, Missouri, and settled at Damon’s Mound. This famous mound is situated partly in Fort Bend County and partly in Brazoria, all of the league of Mr. Darst being in the latter county. He was married twice, the children of the first wife being Emery, John, Edmund and Patrick. By his last wife were Rosetta and Richard. Emery Darst married Miss Mary Ann Moore. She was born in St. Charles County, Mo., and died in 1902, in the eighty-third year of her age. Her people came to Texas … Read more

Terry Rangers, Company C

M. L. Evans, Captain, Gonzales: County, died of wounds at Perryville, Ky., October 18th, 1862; acting Major at the time. A. M. Shannon, 1st Lieutenant, Karnes County, promoted to Captain October 18th, 1862; afterwards commanded efficient scouts; promoted to Colonel, commanding special scouts and secret service February 8th, 1865. James M. Dunn, 2nd Lieutenant, Karnes County, resigned and died at Decatur, Alabama, February, 1863. J. W. Baylor, Jr., 2nd Lieutenant, Karnes County, promoted to 2nd Lieutenant, in 1863, now dead. B. F. Batchelor, 1st Sergeant, Gonzales County, promoted to 1st Lieutenant, and killed at Tome, Ga., October 13th, 1862. Daniel … Read more