Biography of Joseph M. Youncs

JOSEPH M. YOUNCS. – The proverb sayeth: “Time and chance happeneth to all men,” but surely it is to the faithful and enterprising ones who are able to discern these things and to take advantage of the opportunity that fortune puts once in the path of every man, that comes the emoluments of sagacity and thrift and honor from their fellows that is due to proper manifestation of sound principles and real merit of stanch integrity. It is but right to say that to the subject of this sketch belongs the distinction of having so ordered his life that he has won the respect and confidence of his fellows and his manipulation of the business affairs that have come to hand has resulted in giving him a goodly share of this world’s property as the result of his sagacity.

On May 1, 1846, Joseph M. was born to William and Julia Ann (Carl) Youncs, in Kentucky, and while he was still a child his parents removed to Bates county, Missouri, where they all remained until the breaking out of the Civil war. The elder Mr. Youncs was major of Hunter’s Regiment in the Confederate army, and the subject of this sketch did excellent military duty under his father whose regiment was part of the number that composed Price’s army. Our subject participated in many skirmishes and several battles among which was the one at Westport, Kansas, where his father received a mortal wound and died soon after. Until the end of the struggle, Mr. J.M. Youncs continued to champion the cause with which he had allied himself, and then laid down the arms of war and turned to the more quiet occupations of civil life. For a time he traveled over parts of Texas and New Mexico and then made his way to Sedalia, Missouri, remaining there for four years. Thence he went to Benton county. In 1880, he fitted teams and went over the trail that had been so well frequented before the advent of steam transportation. He ultimately landed in Union county and secured land near his present home, and then bought the place where he lives now, which is four miles northwest from North Powder. Here he has two hundred and eighty acres of good land that he has improved in a becoming and skillful manner. He has a good house and substantial barn, and in addition to the production of the fruits of the soil he raises some stock. Mr. Youncs is well respected in the community and counted a good business man, upright citizen, and faithful and kind neighbor.


An Illustrated history of Union and Wallowa Counties: with a brief outline of the early history of the state of Oregon. Western Historical Pub. Co., 1902.

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