Biography of Arthur E. Mallory

Last Updated on June 9, 2011 by

Arthur E. Mallory is superintendent of city schools at Burrton, and is one of the highly educated men of the state, being a graduate of the Kansas University. Mr. Mallory had a thorough scientific training, and is competent to co-operate with every effort to raise the technical instruction standards of his home community.

Mr. Mallory was born near Le Loup in Franklin County, Kansas, April 5, 1886. His paternal ancestors came from Ireland to New York several generations ago and some of the family fought in the Revolutionary war. His father, William Mallory, is now living at Scott City, Kansas. Born in Illinois in 1856, William Mallory was brought to Kansas Territory in 1858, the Mallorys being among the early pioneers of this state. His grandfather, George R. Mallory, who was born in New York State in 1823, came to Kansas following his brother, John S. Mallory, who had previously located a homestead of 160 acres in Franklin County. George Mallory bought forty acres of this homestead and afterwards acquired a farm aggregating 120 acres, where he lived until he died in 1902. During the Civil war he was a Union soldier. George Mallory married Wilhelmina Boom, a native of New York State, who died in Franklin County, Kansas.

William Mallory grew up on the old Franklin County farm, was married there and was successfully engaged in farming until 1910, when he retired and, selling his farm, moved to Scott City, Kansas. He now owned 160 acres in Scott County. William Mallory is a republican and an active member and a steward in the Methodist Episcopal Church. He also belongs to the Fraternal Aid Union. He married Ethelda Estes, who was born in Franklin County, Kansas, in 1865. Their children are: Arthur E.; Etta May, who lives with her parents and is head of the dry goods department of the firm of Roark & Son of Scott City; Henry Elsworth, a railroad man living at Portland, Oregon; Alta Inez, wife of Lester Beebee, living on a ranch in Scott County; William Earl, who lives at home and teaches in the district schools of Scott County.

Arthur E. Mallory secured his first instruction in the rural schools of Franklin County and in 1908 graduated from the high school at Ottawa, the county seat. In the fall of the same year he entered Kansas University and took the regular classical course, graduating A. B. in 1912. The following year Mr. Mallory had a most valuable and interesting experience as field representative with the State Entymological Commission. Since then he had been active in the teaching profession and for two years was in the high school of Great Bend. Since the fail of 1915 he had been superintendent of schools at Burrton. He had a fine school, with an enrollment of 225 pupils and a staff of ten teachers.

Mr. Mallory is a republican, a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, belongs to the Kansas State and the Harvey County Teachers’ Association and is affiliated with Le Loup Camp No. 5730, Modern Woodmen of America. He is also a stockholder in the Wichita-Augusta Oil and Gas Company.

Mr. Mallory married in Brown County, Kansas, in 1913, Miss Lula Woodman, daughter of D. A. and Carrie (Sherman) Woodman, the latter now deceased. Her father is a retired farmer in Brown County. Mr. and Mrs. Mallory have one daughter, Esther Kathleen, born September 21, 1916.



Connelley, William E. A Standard History of Kansas and Kansans. Chicago : Lewis, 1918. 5v. Biographies can be accessed from this page: Kansas and Kansans Biographies.

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