Biography of Samuel W. Dunlavy, M. D.

Samuel W. Dunlavy, M. D. Of the sons of the Hawkeye State who have gained professional eminence and success in Kansas, Dr. Samuel W. Dunlavy, of Cherryvale, is a representative of the medical fraternity. Coming to this city in 1908, he had built up an important and extensive practice, and through the display of a constantly-increasing ability had won the confidence of the public and the esteem of his fellow practitioners. Doctor Dunlavy is a worthy son of a distinguished father and was born at Stiles, Iowa, August 31, 1873, his parents being Dr. James and Letitia (Von Natison) Dunlavy. … Read more

Biography of Frank S. Howard

One of the alert and enterprising business men of Baron, Oklahoma, is Frank S. Howard, who was born near Wauhillau, now in Adair County on the 30th, of January 1873. His father Frank Howard, was born in Bridgeport, Connecticut, on the 26th of November, 1840, and removed to Indian Territory in 1868 founding the town of Baron. In 1870 he was united in marriage to Sallie Starr, a daughter of Noon and Delilah Starr, the Starr family being one of the oldest Cherokee families in this section of the country. To the union of Mr. and Mrs. Howard two children were … Read more

Biography of Julius Weiss

Julius Weiss. Recently the Topeka Daily Capital had an illustration on one of its pages showing a banquet table surrounded by a group of some of the best known and most prominent veteran business men of Topeka. Underneath was a text explaining the occasion. A part of this reads as follows: “Fifty years at the old stand, forty-seven years at the same number and still an active business man. That is something of a distinction. March 1, 1866, Julius Weiss, a young captain of calvary who had served all through the Civil war in an Illinois regiment, opened a grocery … Read more

Biography of Oliver W. Sparks

Oliver W. Sparks. In a greater degree than is true of most towns the City of Galena is the result of the enterprise of a comparatively small group of men. Oliver W. Sparks came along and discovered zinc and lead on the Schermerhorn farm. That marked the opening chapter in the industrial history of one of the most progressive mining towns of Southeastern Kansas. After his first strike Mr. Sparks opened up other mineral deposits on the Maston land, later on the Bunco farm, and now for many years he had been continuously operating in that vicinity. Today he is … Read more

Slave Narrative of Aunt Adeline

“I was born a slave about 1848, in Hickmon County, Tennessee,” said Aunt Adeline who lives as care taker in a house at 101 Rock Street, Fayetteville, Arkansas, which is owned by the Blakely-Hudgens estate. Aunt Adeline has been a slave and a servant in five generations of the Parks family. Her mother, Liza, with a group of five Negroes, was sold into slavery to John P.A. Parks, in Tennessee, about 1840. “When my mother’s master come to Arkansas about 1849, looking for a country residence, he bought what was known as the old Kidd place on the Old Wire … Read more

Biography of Roy L. Fruit

Roy L. Fruit, one of the progressive newspaper men of the state, is publisher and proprietor of the Sedan Times-Star, one of the oldest republican journals in the southeastern quarter of the state. The Times-Star inherits the history of half a dozen or more papers which have had their share in the newspaper history of Chautauqua County. The Chautauqua Journal was founded at Sedan in 1875 by H. B. Kelley and R. S. Turner. It was consolidated with the Sedan Times in 1885. The Cedarvale Times, founded in 1878, was removed to Sedan the same year and the name changed … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Charles L. McMasters

Charles L. McMasters, dealer in grain, coal and seeds, and a popular young man of Tuscola, was born on a farm three miles northwest of Tuscola, in Tuscola township, March 26, 1867, and is a son of S. L. and Hannah ( Maris) Maris)McMasters, who were natives of Parke County, Indiana. In 1869 his father sold, his farm and removed to Sand Springs, Kansas, where he followed farming and stock raising until his death in Mary, 1870, after which his mother, with three children, two sons and one daughter-Charles being the younger-removed to Winfield, Cowley County, Kansas, where she resided … Read more

Biography of Clark Nichols

Clark Nichols, attorney at law in Eufaula and a member of the State senate from McIntosh, Muskogee and Haskell counties, was born in Elk County, Kansas, on the 16th of November, 1880, a son of John A. and Mary C. (Conover) Nichols, both natives of Illinois. The father removed to Kansas at an early age and acquiring land in Elk County, farmed there until 1889, in which year he, removed to Joplin, Missouri. There he engaged in mining but in 1911 he disposed of his interests and came to Hanna, Oklahoma. He bought land near here, which he still operates. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Thomas Rogers

(See Grant and Downing)-Thomas Lewis, son of Thomas Lewis and Nancy C. (Martin) Rogers, was born near Pawhuska, September 2, 1885. He was educated in that city. He married in 1917 at Joplin, Missouri, Bessie Barrett. He is the father of Thomas Lewis, born July 28, 1911; and Nancy Rogers, born April 24, 1914. Mr. Rogers is a member of the Christian church, and a merchant at Pawhuska.

Biography of John Thomas Sims

John Thomas Sims, who many years ago secured prestige as one of the most forcible lawyers of the Kansas City, Kansas, bar and is now serving as judge of the Probate Court of Wyandotte County has had his share of the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune. His early life was one of hard and continuous work, often ill repaid, and again and again overtaken with calamity or disaster. He tried farming in the early days of Kansas, and various other occupations, and again and again when prosperity seemed to smile upon him he was put back at the beginning … Read more

Twaddell, Lula Stockham – Obituary

Mrs. Lula Addie Twaddell, 88, died at the home of her daughter 1603 W. Yakima, in Pasco (Washington) early Tuesday (Feb. 15, 1961). She was born in Joplin, MO Aug 31, 1872. At the age of four, she traveled across the Plains in a covered wagon and settled in Paradise, Oregon. Mrs. Twaddell came to Pasco two years ago from Steveston. B.C. where she had lived since 1948. Surviving are three daughters, Mrs. Dora Mae Moxley and Mrs. Ida Coleman, both of Pasco, and Mrs. Neomi (Charles) Avery, Bremerton, two sons William O. Twaddell of Steveston, BC, and James E. … Read more

Biography of David Wolff

DAVID WOLFF. In the whole range of commercial enterprise no interest is of more importance than that representing the sale of groceries. This fact is recognized and appreciated by all thoughtful and intelligent persons. In this connection we take pleasure in calling attention to a house which, though only established since 1883, has already proved itself to be indispensable to the locality. David Wolff is a native of the Buckeye State, born in Ross County January 2, 1852, and is a son of Jacob and Elizabeth Wolff, both of whom died in Ohio. This worthy couple were the parents of … Read more

Biography of Charles South

Charles South. The oil industry in the Mid-Continent field of Kansas had an able representative in the person of Charles South, of Chanute, who had been producing in this field since 1903. Like many of the men interested in the business here, Mr. South had his introduction to oil production in the Pennsylvania fields, and when he arrived in Kansas had a number of years of experience back of him to assist him in his enterprises. Mr. South was born near the City of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, April 26, 1864, and is a son of John and Vilinda (Everly) South. He … Read more

Biography of Carl E. Kayser

Carl E. Kayser, son of Carl F. and Lillian P. (Eble) Kayser, was born May 20, 1889, in Newark, New Jersey. His father was born in the Grand Duchy of Baden, Germany, and his mother was born in the state of New Jersey. His father came to the United States at the age of eighteen years and has been in the teaching profession ever since, being now professor of Germanic languages in Hunter College, New York city. Carl E. Kayser attended the public schools in Newark, New Jersey, and in New York City, and from 1905 to 1909 he attended … Read more

Biography of Carl F. Mayer

In the sudden demise of Carl F. Mayer, which occurred at Joplin, Missouri, on the 19th of September, 1921, when he was fifty years of age, Miami lost one of its most progressive, public-spirited and highly respected citizens and the government a trusted official whose entire active life had been spent in its service. The place which he left vacant will be a difficult one to fill, for broad experience had given him a comprehensive understanding of Indian affairs, and the service which he rendered was one of great value to the nation. He was born at Leavenworth, Kansas, August … Read more

Biography of William S. Norton

William S. Norton. Whatever their environment, men of true ability have the power to raise themselves above circumstances, and apparently handicaps and difficulties act only as a spur to increase effort and accomplishment. There are few Kansas whose careers better illustrate the truth of this assertion than that of William S. Norton, who is known so well in Cherokee County as a financier and business man. Mr. Norton could review by personal recollections practically every phase of life in Southwestern Missouri and Southeastern Kansas during the last half century. He was a Union soldier during the war and the keynote … Read more

Biography of Samuel Aaron Kenoyer

Samuel Aaron Kenoyer, a prominent real estate operator of Miami, has won a substantial, measure of success through the capable management of his business affairs and has also aided materially in improving and developing his city, being recognized as a most progressive and public-spirited citizen. He was born in Kentland, Newton county, Indiana, September 30, 1873, of the marriage of James and Nancy Jane Kenoyer, the former also born in that county, while the latter was likewise a native of the Hoosier state. For a time the father engaged in farming and he afterward turned his attention to the carpenter’s … Read more

Biography of Frank William Davis

Frank William Davis. One of the best known among the real estate and insurance men of Fort Scott, is Frank William Davis, who, still a young man, has already gained an enviable position in business circles. A peculiar and particular genius is necessary to the man who would acquire success in the real estate and insurance field. The business is identical with no other, and many men who have risen to prominence in other lines have scored naught but failures when they have entered this field. Mr. Davis, however, possesses the qualities of acumen, a pleasing personality and a knowledge … Read more

Biography of Andrew Calvin Sewell

Andrew Calvin Sewell, a younger brother of J. B. Sewell, was born in Overton County, Tennessee, May 30, 1856. He was fifteen when the family came across the country in a prairie schooner to Montgomery County, Kansas, and in the meantime had attended public schools in Tennessee. While living on the farm southwest of Independence he continued his education in the district schools and in the fall of 1876 became a teacher. Preparatory to beginning his work as a teacher he had attended a private school conducted by Professor Morrison of Radical City. In his home district, Harrisonville, he taught … Read more

Biography of Alfred H. Purdy

ALFRED H. PURDY. Among the enterprising and successful produce merchants of Billings, Missouri, Alfred H. Purdy holds a prominent position. He has been in business in this city since 1880, has developed a permanent patronage, and his house is one of the creditable monuments to the business circles of this place. He came originally from south Illinois, born December 28, 1857, to the union of Henry I. and Mary (Varnum) Purdy. Our subject passed his boyhood and youth in his native county, and in addition to a common-school education attended college at Carbondale, where he was thoroughly educated. For a … Read more