Biography of John F. Bell

JOHN F. BELL, merchant of Elkton, Ky., is a son of J. W. Bell, and Sarah H. Bell (nee Browder). He was born February 11, 1851, at Bell’s Chapel in Todd County, where his father died September 2, 1884, John F. received the advantages of a common English education, in his native county, and in the Browder Institute of Logan County. In 1872, he came to Elkton and for one year was employed as a salesman in the business house of James Russell; he then effected a partnership with Mr. R. M. Russell in the grocery trade, which partnership was terminated in 1874, by the retiring of the latter, he having sold his interest to Mr. Bell, who continued in this line of trade until 1881, when he closed out his stock to engage in the dry goods business; he then, associated with B. E. Boone, opened their present line of business, in which they are very successful, both being young men of pronounced business ability. Mr. Bell was married in Elkton, November 26, 1879, to Miss Emma, daughter of H. G. Petrie. She was born in Elkton, August 25, 1855. Their children, two in number, are Mary Lucille, born September 19, 1880, and Hazel Bell, born November 21, 1882. Mr. Bell is a member of the Board of Trustees of Elkton, and both he and his wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. His father, John W. Bell, died September 2, 1884, at his home at Bell’s Chapel. He was a son of Rev. Caleb N. Bell, who was born in 1788, in Beaufort, N. C. Caleb Bell was for several years a traveling minister in the Methodist Church of Virginia, and for many years a local preacher in this State. He died in 1872; he was three times married; first, to Judith II. Moore; second, to Jane Browder, and last to Mary Greenfield. John W. Bell was born in Virginia in 1817, came to Kentucky with his parents in 1821, and to Todd County the following year. He was twice married; first in 1845, to Miss Sarah C., daughter of William and Sallie Browder, of Logan County; she was born in 1826, and died in 1855, John F. Bell being the youngest of their three children. Mr. Bell’s widow, to whom he was married in December, 1855, was Mrs. Mary F. (Reeves) Todd, by whom he had two children, Joseph J. and Mattie Bell. C. N. Bell’s portrait appears on another page.



Todd County KY,

Battle, J. H. Counties Of Todd And Christian, Kentucky. Historical And Biographical. F. A. Battey Publishing Co., Chicago And Louisville. 1884. At current time this manuscript consists of only the Todd County section and a few biographies from Christian County.

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