BARNET McCOLPIN, farmer, was born October 22, 1820, in Todd County, Ky., and is the youngest of seven children born to John and Phebe (Franklin) McColpin, natives of South Carolina. Subject’s mother died October 22. 1820; his father about the year 1846. Subject’s early educational advantages were not good, though he learned to read and write; he lived on a farm with his uncle and aunt, Joseph and Nancy (Franklin) McColpin, natives of South Carolina, till he became of age, when he began life for himself. He was married in November, 1843, to Nancy Black, of Todd County, daughter of William and Margaret (Arm-strong) Black, by whom he had five children: William W., Martha H. (now Carpenter), Mary E. (now Rolston), Margaret Ann and Josephine L. Subject and wife were both members of the Baptist Church. Mrs. McColpin died in March, 1855, and in the fall of 1858 subject married Sarah Hill, of Todd County, daughter of John and Margaret (Gibbs) Hill, by whom he had four children: Nancy J., Sarah R., John D. and Fannie B. Mrs. McColpin is a 1k ember of the Baptist Church. Subject owns 206 acres of land in a fair state of cultivation, improved with a comfort-able residence and outbuildings. His only ally has been his wife. He has made all his property by careful management and perseverance; he has always enjoyed good health and bids fair to live many years in the community, where he is highly respected.
i have a picture of his clog home taken in the 60’s
Please send an image of it to and I will include it in the sketch!