Biographical Sketch of Robert J. Foster

J. ROBERT FOSTER was born October 12, 1819, near Oak Grove, Christian Co., Ky., and while young removed with his parents to Todd County, Ky., where he grew to manhood and at present resides. His father, John Foster, was born January 8, 1785, in South Carolina, and died 1873. His wife, Elizabeth (Hill), was born 1781, and died in 1863. They were married in 1809, and the union was blessed with four sons and four daughters. The parents were both acceptable members of the Baptist Church. Subject was married September, 1840, to Maria, daughter of John and Mary Waugh, both … Read more

Biography of Hazel G. Petrie

HAZEL G. PETRIE, (some of the family spell the name Petree, others as above, which is the original and correct orthography), is a descendant of Peter Petrie, who was born in Scotland, of Scotch-Presbyterian parents. When in his seventh year, Peter attended a school taught by a Presbyterian minister, somewhat distinguished for his rigid enforcement of the rules. For some real or fancied infringement of the rules of the school, the Scotch schoolmaster chastised Peter, who fled for refuge to his mother, who, unfortunately for Peter, was of the same stern stock as the schoolmaster. She accordingly administered a second … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Dr. George A. Harrel

DR. GEORGE A. HARREL, Trenton, was born October 24, 1841, in Todd County, Ky., where he was reared and entered service as Lieu-tenant of Cavalry in the late war, where he remained eighteen months. His father, William C. Harrel, was a native of Nelson County, Ky., where he was born in 1812; removed to Todd County, 1820, and in 1872 migrated to Missouri, where he is still living; he is the son of Isaac, of Nelson County; Isaac was the son of Moses Harrel. Subject’s mother, Caroline C., daughter of Alexander and Mary (Frazer) McElwain, of this county, was born … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Asbury Stamper Reese

ASBURY STAMPER REESE was born December 16, 1829, in Shelby County, Ky.; removed with his parents to Todd County in 1833, where he grew to manhood and still retains his residence. His father, Rev. Thomas G. Reese, long a minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church, was born on the line dividing North Carolina and Georgia, in 1799, and died here in 1881. He was the son of James Reese, who died in this county in 1837. Subject’s mother, Susanna (Demaree), was born in Shelby County, Ky., and died in 1850. To her and husband were born: subject, Jane C. (Tyson), … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Robert D. Young

ROBERT D. YOUNG was born November 5, 1845, in Logan County, Ky., where he grew to manhood. He removed to Todd County in 1870, where he has since resided. His father, Robert H. Young, was born near Petersburg, Va., and died in 1874, aged sixty-one years. He was the son of John Young, a native of Virginia, who removed to Kentucky about 1832, where he died. Robert H.’s wife (subject’s mother) was Mary, daughter of Alexander McElwain, of Todd County. To her and husband were born: Charles T., William K., Alexander F., Robert D. and John W. On November 29, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Benjamin Downer

BENJAMIN DOWNER was born August 10, 1819, in Todd County, Ky., and has continued to reside here to the present time. He is the son of Benjamin Downer, Sr., a native of Spottsylvania County, Va., where he was born in 1782, and in 1809 removed to Todd County, then a part of Christian County, Ky., where he died in 1826. His wife, Elizabeth, daughter of John S. Slaughter (of Revolutionary fame), was born in Culpeper County, Va., in 1782, and died in Todd County, Ky., in 1862. From this union sprang Susan (Eddins), Frances (married first to Clark and afterward … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Davis Tandy

JOHN DAVIS TANDY. The subject of this sketch was born January 23, 1837, in Todd County, Ky., where he still retains his residence. His father, Nathaniel Mills Tandy, was born in 1810, in Christian County; he removed to Todd County, Ky., in 1834, where he died in 1881. He was the son of Mills Tandy, who was born in Virginia in 1780; moved to Barren County in 1808, where he remained six months; moved to Christian County in 1809, and died in Christian County, Ky., in 1861. His father was Henry Tandy, of Virginia. Subject’s mother, Mary E., daughter of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Alexander O. McLeod

ALEXANDER O. McLEOD, farmer, was born December 17, 1848, in Spottsylvania County, Va., where he grew to manhood, and removed to Todd County, Ky., in 1867, his present place of residence. His father, Richard A., of Virginia, died there in 1853. He was the son of Richard A., Sr., a Revolutionary soldier. Subject’s mother, Maria L., daughter of John T. Day, of Virginia, died 1853. To her and husband were born: Subject, Mary L. (Smith), James E. and Marion L. Subject received a good English education. He was married, June 13, 1880, to Miss Hattie E., daughter of Dr. W. … Read more

Biography of Col. E. G. Sebree

COL. E. G. SEBREE was born in what is now Trenton District, Todd Co., Ky., in 1817, ‘and is a son of Fendal J. and Martha C. (Garth) Sebree, natives of Albemarle County, Va., and of English and French descent. Prior to the war of 1812, the father was a resident of Richmond, Va. He subsequently took part in that conflict, being stationed for some time at Norfolk. Some time in 1813 he came West. He first went to St. Louis, where he was offered one-half of the present site of the city for a mere nominal sum. Not liking … Read more

Biography of K. L. Terry

K. L. TERRY was born December 29, 1841, in Muhlenburg County, Ky. William A. and Elizabeth (Hay) Terry were his parents. The father was a native of Virginia, the mother of North Carolina. The father was a farmer; his death occurred in 1844, aged twenty-four years. The mother is still living at the age of sixty-six years; the parents were members of the Baptist Church. These parents had two children, K. L. and William B. The latter is a druggist in Princeton, Ky. K. L. began for himself at the age of twenty-six. Previously he had assisted his mother on … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Edgar H. Morton

H. EDGAR MORTON was born on the place where he now resides, November 5, 1835, and has retained his residence here all his life. His father, George, was born in 1795, in Orange County, Va.; removed to Todd County, Ky., about 1832, where he died in 1882. He was the son of John, who was the son of Elijah Morton, of Scotch descent. Subject’s mother was Amanda, daughter of Henry and Elizabeth (Adams) Tandy, and to her and husband were born: Ann E., subject, Hulda F. (Tandy), and John G. Mr. Morton was favored with a good English education, is … Read more

Biography of R. D. Bellamy

R. D. BELLAMY was born in Lexington, Fayette Co., Ky., on December 14, 1818, and a son of John and Sarah (Johnson) Bellamy. The father was a native of Dinwiddie County, Va., and came to the State in 1810. In 1812 he was drafted into the war, but procuring a substitute he was excused. While a resident of that county he turned his attention to the carpenter’s trade. In 1819 he came to Todd County and turned his attention to farming. Soon after his arrival here he built a distillery near Daysville. This he ran for some time; he afterward … Read more

Biography Sketch of W. B. Shelton

W. B. SHELTON, by occupation a physician, was born in Todd County, Ky., October 20, 1843, and is a son of Crispin and Polly B. (Dodd) Shelton, both natives of Kentucky-the former of Scotch-Irish and the latter of Irish descent. Crispin Shelton was born August 3, 1807, and his wife was born in 1819. In youth he learned the carpenter’s and cooper’s trades and followed them in connection with farming, his principal occupation. He has held the office of Jailor of Todd County, and he and wife are devoted members of the Christian Church. W. B. Shelton was reared and … Read more

Biographical Sketch of N. E. Kay

N. E. KAY was born August 19, 1814, in Culpeper County, Va.; he is a son of Gabriel and Fannie (Wagner) Kay, parents both born in the same county and State. When an infant our subject was brought to Todd County with his parents; about two years later his father died; he was brought up on his mother’s farm, and at the age of eighteen he went to Nashville, where he secured a position in a wholesale grocery store; remained there ten years; he- then went to Arkansas, where he was en-gaged in merchandising two years, after which he returned … Read more

Public Buildings of Todd County, Kentucky

The general description of the first court house is contained in the order of the County Court quoted on a preceding page. Maj.. Gray undertook his part promptly, pushing it forward with great vigor. He made the brick on the public square, and completed it early in 1821. The finishing of the inside was delayed some time for lack of funds, and was not finally completed until September, 1822. The first story was devoted to the court, and the upper story to a large room which served the various purposes of jury room, Masonic lodge room, etc. The county officers … Read more

Biography of Romulus A. Lindsey

ROMULUS A. LINDSEY, a native of Todd County and an enter-prising farmer, was born September 1, 1839. He is the fourth of eleven children-four boys and seven girls-nine now living, born to John and Martha (Johnson) Lindsey,’ natives of Christian County, Ky., of Irish descent. Subject’s father is the on of Archibald and Jane (Meacham) Lindsey, son and daughter respectively of John Lindsey and John and Lucy (Brewer) Meacham. The Lindsey family first emigrated from South Carolina to Virginia, thence to Christian County, Ky., about the year 1805 or 1806, where they entered lands and endured the privations of a … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Vertner R. Johnson

VERTNER R. JOHNSON was born July 11, 1861, in Todd County; he is a son of J. H. and G. A. (Wims) Johnson. The parents were both born in this county. The mother was born on this farm; they are now residents of Allensville Precinct. Subject was raised on his father’s farm, where he remained till his marriage, which event occurred March 13, 1881, to Miss Nannie B. Pennington. She was born in Louisiana. This union has been blessed with two children-one son and one daughter. After marriage Mr. Johnson came to this farm, which he owns, consisting of 316 … Read more

Biography of W. H. Sarver

W. H. SARVER, son of Henry and Mary 0. (Rice) Sarver, was born in Sumner County, Tenn., near Gallatin, March 1, 1835. His father was a native of North Carolina and of German-Scotch descent. His mother was a native of Tennessee and of Scotch origin. His father was educated at the pioneer schools of his day. In early life, by his own natural abilities, he became a skillful millwright and followed this calling in connection with farming. During his life he owned several mills; at one time two mills, a carding machine and pottery, doing an extensive business. He was … Read more

Biographical Sketch of W. L. Kimbrough

W. L. KIMBROUGH was born September 18, 1824, in Todd County; he is a son of T. Winston and Susan (Graves) Kimbrough. The parents were born in Albemarle County, Va. The father came to Christian, now Todd, County in 1797; he first purchased a small quantity of land, and at the time of his death, which occurred in 1868, he had increased this to over 2,000 acres, largely improved. The mother died in 1844, aged forty-six. Our subject at the age of twenty-two commenced farming on land given him by his father; this business he has since followed. In 1850 … Read more

Biographical of W. W. Coleman

W. W. COLEMAN was born November 17, 1821, in Mecklenburg County, Va. He is a son of James B. and Sarah (Williams) Coleman. The father was born June 10, 1796, in the same county and State; he died December 10, 1883, in his eighty-eighth year, in Houston County, Tenn. The mother was born in Amelia County, Va.; she died in 1879, aged seventy-nine, in Montgomery County, Tenn. Our subject was raised on his father’s farm; about 1843 he came to Montgomery County, Tenn., where he remained till 1850, when he moved to Alabama and was engaged in merchandising till 1867. … Read more