Biography of Charles South

Last Updated on December 29, 2011 by

Charles South. The oil industry in the Mid-Continent field of Kansas had an able representative in the person of Charles South, of Chanute, who had been producing in this field since 1903. Like many of the men interested in the business here, Mr. South had his introduction to oil production in the Pennsylvania fields, and when he arrived in Kansas had a number of years of experience back of him to assist him in his enterprises.

Mr. South was born near the City of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, April 26, 1864, and is a son of John and Vilinda (Everly) South. He belongs to a family which traces its ancestry back to Cromwell’s time in England, when the family sided with King Charles, and which was founded in America during the days previous to the outbreak of the War of the American Revolution. Benjamin South, the great-grandfather of Charles South, was born in New Jersey, and went with his son Enoch to Greene County, Pennsylvania, where his death occurred. Enoch South, grandfather of Charles, was born in 1787, in New Jersey, subsequently became a pioneer of Western Pennsylvania, where he was an extensive land owner, and died in Greene County, that state, in 1863. The family had a fine Revolutionary record, the eight sons of the original emigrant (who was the great-great-great-grandfather of Charles South) having fought as soldiers of the Continental line, enlisting from the colony of New Jersey.

John South was born in 1822, in Greene County, Pennsylvania. He was reared to manhood and educated in Greene County, and like his father became an extensive landholder, also building up a large business as a raiser of and dealer in live stock. Through an industrious life, in which his business affairs were ably managed, he accumuated a handsome property. He died in his native county in 1902. Mr. South was prominent in democratic politics and civic affairs, and at one time served as county treasurer of Greene County. He came of Quaker stock, but never affiliated with any church. Mr. South married Miss Vilinda Everly, who was born in 1837, in Greene County, and passed her entire life there, dying in 1911. They became the parents of fourteen children. Those who grew to manhood and womanhood were as follows: Furman, who was a manufacturer and died at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, in January, 1914; Gilpin, who is a land owner and stock raiser of Greene County, Pennsylvania; Sarah, who is unmarried and resided at Waynesburg, Pennsylvania; Everly, who is a retired investor and lives at Bridgeport, Ohio; Charles, of this review; Taylor, who is an oil producer of Chanute, Kansas; Malinda, who is the wife of J. B. F. Rhinehart, a manufacturer of Waynesburg, Pennsylvania; Laura, who is the wife of Clarence Wilson, a merchant of Waynesburg; Retta, who is unmarried and resided at Waynesburg, Pennsylvania; and Dora, who died at Waynesburg, as the wife of Fred Kelsey, auditor for the Gulf Pipe Line Company, at Pittsburgh, Penusylvania.

Charles South received his education in the public schools of his native county and at Waynesburg College, which institution he left in 1884 to become connected with the oil business. His first experience was gained in the fields of Washington, Pennsylvania, following which he went to the Sisterville, West Virginia fields, and those of Kentucky. For a short time he gave up the oil business to engage in mining in the zinc fields of Joplin, Missouri, but in 1903 returned to the business when he came to Chanute. At this time Mr. South had extensive oil producing interests near Chanute, as well as other interests, and is considered one of the successful operators of the Mid-Contment field. He devotes his entire time to his business, and his only activity in politics is in the casting of his vote for the candidates of the democratic party. Mr. South is unmarried.



Connelley, William E. A Standard History of Kansas and Kansans. Chicago : Lewis, 1918. 5v. Biographies can be accessed from this page: Kansas and Kansans Biographies.

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