Biography of Thomas Shirman Salathiel

Last Updated on May 1, 2021 by

Thomas Shirman Salathiel for twenty-two years had been in the practice of law at Independence, and is one of the ablest members of the profession in Southern Kansas. In that time he had handled a vast volume of litigation involving both private and public interests, and as a lawyer, business man and citizem had identified himself closely with the life and affairs of his home city.

A native Kansan, he represents a family that had lived here since territorial days. His grandfather, Morgan Salathiel, was a native of Wales and was a mineralogist and geologist. In the service of a syndicate that was acquiring coal lands in Peunsylvania and Ohio he came to America in 1832, and carried on an extensive series of investigations over the coal areas of those two states. He made permanent settlement in that section of Southern Ohio known as the Hanging Rock Iron Region, near the present City of Ironton, but later moved to Cincinnati, where he died about 1849.

John Salathiel, father of the Independence lawyer, was a Kansas pioneer. He was born in 1836 in Southern Ohio at the site of Ironton, spent his early life in that state, and in 1859 came out to Kansas and located in Douglas County near Lawrence. Subsequently he clerked in a store and finally engaged in business for himself. In 1862 he moved to a farm of eighty acres eight miles west of Lawrence, where the subject of this sketch was born. While living there he joined P. B. Plumb’s Company to assist in repelling the raid of Quantrill’s outlaws upon Lawrence. Later he volunteered in a company that went to the front to assist in repelling the threatened invasion of General Price in Eastern Kansas. As a pioneer Kansan he formed an acquaintance and strong friendship with the celebrated John Brown. In 1870 John Salathiel left his farm and moved to Montgomery County, Kansas, where he was one of the pioneer sottlers. He lived in Sycamore Township until 1880 and then came to Independence, where he was in the mercantile business until he died on December 9, 1915. His grocery store, located at 215 North Penn Avenue, is still conducted by his estate. Politically he was a republican. John Salathiel married Jemirns. Corel, who was born April 16, 1842, and is still living at Independence. Their children were: John, who was killed in a mine explosion in Colorado in 1896; Charles, who lives on the farm which he homesteaded near Oklahoma City; Margaret, wife of Fred Newcomb, of Independence; Thomas S., a lawyer; Henry M. and Walter, who operate their father’s store; Agnes, at home with her mother; and Mary, wife of Ross A. Eaton, an oil producer living at Independence.

Thomas Sherman Salathiel was born near the old Town of Clinton, west of Lawrence, Kansas, October 23, 1866, He was about four years of age when his father moved to Montgomery County, and he acquired his early education in the public schools here. In 1894 Mr. Salathiel graduated with the degree of LL. B. from the law department of the Kansas State University, and was admitted before the Supreme Court in the same year. Soon afterward he was admitted to practice in the United States courts, and since then had built up a reputation as a successful attorney both in civil and criminal practice, and had his offices at 109 1/2 North Penn Avenue. Mr. Salathiel had been fairly successful in business and had accumulated some property, including his residence at the corner of Eighth and Maple streets.

Mr. Salathiel is a member of the County, State and American Bar associations, is active in the Commercial Club, is a republican, had served for many years as a trustee of the Congregational Church, and is affiliated with Lodge No. 17, Ancient Order of United Workmen; Camp No. 649, Modern Woodmen of America; the Knights of the Maccabees; the Degree of Honor, and the Knights and Ladies of Security, all at Independence.

On July 22, 1896, at Independence, he married Miss Emma R. Wharton. Her father was the late Dr. R. T. Wharton, a physician and surgeon. Mr. and Mrs. Salathiel have two children: Frederick Funston, who was born in June, 1899, and is now a senior in the Montgomery County High School; and Leon S., born January 7, 1904, and in the grade schools.


Connelley, William E. A Standard History of Kansas and Kansans. Chicago : Lewis, 1918. 5v. Biographies can be accessed from this page: Kansas and Kansans Biographies.

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