Biography of Paul Carroll Schnoebelen, M.D.

Dr. Paul Carroll Schnoebelen, a prominent and most successful young representative of the medical profession in St. Louis, specializing in internal medicine and diagnosis, was born at Riverside, Iowa, on the 15th of January, 1890, a son of Sigsmund W. and Mary (Carroll) Schnoebelen. The father is a descendant of the merchant prince Weber of Holland, whose daughter and her husband, Dominie Everadus Bogardus, arrived in New York in the seventeenth century and built the original Trinity church of New York city, now at the head of Wall street. The mother is descended from John Carroll of Carrollton.

Paul C. Schnoebelen completed a course of study in St. Ambrose College of Davenport, Iowa, by graduation in 1910, while six years later the degree’ of M. D. was conferred upon him by the St. Louis University of St. Louis, Missouri. He acted as medical interne in St. John’s Hospital in 1916-17 and was resident physician there in 1917-18. In the latter year he became a member of the medical staff of St. John’s Hospital, while in 1920 he was made assistant in medicine at the St. Louis University School of Medicine and in the present year (1921) is serving as a member of the medical staff as well as chief of the department of radiology of the Jewish Hospital. In his practice he makes a specialty of internal medicine and diagnosis, in which connection he has already gained a most enviable and well merited reputation that insures his continued success and progress in the profession. While a college student he served as president of the junior class in medicine in 1914-15 and at the same time acted as editor-in-chief of Archive in connection with the publication known as the St. Louis University Year Book. He became a member of the St. Louis Medical Society and the Missouri State Medical Association in 1918, joined the Mississippi Valley Medical Association in 1920 and in 1917 obtained membership in the American Medical Association.

In politics Dr. Schnoebelen maintains a non-partisan attitude, considering the capability of a candidate as of more importance than his party affiliation. He Is a Catholic in religious faith, belongs to the Knights of Columbus and also has membership in the University Club and the Triple “A” Athletic Club. He is likewise past archon of the Phi Beta Pi, a national medical fraternity, holding that office in 1915-16. During the period of the World war he served as a member of the medical advisory board of St. Louis. He adheres to the highest professional ethics and standards and has achieved marked success for one of his years, being already recognized as one of the leading specialists of his adopted city.



Stevens, Walter B. Centennial History of Missouri (The Center State) One Hundred Years In The Union 1820-1921 Vol 6. St. Louis-Chicago: The S.J. Clarke Publishing Company. 1921.

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