Biography of Tiffin P. Logan

Tiffin P. Logan, land and loan agent, Mattoon; was born in Trimble Co., Ky., March 28, 1844; his father was a man of prominence, a cousin to President Harrison, and was honored by the Democratic party with a seat in the Kentucky Legislature during the sessions of 1844-45; in the spring of 1858, removed with his family to Illinois, and located in Windsor, Shelby Co.; here he occupied the office of Justice of the Peace eleven years in succession; here Tiffin P. began life for himself; he lived with his brother-in-law till he attained the age of 15 years; at … Read more

Biography of Jasper S. Martin

Jasper S. Martin is well known in financial circles of north-eastern Oklahoma as cashier of the Farmers State Bank of Vinita, with which he has been identified for the past nineteen years, and has promoted the success of the institution by systematic, progressive and conscientious work. He was born in St. Charles, Missouri, April 12, 1880, of the union of Rev. George M. and Hardenia (Tyler) Martin, also natives of that state, the former born in Saline County and the latter in St. Charles County. The father continued to engage in farming in Missouri until 1889, when he. came to … Read more

Biography of Henry C. Harring, D. C., PH. C.

Dr. Henry C. Harring, secretary and treasurer of the Missouri Chiropractic College and ‘a distinguished representative of his chosen profession, was born May 13, 1888, in Gasconade county, Missouri. His father, the late Henry W. Harring, was a native of Germany and came to America when a child of but four years o1 age, his parents settling in Gasconade county in 1840. There Henry W. Harring was reared and educated and after reaching adult age successfully engaged in farming and stock raising for many years. At the time of the Civil war he responded to the call of the Union … Read more

Biography of Hon. A. E. L. Gardner

Hon. A. E. L. Gardner, lawyer and lawmaker, representing the twenty-fifth senatorial district in the upper house of the general assembly, makes his home in Kirkwood but practices in Clayton and is also a representative of some of the more important corporations of St. Louis. He was born at Millersport, Ohio, December 4, 1867, and is a son of Thomas W. and Maria (Lindsey) Gardner, who were also natives of the Buckeye state. The father was engaged in mercantile business in Lancaster, Ohio, for many years and in 1879 came to Missouri, settling in Sedalia, where he engaged in merchandising … Read more

Biography of Robert E. McFarland

Robert E. McFarland, late incumbent of the responsible position of attorney general of Idaho, by his faithful and capable discharge of duty won the highest commendation. Thoroughly versed in the principles of jurisprudence, he was well fitted to handle the intricate problems which presented themselves for solution, and his success affords the best evidence of his capabilities. He is a native of Missouri, born in Independence, November 21, 1857. The family is of Scotch lineage, the first American ancestors having crossed the Atlantic in colonial days and actively participated in the events which form the history of that epoch. They … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Charles Taylor Burns

Charles Taylor Burns, member of the Muskogee bar, devoting his practice to civil law cases, was born in Smithville, Arkansas, August 20,1871, and is a son of John Henry and Elizabeth Frances (Thornburgh) Burns. The father devoted his life to merchandising and thus provided for the support of his family. Charles T. Burns, having completed a public school education, afterward pursued a business course in the Central Business College at Sedalia, Missouri, and later entered upon preparation for his professional career as a law student in the University of Arkansas. On the completion of the course he was admitted to … Read more

The Conner Family of Prairie du Rocher Illinois

Conner's General Merchandise Store, Prairie du Rocher

There are few citizens of American blood, native born in Randolph County, who date their birth back as far as does Mr. W. S. Conner, a resident of the southern part of Township five — eight. He was born within a quarter of a mile of his present residence, in the year of 1815. He was the son of Henry Conner, who was born in Maryland and moved to Kentucky when ten years old, about the year 1795. The Conner family is of Irish extraction. The name was formerly spelled “O’Connor,” in which form it will be easily recognized as … Read more

Biography of John F. Denton

Denton & Limbocker. More of the business of the town of South Mound in Neosho County, is handled through the firm of Denton & Limbocker than any other one commercial organization. They are grain dealers, merchants, farmers, bankers, and both partners also have an important part in public affairs, Mr. Denton being postmaster of South Mound, while Mr. Limbocker is a county commissioner. John F. Denton was born in Pulaski County, Missouri, September 9, 1878. His ancestors were Scotch-Irish people who were early settlers in Kentucky. His grandfather, Thomas Denton, was born in Kentucky, moved into Missouri, and died in … Read more

Biography of J. L. Raines

J. L. Raines.  The bankers of Kansas paid a significant honor to J. L. Raines in 1916 when they elected him president for the year of the Kansas State Bankers Association. Mr. Raines is a country banker, president of the Bank of Perry, and while most of his financial service had been rendered in connection with that institution his range of vision and judgment had not been confined by the limits of his experience. Mr. Raines took the lead in establishing and organizing the Bank of Perry in 1890, his principal associate being W. H. Huddleston, of Oskaloosa. It was … Read more

Biography of Nelson Bennett

NELSON BENNETT. – Though Toronto, Canada, must be accredited as the birthplace of the distinguished personage whose name heads this brief sketch of a most active, useful and busy life, yet were his parentage and ancestry thoroughly American. On the paternal side the Bennetts were natives of Virginia, three generations back; and his mother was of the ancient and time-honored family of the Spragues of Massachusetts and Rhode Island. He was born October 14,1843; and his father died when he was seven years of age, leaving a widow and six children. The family resided upon a farm; and Nelson was … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Mrs. William A. Lamon

(See Grant and Cordery)—Martha Evaline Clingan, born at Gibson Station Cherokee Nation, March 21, 1874, educated at the Female Seminary and Sedalia, Missouri, taught at Harrell Institute at Muskogee, and married at Gibson Station February 1, 1899 William Archibald, son of Robert A. and Melvina Lamon, born March 15, 1869 in Granada, Miss. They are the parents of: Mary F., born October 29, 1899; Melvina, born April 17, 1901; Catherine Wise, born October 27, 1902; Helen Martha, April 22, 1904; William Archibald, born February 4, 1910; Robert Edward, born February 4, 1912, and John Clingan Lamon, born May 3, 1913. … Read more

Biography of John H. Rice

John H. Rice had the distinction of having made his mark in two states of the Union of widely different tendencies–Georgia and Kansas. He was born in Greene County, Tennessee, November 14, 1825, and his father, a native of Virginia, was surveyor of the county, named for twenty-six consecutive terms. Mr. Rice commenced his higher education at Tusculum College, in his native county, of which his maternal uncle, Dr. Samuel W. Doak, was president. He was admitted to the bar in 1845 and, a few months afterward, opened an office at Cassville, Georgia. In 1855, in addition to conducting a … Read more

Biography of G. G. Wiechen

G. G. Wiechen, who came to Kansas over forty years ago, had found his best and most congenial activities in the line of grain merchandising. He is the leading grain merchant and elevator proprietor of Robinson, Kansas, where he had built up a large and successful business. Mr. Wiechen is a son of a veteran resident of Rush County, Kansas, J. H. Wiechen, who is still living, though past ninety years of age. J. H. Wiechen was born at Schweringen, Germany, in 1826. At the age of eighteen he came to America, living for a time in New York City … Read more

Slave Narrative of Mary Frances Webb

Location: McAlester, Oklahoma Age: 92 (deceased) Occupation: Field Hand Mary Frances Webb, grand daughter of Sarah Vest, aged 92, (deceased) McAlester, Okla. I’ve heard my grandmother tell a lot of her experiences during slavery. She remembered things well as she was a grown woman at the time of the war of the Rebellion. Her home was at Sedalia, Mo., and her owner was Baxter West, a prominent farmer and politician. He was very kind and good to his slaves. He provided them with plenty of food and good clothes. He would go to town and buy six or eight bolts … Read more

Biography of Frank L. Morse, M.D.

Dr. Frank L. Morse, a surgeon of St. Louis, was born in Savanna, Illinois, December 22, 1876, his parents being Charles and Amanda (Daniels) Morse. The father, a native of the state of New York, is descended from one of the families long represented in New York and previously in Massachusetts, a family of Dutch and English ancestry that was founded In America 1n colonial days. Charles Morse, removing westward, settled In Illinois in the early ’70s and in 1910 became a resident of Missouri. For many years he conducted a profitable lumber business but is now living retired. His … Read more

Biography of Joseph M. Youncs

JOSEPH M. YOUNCS. – The proverb sayeth: “Time and chance happeneth to all men,” but surely it is to the faithful and enterprising ones who are able to discern these things and to take advantage of the opportunity that fortune puts once in the path of every man, that comes the emoluments of sagacity and thrift and honor from their fellows that is due to proper manifestation of sound principles and real merit of stanch integrity. It is but right to say that to the subject of this sketch belongs the distinction of having so ordered his life that he … Read more

Biography of Harris Robert

Robert, Harris, proprietor of the Alamo Pharmacy of Muskogee, has been a lifelong resident of this section of the state, his birth having occurred in Muskogee county, about eight miles south of the city of Muskogee, on the 19th of December, 1882. He is a son of P. C. and Angeline (Davis) Harris, of whom mention is made elsewhere in this work in connection with the sketch of their son, Dr. James G. Harris. Robert Harris, spending his youthful days under the parental roof, pursued his education in the old time subscription schools of Muskogee county until he had mastered … Read more

Biography of Thomas Jonathan Wilson

Thomas Jonathan Wilson, the oldest in active pedagogical work of all teachers in San Bernardino County, is a native of Union County, Kentucky, and was born February 7, 1845. At the age of eleven years he moved with his parents to Sedalia, Missouri, in which State he was educated for the purpose of teaching. He taught two years in Texas, and at the instigation of his father, studied medicine, nearly completing the course, and did some practice, sufficient to satisfy himself that the duties of the school-room were more congenial to his taste than dealing out powders and pills. Meeting … Read more

Biography of James N. Dunbar, Hon.

Hon. James N. Dunbar. As lawyer, judge, farmer and stockraiser, Judge Dunbar has long been one of the prominent citizens of Cherokee County, and has taken an active and valuable part in local affairs. It was the confidence felt by the people in his judgment and integrity as well as his sterling reputation as a lawyer that brought about his election to the district bench, and his administration of that position has more than justified the expectations of those who supported him for the office. Though most of his life has been spent in this section of Kansas, Judge Dunbar … Read more

Missouri Cemetery Records McDonald to Phelps Counties

Missouri Cemetery records are listed by county then name of cemetery within the Missouri county. Most of these are complete indices at the time of transcription, however, in some cases we list the listing when it is only a partial listing. McDonald County Following Cemeteries hosted at McDonald  County, Missouri Tombstone Transcription Project Brush Creek Cemetery Roller Cemetery Mercer County Following cemeteries hosted at Mercer County MOGenWeb Hart Cemetery St Paul Cemetery Following cemeteries hosted at Grundy County MOGenWeb Brummitt Cemetery Half Rock Cemetery Old Union Cemetery Prairie Ridge Cemetery Union Cemetery White Oak Cemetery Following Cemeteries hosted at Mercer County, Missouri … Read more