Biography of William H. Chapman

Last Updated on June 12, 2011 by

WILLIAM H. CHAPMAN. – Upon entering this city and examining the business houses, one will not only note the handsome buildings devoted to the drug business of Allen & Chapman, but be deeply impressed with, and almost astonished at, the indications of the immense business of this firm, which speaks eloquently of the large and growing community with whom they do business, and proves the frequent assertions which one hears that they conduct the largest trade in heir line in Yakima county. We give a view of the interior of their store; and, to those who may think that North Yakima is a sort of an Indian trading post on the frontier, this will be a revelation, and speak more than many pages.

The junior member of this firm, who is the subject of this sketch, was born in New York City in 1855. His father, William Chapman, who now resides at Columbus, Washington, is of English birth, and is a clergyman of the Second Adventist denomination. He gave his children good advantages, and by reason of his pastoral labors in many localities greatly diversified their early lives, not only by changes of scene, but with the culture which comes from much observation. The years from 1865 to 1877 were spent in Iowa. In the latter year the family crossed the mountains by rail to Washington; and William H. went to Klikitat county in search of a location. Being pleased with Goldendale, he here made his home for five years, most of the time being druggist for B.F. Saylor. In 1884 he changed his location to Yakima, forming a partnership with H.H. Allen, who had now become his father-in-law. A year later, they moved to the new town, and in 1887 erected their present fine and commodious building.

It was in 1882 that Mr. Chapman was married to Miss Clara, the daughter of his present partner. Her death in 1888 was an irreparable loss to her husband, his one consolation being the daughter Hazel G. whom she left.

In a public capacity, Mr. Chapman has ever been able and faithful, having served three years as city councilman, and being master of the Yakima Masonic Lodge. He is a Republican.



History of the Pacific Northwest Oregon and Washington. 2 v. Portland, Oregon: North Pacific History Company. 1889.

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