Northwest Territorial War of 1812 – Indian Wars

Map of Northern Theatre of War of 1812

During the War of 1812 a series of battles took place in the Northwest between the British and American forces and their respective Indian allies. This series of battles helped determine the control over the Wabash Valley and along with the Naval victories secured the Northwest for the Americans.

Biography of Alexander C. Flack, M. D.

Alexander C. Flack, M. D. Thirty-one years of practice at Fredonia entitles Dr. Alexander C. Flack to recognition as the second oldest physician and surgeon of the city, whence he came in 1885 shortly after receiving his diploma. He had since been one of the reliable members of the medical fraternity here and a citizen who had done his share in aiding in the city’s progress and prosperity. Doctor Flack is a native of the Buckeye state, born at East Liberty, Logan County, Ohio, May 2, 1858, a son of Thomas H. and Agnes (Bell) Flack. Hugh Flack, the grandfather … Read more

Slave Narrative of Richard Toler

Interviewer: Ruth Thompson Person Interviewed: Richard Toler Location: Cincinnati, Ohio Place of Residence: 515 Poplar St., Cincinnati, Ohio Occupation: Blacksmith Ruth Thompson, Interviewing Graff, Editing Ex-Slave Interviews Hamilton Co., District 12 Cincinnati RICHARD TOLER 515 Poplar St., Cincinnati, O. “Ah never fit in de wah; no suh, ah couldn’t. Mah belly’s been broke! But ah sho’ did want to, and ah went up to be examined, but they didn’t receive me on account of mah broken stomach. But ah sho’ tried, ’cause ah wanted to be free. Ah didn’t like to be no slave. Dat wasn’t good times.” Richard Toler, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Banks Rogers

Rogers, William Banks; clergyman; born at Cincinnati, Dec. 7, 1857; son of Joseph Hill and Mary Rose (Mcllvain) Rogers; academic and collegiate course St. Xavier’s College, 1869-1875; St. Stanislaus Seminary, Normal, Florissant, Mo., 1875-1879, Woodstock College, Maryland, philosophy, science, 1879-1881; Louvain, Belgium, metaphysics, ethics, 1881-1882; Woodstock College, theology, 1887-1891; taught English and classics, St. Ignatius College, Chicago, 1882-1884; St. Xavier’s College, Cincinnati, 1884-1887; ordained Roman Catholic priest, 1890; perfect studies, St. Xavier’s College, Cincinnati, 1891-1892, Marquette College, Milwaukee, 1893-1895, St. Louis University, 1896-1898; pres. Marquette College, 1898-1900, St. Louis University, 1900-1908; resigned February, 1908, on account of ill health; in … Read more

Biography of Rev. ZeBarney Thorne Phillips, D. D.

Rev. ZeBarney Thorne Phillips, rector of St. Peter’s Episcopal church, St. Louis, was born in Springfield, Ohio, May 1, 1875. His father, ZeBarney Phillips, was born in Chautauqua county, New York, and at the time of the Civil war enlisted in the Union army, serving throughout the period of hostilities in the One Hundred and Twelfth New York Volunteer Infantry. He married Sallie Essex Sharp, a native of Cincinnati, Ohio, the wedding being celebrated in Springfield, Ohio, July 12, 1866. They became the parents of four children, all of whom survived the father, who passed away on the 24th of … Read more

Biography of Hon. John Catlin

HON. JOHN CATLIN. – Mr. Catlin is of New England and Scotch stock. His father, Seth Catlin, was born in Pittsfield, Massachusetts, and from there emigrated with his father and an only sister to the State of Illinois, about the year 1812. His mother came with her parents from Scotland to America when but twelve years of age; and her father, James Ridpath, settled with his family in Randolph county, Illinois, in 1818. His parents were married in the year 1831, and located on a farm at Turkey Hill, St. Clair county, Illinois, where their first child, John Catlin, the … Read more

Biography of William Y. Morgan, Hon.

Hon. William Y. Morgan is one of the men who have attained sufficiency of public distinction so that he might merely give his address as Kansas and every one would know the who’s who and who’s what about him. He was born in Cincinnati, Ohio, April 6, 1866, a son of W. A. and Minnie (Yoast) Morgan. His father served as an officer in the Twenty-third Kentucky Regiment in the Union army, and in 1871 brought his family to Kansas. For forty years he was editor of the Cottonwood Falls Leader and at the same time was prominent in public … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Parker

William Parker, deceased farmer; born in Staffordshire, England, 1802, where he engaged in farming until 1835, when he emigrated to America with his wife, landing in New York Feb. 2, of the same year, coming directly West; they located upon a farm four miles from Cincinnati, Ohio, where they followed farming until 1840, at which date they removed to Edgar Co., Ill., where they engaged in farming until 1855, when, on account of ill-health, Mr. Parker retired from active labor, and, selling his farm, removed to Oakland, Ill., where he lived until his death, which occurred in the fall of … Read more

The Brickey House of Prairie du Rocher Illinois

John Brickey

Nearly every town has an old house with an interesting story. Prairie du Rocher has several, one of which was the Brickey house. Unoccupied for many years, this large three-story, square-framed house with its wide porches, stained glass, shuttered windows, and mansard roof attracted the attention of the most casual visitor to the village. It stood among large trees of a generous plot of ground below the bluff, it silently proclaimed the hospitality that once was known there. The fine iron fence that enclosed the grounds emphasized its air of detachment.

Biography of Col. La Fayette Mosher

COL. LA FAYETTE MOSHER. – There is perhaps no resident of Oregon more widely known and generally respected than L.F. Mosher. He has held so many prominent positions, and is so well qualified to fill them, that it only seems a natural thing to see him in the senate, and as a justice of the supreme court. He was born in Benton County, Kentucky, September 1, 1824. So entirely did he bend his energies tot he gaining of an education, that at the age of nineteen years we find him a graduate of Woodward College, Cincinnati, where he carried off … Read more

Biography of Dr. George Kellogg

DR. GEORGE KELLOGG. – Dr. Kellogg was born in Canada, April 6, 1814, and was the son of Orrin and Margaret Kellogg, and brother of Captain Joseph Kellogg of Portland. He was on of the most bold and original men that our state ever possessed, having that rugged and even combative disposition which finds its delight in antagonizing powerful and customary institutions and methods. Yet his genius was not destructive. It was simply seeking an opportunity to do constructive work that made him ready to give and to take blows; and underneath the shelter of his rugged front grew the … Read more

Biography of Benjamin Harper

The subject of this sketch needs no introduction to the older generation of Rock Island County, the larger enterprises of which he was intimately associated with throughout the many years of his residence here. Benjamin Harper was born February 12, 1817, in the City of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and died April 3, 1887, in the City of Rock Island, Illinois. When about fourteen years of age his parents removed to Cincinnati, Ohio, where he served his apprenticeship to the wagon-maker’s trade, upon completion of which, that spirit of bold initiative and energy which characterized his whole after life, asserted itself in … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Webb C. Ball

Ball, Webb C.; jeweler; born in Knox Co., Ohio; married in 1879 to Miss Florence I. Young of Kenton, O.; issue one son and three daughters; at an early age apprenticed to a watch maker to learn the watch making and jewelers’ trade; came to Cleveland in Mch., 1879; for 5 yrs. had been business mgr. of the Dueber Watch Case Mnfg. Co., then located in Cincinnati; head of Railroad Time Inspection System as well as one of the leading merchants of Cleveland; the name Ball today stands for accuracy in construction of Railroad watches; in connection with Railroad inspection … Read more

Biography of William F. Herrington

The medical profession would seem to afford a better business training than any other of the learned professions. At least, of the lawyers and clergymen who turn their attention to the business very many of them fail. Very few physicians do, and in almost any community the successful physician develops, without apparent effort, into the successful man of affairs. One of the many medical men who are making noteworthy careers as businessmen is the gentleman whose name is the title of this article. Dr. William F. Herrington was born in Jefferson County, Missouri, September 12, 1861, a son of S. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of A. G. Pickett, M. D.

A. G. Pickett, M. D., physician and surgeon, Mattoon; was born in Kenton Co., Ky., in 1826; his early life was spent for the most part in school; he completed a full course in Woodward College, Cincinnati, at which he graduated in 1844; he then entered the Ohio Medical College, and completed the course in 1847; he began the practice of his profession in Ohio, where he remained one year; he then came West to Illinois, and located near Quincy, where he remained till 1861, when he entered the U. S. service as Surgeon of the 50th Regiment I. V. … Read more

Moravian Massacre at Gnadenbrutten

George Rogers Clark

In the early part of the year 1763 two Moravian missionaries, Post and Heckewelder, established a mission among the Tuscarawa Indians, and in a few years they had three nourishing missionary stations, viz: Shoenbrun, Gnadenbrutten and Salem, which were about five miles apart and fifty miles west of the present town of Steubenville, Ohio. During our Revolutionary War their position being midway between the hostile Indians (allies of the British) on the Sandusky River, and our frontier settlements, and therefore on the direct route of the war parties of both the British Indian allies and the frontier settlers, they were … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Wilson George Smith

Smith, Wilson George; composer, pianist; born, Elyria, Ohio, Aug. 19, 1855; son of George Troupe and Calista M. Smith; graduated Cleveland public schools; began musical education in Cincinnati, 1875, under Otto Singer; studied in Berlin, 1880-1882, under Kullak, Kiel, Scharwenka, Moszkowski and Oscar Ralf; married Mez Brett (artist and writer), of Ohio, April 16, 1883; since 1882, engaged as teacher of piano, voice and composition; also musical literateur, editor and critic, Cleveland Press, since 1902; held important official positions in Music Teachers’ National Ass’n; piano compositions (several hundred) include books of piano studies, transcriptions and editorial revisions of classic and … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Henry Taylor

Taylor, Henry; florist; born, England, March 16, 1852; son of Charles and Susan New Taylor; educated, West Fendred British National School; married, Wellsville, O., Feb. 8, 1877, Susan Coyle; issue, five children; at the age of 16, began working at plumbing; followed that until 1908; worked for some of the best firms in Cleveland, Cincinnati, O., and Lafayette, Ind., as a journeyman plumber; held responsible positions with good firms in all the abovenamed cities; 1908, started in the florist business.

Slave Narrative of Reverend Williams

Interviewer: Miriam Logan Person Interviewed: Rev. Williams Location: Lebanon, Ohio Place of Birth: Greenbriar County, West Virginia Date of Birth: 1859 Age: 76 Occupation: Methodist minister Miriam Logan Lebanon, Ohio July 8th Warren County, District 2 Story of REVEREND WILLIAMS, Aged 76, Colored Methodist Minister, Born Greenbriar County, West Virginia (Born 1859) “I was born on the estate of Miss Frances Cree, my mother’s mistress. She had set my grandmother Delilah free with her sixteen children, so my mother was free when I was born, but my father was not. “My father was butler to General Davis, nephew of Jefferson … Read more

Biography of Paul F. Mohr

PAUL F. MOHR. – Perhaps to no man is Spokane Falls under so deep a debt of gratitude for the early completion of the diverging lines of railroad, tapping the richest parts of the surrounding territory, as she is to Mr. Paul F. Mohr. To this gentleman’s persistent efforts, coupled with a thorough knowledge of his undertaking, is directly attributable the completion, in the year 1886, of the Spokane & Palouse and the Spokane & Idaho Railways, both of which roads will exert a powerful influence on the future of the city. Born in Cincinnati, Ohio, June 28, 1849, Mr. … Read more