Biography of Natt T. Wagner

Natt T. Wagner manager of the bond department of the First National Bank of St. Louis was born in Asheville, North Carolina, June 12, 1883. His father, J. A. Wagner, is a native of Tennessee, while the latter’s father was a native of Virginia. J. A. Wagner became an architect, devoting his active life to the profession, but is now living retired in Asheville, North Carolina. He has been very prominent in community affairs and during the Civil war served as a captain in the Federal army. He married Emma Brown, who was born in Greene county, Tennessee, and has passed away.

Natt T. Wagner is one of a family of nine children, all of whom have attained adult age and are living. He was a pupil in the public schools of Asheville, North Carolina, and in the Davidson College at Davidson, North Carolina, from which he was graduated in 1904 with the Bachelor of Science degree. He then entered the government service, being connected with the allotment of Indian lands in the Indian territory for two years. He then turned his attention to the contracting and bond business in Oklahoma and was thus engaged to the time when he assisted in the organization of a bank at Wichita Falls, Kansas, known as the National Bank of Commerce, of which he became the assistant cashier. He afterward engaged in the bond business in Texas and later was associated with Sweet, Causey, Foster & Company of Denver, Colorado, his time being thus passed until after America’s entrance into the World war. In 1918 he joined the army, becoming a first lieutenant in the Quartermasters’ Corps at Camp Meigs, in the District of Columbia, and also serving in Washington. He was thus active in the army until December 21, 1918, when he was discharged.

Mr. Wagner removed to St. Louis and became identified with the First National Bank, or rather with the old Third Bank, which was merged with the St. Louis Bank and the Mechanics American Bank, forming the First National Bank of St. Louis, of which he is now manager of the bond department. His previous experience in this connection well qualified him for the responsible duties that devolve upon him and he keeps thoroughly familiar with the bond market and all that has to do with his branch of the business.

In 1907 Mr. Wagner was married to Miss Marguerite Rees of Fayetteville, Arkansas, and they are the parents of a daughter, Mary Betty, who is in her second year. Mr. Wagner turns to golf for recreation. He belongs to the Bellerive Country Club, the Noonday Club and the University Club and is a member of Phi Kappa Alpha, a Greek letter fraternity of Davidson College. He is also a member of the Presbyterian church and his life has been actuated by high and honorable purposes. He has made a creditable success in his business affairs, advancing steadily along lines which indicate the constant expansion and development of his native powers.



Stevens, Walter B. Centennial History of Missouri (The Center State) One Hundred Years In The Union 1820-1921 Vol 6. St. Louis-Chicago: The S.J. Clarke Publishing Company. 1921.

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